Iowa is home to almost 170 different species of fish, including some that are rare and difficult to find, some that are invasive, and some that are our favorite to catch! Search by name or keyword below, filter using the checkboxes, or explore the map. You may also want to check the latest fishing reports.
Stream | County | Location | Length in miles | |
Paint Creek | Allamakee |
Located in Yellow River State Forest, 3 miles west of Harpers Ferry off of State Forest Road or CR B25. |
11.00 |
Picnic Area Trails Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Smallmouth Bass Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Common Shiner Creek Chub Emerald shiner Fantail Darter Hornyhead chub Johnny darter Longnose dace Slimy Sculpin Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Wexford Creek | Allamakee |
Located 5 miles north of Harpers Ferry on the Great River Road or CR X52. |
1.40 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout
Yellow River | Allamakee |
Coldwater section begins below Livingood Springs and east of Old Stage Road flowing through Allamakee County and the Effigy Mounds National Monument where it empties into the Mississippi River. |
25.00 |
Picnic Area Restrooms Carry Down Boat Launch Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Smallmouth Bass Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Fathead Minnow Golden Redhorse Johnny darter Longnose dace Northern hog sucker White Sucker
Clear Creek (Lansing) | Allamakee |
Stream runs along Highway 9 through Lansing. Public angling access is at the County Park located off South Road Drive. |
2.00 |
Picnic Area Trails Restrooms Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Central Mudminnow Longnose dace White Sucker
Clear Creek (New Albin) | Allamakee |
Located on Clear Creek Wildlife Management Area, 4 miles east of Dorchester along Sleepy Hollow Drive. |
3.40 |
Camping Brown Trout Brook Trout Brook Stickleback Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
French Creek | Allamakee |
Located on French Creek Wildlife Management Area and private land 6 miles northeast of Waukon. |
5.60 |
Trails Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Brown Trout Brook Trout Brook Stickleback Slimy Sculpin
French Creek - West Branch | Allamakee |
Located on French Creek Wildlife Management Area 6 miles northeast of Waukon. |
0.40 |
Trails Camping Brown Trout Brook Trout Brook Stickleback Slimy Sculpin
Hickory Creek | Allamakee |
Located 1 mile southwest of Volney off of Hickory Creek Road. |
1.50 |
Rainbow Trout Brown Trout White Sucker
Little Paint | Allamakee |
Located in Yellow River State Forest, 3 miles west of Harpers Ferry just off of State Forest Road or CR B25. |
3.00 |
Accessible Pier Picnic Area Trails Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Trout Fantail Darter Slimy Sculpin
Patterson Creek | Allamakee |
Stream located 4 miles northwest of Waukon. |
1.40 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Stickleback Fathead Minnow Longnose dace White Sucker
Pine Creek | Allamakee |
Located on Pine Creek Wildlife Management Area, 2 miles northeast of Sattre on Balsam Road or CR W60. |
2.50 |
Trails Camping Brown Trout Brook Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Fantail Darter Johnny darter Longnose dace White Sucker
Waterloo Creek | Allamakee |
Streams runs through Dorchester along Waterloo Creek Drive and Highway 76. |
10.50 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout American Brook Lamprey Banded Darter Brook Stickleback Fantail Darter Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Lansing Wildlife Area Creek | Allamakee |
Stream is located in the Lansing Wildlife Management Area. |
1.68 |
Trails Brook Trout
Bear Creek | Allamakee |
From Waukon, take Hwy 76 north for 13 miles before turning west onto County Road A26 (Bear Creek Drive). Travel 2.5 miles and turn north on Washington Rd. Take Washington Rd north for about a mile before veering left onto Tahigwa Dr. |
0.75 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout White Sucker
Trib to French Creek - French Creek Road | Allamakee |
Located about 9 miles northeast of Waukon, just off French Creek Road. Tributary to French Creek. |
0.40 |
Brown Trout Brook Trout
Arner Branch | Allamakee |
From Dorchester, head east 0.6 mi on Dorchester Drive to the Waterloo Creek WMA. |
0.20 |
Brown Trout
Buck Creek | Clayton |
Located 3 miles northeast of Garnavillo. |
1.70 |
Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Burbot Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Hornyhead chub Longnose dace White Sucker
Sny Magill Creek | Clayton |
Located in the Sny Magill Wildlife Management Area, 3 miles southwest of McGregor along Keystone Road. |
5.00 |
Trails Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Accessible Shoreline Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Stickleback Bluntnose Minnow Burbot Common Shiner Creek Chub Fantail Darter Johnny darter Longnose dace White Sucker
Turkey River | Clayton |
Located 6 miles northwest of Elkader at Big Spring Hatchery. |
