Stonecat Noturus flavus
This species was found at 374 bioassessment sites, 10 rapid fish bioassessment sites, 66 fisheries assessment sites, and 3 fisheries presence-only assessment sites. In total, it was collected at 441 distinct sites, or 29% of the 1522 total sites monitored by the bioassessment program. It is the 16th most commonly collected species.
The Stonecat was collected in 808 bioassessment sampling sessions and 135 fisheries assessment sessions. It was present in 10 rapid bioassessment sessions and 3 presence-only sessions.
The biological assessment program has collected a total of 6,421 individual Stonecat specimens, ranking it the #39 most collected fish.
Body color is yellowish-green to olive above and light below. The premaxillary band of teeth, a pad-like band on the upper jaw, is U-shaped, and the chin barbels are yellow. There are usually 16 rays in the anal fin. This fish has been known to reach 12-inches long, but it rarely exceeds 6- to 8-inches. Most anglers can distinguish this species from the other catfishes, but some confuse them with the young of other species.
HUC12 watersheds where this species has been found