Iowa DNR
River & Stream Biological Monitoring
Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys
Physical Habitat Assessments
BioNet Documentation


FishNet is the sampling program of the Iowa DNR Fisheries program. It is comprised of fish sampling sessions collected using the same protocols of the BioNet assessment program, with a few exceptions described below.

Fish Index of Biotic Integrity (FIBI) values are calculated only on sessions using the Standard Wadeable and Fisheries Non-Wadeable methods. These methods are the same as the BioAssessment methods, for which the FIBI metrics have been calibrated. The Iowa DNR Water Monitoring and Assessment section is in the process of refining the calibrations for non-wadeable streams.

FishNet also contains two new sample types- Game Fish Only and Game Fish/Non-game Presence Only.

  • Game Fish Only - catch counts and morphometrics are recorded only for game fish.
  • Game Fish/Non-game Presence Only - As above, but non-game fish are only recorded as "Present". No counts or morphometrics are recorded for non-game species.

This page was created 10/30/2015 8:12:12 AM