1.00 |
Picnic Area Trails Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Carry Down Boat Launch Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Bear Creek | Clayton |
Bixby State Preserve, 2 miles north of Edgewood just east of Fortune Road. |
0.50 |
Picnic Area Brown Trout
Bloody Run Creek | Clayton |
Located 2 miles west of Marquette off of Highway 18. |
6.50 |
Picnic Area Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Smallmouth Bass Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Hornyhead chub Longnose dace Slimy Sculpin Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Hewett and Ensign Creeks (Ensign Hollow) | Clayton |
Located on Ensign Hollow Wildlife Management Area about 5 miles north of Strawberry Point. Access is provided on the north side of 322nd street. |
1.30 |
Camping Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Creek Chub Fantail Darter Longnose dace Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Joy Springs | Clayton |
South on Alpha Ave, off Highway 3 about 3 miles west of Strawberry Point in Joy Springs County Park. |
0.80 |
Picnic Area Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout American Brook Lamprey Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Creek Chub Green Sunfish Johnny darter Longnose dace Northern hog sucker Rainbow Darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Maquoketa River (trout portion) | Clayton |
The Upper Maquoketa River from Joy Springs downstream to Backbone Lake contains trout year-round. The area 3 miles southwest of Strawberry Point off 400th is stocked with catchable fish. |
8.00 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout American Brook Lamprey Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Creek Chub Fathead Minnow Green Sunfish Johnny darter Longnose dace Northern hog sucker Rainbow Darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Mossy Glen | Clayton |
Located five miles northwest of Edgewood at the termination of the Level B portion of Eagle Ave. A small parking lot is on the opposite side of the farmstead with a 0.4 mile walk, then follow the grade B road to the lower end of the trout stream. |
0.50 |
Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Creek Chub Fantail Darter Johnny darter Longnose dace Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
North Cedar Creek | Clayton |
Located 3 miles west of McGregor off of CR B60 or Ivory Road. |
2.00 |
Trails Camping Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Trout Creek Chub Fantail Darter Fathead Minnow Longnose dace
South Cedar Creek | Clayton |
Located 2 miles south of Garnavillo and may be accessed from Jigsaw Road. |
0.50 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Fantail Darter Fathead Minnow Johnny darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Trib to Volga River - Emblem Road | Clayton |
Baileys Ford | Delaware |
3 miles southeast of Manchester - follow signage from Jefferson Road. |
0.60 |
Boat Access Accessible Pier Picnic Area Trails Accessible Facilities Playground Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Carry Down Boat Launch Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Banded Darter Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Bluntnose Minnow Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Green Sunfish Johnny darter Slimy Sculpin Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Fountain Springs | Delaware |
2.5 miles northeast of Greeley along Oak Road. Most of the fishery lies within Fountain Springs County Park |
2.30 |
Picnic Area Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Johnny darter Longnose dace White Sucker
Little Turkey River | Delaware |
3 miles east of Colesburg in Hoffman Wildlife Management Area off Hubbard Road |
1.20 |
Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Fathead Minnow Johnny darter Longnose dace Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Richmond Springs | Delaware |
3 miles south of Strawberry Point. Located entirely within Backbone State Park. Closest to north park gate access. |
1.40 |
Accessible Pier Picnic Area Trails Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Johnny darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Spring Branch | Delaware |
3 miles east-southeast of Manchester off 205th Avenue. Parking available near highway 20 overpass and Manchester Fish Hatchery |
2.20 |
Picnic Area Accessible Facilities Restrooms Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Trout Bluntnose Minnow Bigmouth Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Twin Bridges | Delaware |
Just south of Highway 3 about 5.5 miles west of Colesburg in Twin Bridges County Park. |
0.90 |
Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Ram Hollow | Delaware |
1.00 |
Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Creek Chub Fantail Darter Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Elk Creek | Delaware |
2.70 |
Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Rainbow Trout Brown Trout
Bankston Creek | Dubuque |
Just south of Park Hollow Road, 3 miles north of Bankston in Bankston County Park |
