Iowa DNR
River & Stream Biological Monitoring
Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys
Physical Habitat Assessments

Fish Program Statistics and Summary

Fish surveys are a critical component of the assessment process. The BioNet application also hosts data collected by other programs within the Iowa DNR that collected fish using the Bioassessment methods and protocols. These data are stored in the FishNet portion of BioNet. See also: FIBI, Iowa's EcoRegions, About the Bioassessment Program .

Total Fish Collected
Unique Fish Species
Total Surveys
FIBI Assessments

Top 5 Most Collected Fish

Species Total Catch
Central Stoneroller 139,744
Bluntnose Minnow 128,998
White Sucker 128,199
Creek Chub 127,874
Common Shiner 107,272

Top 5 Most Common Fish

Species % of all sites
Creek Chub 72.14%
White Sucker 63.07%
Johnny Darter 60.38%
Bigmouth Shiner 59.66%
Bluntnose Minnow 58.28%

BioNet Sessions

Methodology Sessions
Standard Wadeable 2008
Rapid Assessment 180
Fishkill Followup 74
Non-wadeable 53

FishNet Sessions

Methodology Sessions
Standard Wadeable 449
Game Fish Only 234
Fisheries Non-wadeable 147
Game Fish/Non-game Presence Only Survey 93
Stream Sample Date Score
Stream Sample Date Score