Nutting Creek Clermont (NuCr1)
Fish Session #1250
- Sample Date
- 9/13/2010
- Timeframe
- 1000-1245
- Reach Size
- 1190 ft
- Method
- Standard Wadeable
- Sample Quality
- Good
- Last Update
- 5/20/2011 10:24:57 AM
This site is on privately-owned land. The DNR obtains permission from the landowner(s) prior to conducting any sampling surveys.
Warm Water
No comments recorded.
Collected Fish
- Identity verification status for this species
- Size Class: Typically only collected for sportfish
- Taxa excluded from species count metrics.
- Click on species name for more information about that species
Species | Catch | |
Central Stoneroller
Latin: Campostoma anomalum
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Herbivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
914 | |
Bluntnose Minnow
Latin: Pimephales notatus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Tolerant Trophic: Omnivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
815 | |
White Sucker
Latin: Catostomus commersonii
Family: Catostomidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Omnivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
546 | |
Common Shiner
Latin: Luxilus cornutus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
407 | |
Johnny Darter
Latin: Etheostoma nigrum
Family: Percidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
281 | |
Bigmouth Shiner
Latin: Ericymba dorsalis
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Tolerant Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
245 | |
Creek Chub
Latin: Semotilus atromaculatus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Tolerant Trophic: Generalist Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
226 | |
Carmine Shiner
Latin: Notropis percobromus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
210 | |
Spotfin Shiner
Latin: Cyprinella spiloptera
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
111 | |
Longnose Dace
Latin: Rhinichthys cataractae
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
91 | |
Fantail Darter
Latin: Etheostoma flabellare
Family: Percidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
66 | |
Western Blacknose Dace
Latin: Rhinichthys obtusus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
65 | |
Sand Shiner
Latin: Miniellus stramineus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
59 | |
Largescale Stoneroller
Latin: Campostoma oligolepis
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Herbivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
58 | |
Banded Darter
Latin: Etheostoma zonale
Family: Percidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
36 | |
Rainbow Darter
Latin: Etheostoma caeruleum
Family: Percidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
26 | |
Hornyhead Chub
Latin: Nocomis biguttatus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
20 | |
Suckermouth Minnow
Latin: Phenacobius mirabilis
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: True Is Hybrid: False |
7 | |
Ozark Minnow
Latin: Miniellus nubilus
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Herbivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
4 | |
Southern Redbelly Dace
Latin: Chrosomus erythrogaster
Family: Leuciscidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Herbivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
2 | |
Northern Hog Sucker
Latin: Hypentelium nigricans
Family: Catostomidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: True Is Hybrid: False |
2 | |
Latin: Noturus flavus
Family: Ictaluridae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
2 | |
Blackside Darter
Latin: Percina maculata
Family: Percidae Tolerance: Sensitive Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
2 | |
Latin: Lepomis macrochirus
Family: Centrarchidae Tolerance: Intermediate Trophic: Insectivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
1 | |
Redhorse spp.
Latin: Moxostoma spp.
Family: Catostomidae Tolerance: N/A Trophic: Benthic Invertivore Is Exotic: False Is LithoSpawner: False Is Hybrid: False |
1 |
FIBI Calculation Factors
Factor | Value |
Drainage area (mi2) | 26.5890 |
Log(DA) | 1.4247 |
Total Fish | 4197 |
Fish per 500 ft | 1763 |
Total Species | 25 |
# Excluded Taxa | 0 |
# Exotic Species | 0 |
# LMB-BG | 1 |
Calculation Last Updated | 2/7/2025 2:34:09 PM |
Fish Index of Biotic Integrity
Metric Name | Value | Score |
Native Species | 24 | 10 |
Sucker Species | 3 | 6.46 |
Sensitive Species | 10 | 10 |
Benthic Invertivore Species | 10 | 10 |
Top 3 Abundance Percentage | 54.21 | 8.24 |
Benthic Invertivore Percentage | 12.25 | 3.61 |
Omnivore Percentage | 32.43 | 6.48 |
Top Carnivore Percentage | 0 | 0 |
Lithophilous Spawner Percentage | 0.21 | 0.12 |
Tolerance Index | 5.99 | 6.37 |
Adjusted Catch per Unit Effort | 244.54 | 10 |
DELT Percentage Adjustment | 0.05 | 0 |
FIBI Score Explained
Sites that score between 51 - 70 are considered good. Fish (excluding tolerant species) are fairly abundant to very abundant. If high numbers are present, intermediately tolerant species or tolerant species are usually dominant. A moderately high number of fish species belonging to several families are present. The three most abundant fish species typically comprise two-thirds or less of the total number of fish. Several long-lived species and benthic invertivore species are present. One or more sensitive species are usually present. Top carnivore species are usually present in low numbers and often one or more life stages are missing. Species that require silt-free, rock substrate for spawning or feeding are present in low proportion to the total number of fish. Fish condition is good; typically less than 1% of the total number of fish exhibits external anomalies associated with disease or stress.
This location has been classified as a survey site. Survey sites are compared to reference sites within the same ecoregion. A reference site represents natural stream qualities that are least disturbed by human activities within the watershed. Reference sites are grouped by ecoregion to establish a benchmark against which these survey streams are compared.
EcoRegion Comparison
Scores for a sampling session are compared against reference sites within the same ecoregion:
Paleozoic Plateau (Driftless Area)
This site is in the Paleozoic Plateau (Driftless Area) ecoregion.
Max | 91 |
75th Percentile | 63 |
Median | 54 |
25th Percentile | 47 |
Min | 9 |
This Session's Score | 65 |
Total Reference Site Samples | 112 |
Mean | 55.62 |
Standard Deviation | 15.98 |