0.60 |
Picnic Area Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Fantail Darter Johnny darter Longnose dace White Sucker
Swiss Valley Creek | Dubuque |
Located 3 miles south of Dubuque in Swiss Valley Park just off Swiss Valley Road. |
3.25 |
Picnic Area Trails Accessible Facilities Playground Restrooms Camping Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Emerald shiner Fantail Darter Johnny darter Longnose dace Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Upper Swiss Valley Creek | Dubuque |
Located 3 miles south of Dubuque near Swiss Valley Nature Center, just off Swiss Valley Road |
2.10 |
Trails Accessible Facilities Restrooms Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Emerald shiner Fantail Darter Hornyhead chub Johnny darter Longnose dace Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
White Pine Hollow | Dubuque |
This fishery is located primarily within White Pine Hollow State preserve, about 2 miles northwest of Luxemburg. Access to this fishery is difficult. A small parking area is available on the east side of the preserve. Best fishing is on the west side. |
1.80 |
Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Central Stoneroller Fantail Darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Monastery Creek | Dubuque |
Monastery Creek can be accessed through the Dubuque County Swiss Valley Nature Preserve about 4 miles SW of Dubuque off of Swiss Valley Rd. |
0.20 |
Trails Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Johnny darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Hogan's Branch | Dubuque |
3.10 |
Brush Creek | Fayette |
Located in Brush Creek Canyon State Preserve, 1.5 miles north of Arlington off of CR C2W or 90th Street. |
1.60 |
Picnic Area Brown Trout Common Shiner Creek Chub
Glovers Creek | Fayette |
Access in Echo Valley State Park, about 3 miles southeast of West Union. |
0.80 |
Picnic Area Trails Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Grannis Creek | Fayette |
Located in Grannis Creek Wildlife Management Area, 3.5 miles southeast of Fayette off of Grannis Road. |
1.50 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Mink Creek | Fayette |
Located on private property 1.5 miles north of Wadena, access on Bighorn Road. |
0.90 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Bluegill Smallmouth Bass Blacknose Dace Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Johnny darter White Sucker
Otter Creek | Fayette |
Located 3 miles southeast of West Union. |
2.50 |
Picnic Area Trails Restrooms Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Bigmouth Shiner Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fathead Minnow Hornyhead chub Johnny darter Longnose dace Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Bear Creek | Fayette |
Located 6 miles southeast of Fayette off of Kornhill Road or CR C24. Access from 128th Street. |
1.20 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Smallmouth Bass American Brook Lamprey Banded Darter Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Emerald shiner Fantail Darter Golden Redhorse Green Sunfish Northern hog sucker Rock Bass Shorthead redhorse Stone Cat White Sucker
Dutton Springs Creek | Fayette |
Located 3 miles northeast of West Union in Dutton's Cave Park. |
0.27 |
Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Good/Excellent Shorefishing Brook Trout Brook Stickleback Slimy Sculpin
Bigalk Creek | Howard |
Located 7 miles northeast of Cresco. |
0.60 |
Accessible Pier Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fathead Minnow Longnose dace Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Chihak Creek | Howard |
Lower: Take Hwy 9 south from Cresco. Turn south on 345th Ave and travel about 2.4 mi to Cleghorn Wildlife Area. Upper: Travel south from Cresco on Willow Ave. Turn east on King's Road and travel to the Turkey River WMA. |
0.30 |
Brown Trout
Big Mill Creek | Jackson |
Located on Big Mill Wildlife Management Area, 4.5 miles west of Bellevue just south of Mill Creek Road. |
0.90 |
Camping Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Bluntnose Minnow Fantail Darter Green Sunfish Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Brush Creek | Jackson |
Located 3.5 miles north of Andrew just south of 200th street. Only this "upper" section of Brush Creek is stocked. The "lower" section of Brush Creek is no longer stocked with trout and is closed to public fishing. |
0.50 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Blacknose Dace Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Hornyhead chub Johnny darter Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Little Mill Creek | Jackson |
Located on Little Mill Wildlife Management Area and private property 2 miles west of Bellevue, with parking south off 216th street. |
0.70 |
Camping Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Central Stoneroller Fantail Darter Green Sunfish
South Fork Mill Creek | Jackson |
Located in Big Mill Wildlife Management Area between Bellevue-Cascade Road and Mill Creek road about 4 miles west of Bellevue. |
