Iowa DNR
River & Stream Biological Monitoring
Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys
Physical Habitat Assessments

Turkey River Garber (REMAP #70)

Fish Session #2051

Sample Date
Reach Size
3280 ft
Standard Wadeable
Sample Quality
Last Update
3/7/2024 1:24:30 PM

Fish Health

# Non-DELTs


Backpack Shockers
Boat Shocker
Property Access Notice

This site is on privately-owned land. The DNR obtains permission from the landowner(s) prior to conducting any sampling surveys.

FIBI Score
Warm Water
Session Comments

Used a backpack shocker along a rocky shelf, targeting darters.

Collected Fish

Identity verification status for this species
Size Class: Typically only collected for sportfish
Taxa excluded from species count metrics.
Click on species name for more information about that species
Species Catch
Emerald Shiner
Latin: Notropis atherinoides
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Gizzard Shad
Latin: Dorosoma cepedianum
Family: Dorosomatidae
Tolerance: Tolerant
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Carmine Shiner
Latin: Notropis percobromus
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Golden Redhorse
Latin: Moxostoma erythrurum
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: True
Is Hybrid: False
Spotfin Shiner
Latin: Cyprinella spiloptera
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Rainbow Darter
Latin: Etheostoma caeruleum
Family: Percidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Shorthead Redhorse
Latin: Moxostoma macrolepidotum
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: True
Is Hybrid: False
Fantail Darter
Latin: Etheostoma flabellare
Family: Percidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Banded Darter
Latin: Etheostoma zonale
Family: Percidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Latin: Hiodon tergisus
Family: Hiodontidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Channel Shiner
Latin: Paranotropis wickliffi
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Tolerant
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Channel Catfish
Latin: Ictalurus punctatus
Family: Ictaluridae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Freshwater Drum
Latin: Aplodinotus grunniens
Family: Sciaenidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Johnny Darter
Latin: Etheostoma nigrum
Family: Percidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Common Carp
Latin: Cyprinus carpio
Family: Cyprinidae
Tolerance: Tolerant
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: True
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Quillback Carpsucker
Latin: Carpiodes cyprinus
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Smallmouth Bass
Latin: Micropterus dolomieu
Family: Centrarchidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Latin: Sander vitreus
Family: Percidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Central Stoneroller
Latin: Campostoma anomalum
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Herbivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Latin: Lepomis macrochirus
Family: Centrarchidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Bluntnose Minnow
Latin: Pimephales notatus
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Tolerant
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Sand Shiner
Latin: Miniellus stramineus
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Northern Hog Sucker
Latin: Hypentelium nigricans
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: True
Is Hybrid: False
Brassy Minnow
Latin: Hybognathus hankinsoni
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Herbivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Carpsucker spp.
Latin: Carpiodes spp.
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
6 [X]
White Sucker
Latin: Catostomus commersonii
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Largemouth Bass
Latin: Micropterus nigricans
Family: Centrarchidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Top Carnivore-LMB Exclusion
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Latin: Sander canadensis
Family: Percidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Mississippi Silvery Minnow
Latin: Hybognathus nuchalis
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Suckermouth Minnow
Latin: Phenacobius mirabilis
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: True
Is Hybrid: False
Highfin Carpsucker
Latin: Carpiodes velifer
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Redhorse spp.
Latin: Moxostoma spp.
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: N/A
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
3 [X]
Brook Silverside
Latin: Labidesthes sicculus
Family: Atherinopsidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Silver Chub
Latin: Macrhybopsis storeriana
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
River Shiner
Latin: Alburnops blennius
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Black Redhorse
Latin: Moxostoma duquesnei
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: True
Is Hybrid: False
River Carpsucker
Latin: Carpiodes carpio
Family: Catostomidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Rock Bass
Latin: Ambloplites rupestris
Family: Centrarchidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Flathead Catfish
Latin: Pylodictis olivaris
Family: Ictaluridae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Slenderhead Darter
Latin: Percina phoxocephala
Family: Percidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Common Shiner
Latin: Luxilus cornutus
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Insectivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Longnose Dace
Latin: Rhinichthys cataractae
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Shoal Chub
Latin: Macrhybopsis hyostoma
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Black Crappie
Latin: Pomoxis nigromaculatus
Family: Centrarchidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Latin: Noturus flavus
Family: Ictaluridae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
White Bass
Latin: Morone chrysops
Family: Moronidae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Top Carnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Shovelnose Sturgeon
Latin: Scaphirhynchus platorynchus
Family: Acipenseridae
Tolerance: Intermediate
Trophic: Benthic Invertivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Weed Shiner
Latin: Alburnops texanus
Family: Leuciscidae
Tolerance: Sensitive
Trophic: Omnivore
Is Exotic: False
Is LithoSpawner: False
Is Hybrid: False
Collection Notes
[X] = Excluded from species count metrics

FIBI Calculation Factors

Factor Value
Drainage area (mi2) 1553.1000
Log(DA) 3.1912
Total Fish 1036
Fish per 500 ft 158
Total Species 48
# Excluded Taxa 2
# Exotic Species 1
# LMB-BG 2
Calculation Last Updated 6/20/2024 10:24:13 AM

Fish Index of Biotic Integrity

Metric Name Value Score
Native Species 43 10
Sucker Species 8 10
Sensitive Species 11 9.17
Benthic Invertivore Species 16 10
Top 3 Abundance Percentage 44.5 8.62
Benthic Invertivore Percentage 30.02 4.94
Omnivore Percentage 15.54 8.51
Top Carnivore Percentage 5.31 4.61
Lithophilous Spawner Percentage 14.19 4.73
Tolerance Index 4.73 8.37
Adjusted Catch per Unit Effort 26.98 2.7
DELT Percentage Adjustment 0.1 0

FIBI Score Explained

Sites that score between 71 - 100 are considered excellent. Fish (excluding tolerant species) are fairly abundant or abundant. A high number of native species are present, including many long-lived, habitat specialist, and sensitive species. Sensitive fish species and species of intermediate pollution tolerance are numerically dominant. The three most abundant fish species typically comprise 50% or less of the total number of fish. Top carnivores are usually present in appropriate numbers and multiple life stages. Habitat specialists, such as benthic invertivore and simple lithophilous spawning fish are present at near optimal levels. Fish condition is good; typically less than 1% of total fish exhibit external anomalies associated with disease or stress.

This location has been classified as a survey site. Survey sites are compared to reference sites within the same ecoregion. A reference site represents natural stream qualities that are least disturbed by human activities within the watershed. Reference sites are grouped by ecoregion to establish a benchmark against which these survey streams are compared.

EcoRegion Comparison

Scores for a sampling session are compared against reference sites within the same ecoregion:

Paleozoic Plateau (Driftless Area)

This site is in the Paleozoic Plateau (Driftless Area) ecoregion.

Ecoregion Map
Max 91
75th Percentile 63
Median 53
25th Percentile 47
Min 9
This Session's Score 74
Total Reference Site Samples 104
Mean 55.05
Standard Deviation 15.72