1.10 |
Camping Brown Trout Green Sunfish Slimy Sculpin
Mill Creek | Jackson |
Felderman Park, City of Bellevue |
0.30 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout White Sucker
McLoud Run | Linn |
Along the east side of I-380 in central Cedar Rapids |
2.50 |
Picnic Area Trails Playground Restrooms Accessible Shoreline Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Green Sunfish White Sucker
Spring Creek | Mitchell |
Located on the west edge of Orchard. |
0.80 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Emerald shiner Fantail Darter Golden Redhorse Rainbow Darter White Sucker
Turtle Creek | Mitchell |
Located about 1/2 mile north of St. Ansgar off of Highway 218. |
2.20 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Accessible Shoreline Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Creek Chub Fantail Darter Johnny darter White Sucker
Wapsi River Trout Section | Mitchell |
Located 0.5 mile west of McIntire. |
2.50 |
Trails Camping Rainbow Trout Brown Trout American Brook Lamprey Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Black Bullhead Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Fathead Minnow Green Sunfish Hornyhead chub Johnny darter Orangespotted sunfish Southern Redbelly Dace Stone Cat White Sucker
Bohemian Creek | Winneshiek |
Located about 1.5 miles east of Protivin. |
0.30 |
Picnic Area Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Fantail Darter Fathead Minnow Johnny darter Longnose dace Rainbow Darter Rock Bass Southern Redbelly Dace White Sucker
Casey Springs | Winneshiek |
Take Pole Line Road 2.2 miles west from Hwy 52. Turn north on Bluffton Road for 2.3 miles to Sindelar Wildlife Access. |
0.50 |
Trails Brown Trout Brook Trout
Coldwater Creek | Winneshiek |
Located 3 miles northwest of Bluffton off of Coldwater Creek Road. |
4.00 |
Trails Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Creek Chub Longnose dace White Sucker
Coon Creek | Winneshiek |
Located in Coon Creek Wildlife Management Area, 7 miles northeast of Decorah. |
2.60 |
Trails Camping Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Bluntnose Minnow Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Johnny darter Longnose dace Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Dunning Spring | Winneshiek |
Located in Dunnings Spring Park on the north side of Decorah off Ice Cave Road. |
0.20 |
Picnic Area Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Slimy Sculpin
Middle Bear Creek | Winneshiek |
Stream located 7 miles northeast of Highlandville. |
1.30 |
Brown Trout Brook Trout Slimy Sculpin
North Bear Creek | Winneshiek |
Located 2.5 miles northeast of Highlandville. |
6.00 |
Trails Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Brook Stickleback Fantail Darter Johnny darter Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
North Canoe Creek | Winneshiek |
Stream located about 7.5 miles north of Decorah. Take Locust Road 5.6 miles north and turn west onto Canoe Valley Road for 1.3 miles. |
0.60 |
Brown Trout
South Bear Creek | Winneshiek |
Located at Highlandville. |
5.20 |
Trails Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Blacknose Dace Brook Stickleback Fantail Darter Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
South Pine Creek | Winneshiek |
Located 1.5 miles southeast of Sattre. Angler parking provided along Spring Creek Road. |
1.30 |
Trails Camping Brown Trout Brook Trout
Ten Mile Creek | Winneshiek |
Located 2 miles northwest of Decorah. |
0.20 |
Brown Trout
Trout River | Winneshiek |
Located 5 miles southeast of Decorah off of 133rd Avenue. |
5.00 |
Trails Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Creek Chub Slimy Sculpin
Trout Run (Winneshiek) | Winneshiek |
Located on the south side of Decorah off Trout Run Road. |
2.20 |
Picnic Area Trails Accessible Facilities Restrooms Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Banded Darter Common Shiner Central Stoneroller Creek Chub Golden Redhorse Longnose dace Northern hog sucker Rainbow Darter Shorthead redhorse Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
Twin Springs | Winneshiek |
Located on the west side of Decorah in Twin Springs City Park. |
0.50 |
Picnic Area Trails Playground Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Slimy Sculpin White Sucker
West Canoe Creek | Winneshiek |
About 5.5 miles north of Decorah off CR W34, 320th Street, and Fox Hollow Road. |
3.00 |
Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout Brown Trout
Pine Spring Creek | Winneshiek |
6.5 miles north of Decorah. Take Hwy 52 north and then North Winn Road (W34) north to Seed Savers' Exchange. |
2.00 |
Picnic Area Trails Good/Excellent Shorefishing Brown Trout Brook Trout
Canoe Creek | Winneshiek |
14.5 miles northeast of Decorah on Ferris Mills Road. |
1.80 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Rainbow Trout Brown Trout Smallmouth Bass
Falcon Spring | Winneshiek |
Take Pole Line Road about 6 miles west from Decorah to the Falcon Spring Wildlife Management Area. Visitors must hike approximately 1.25 miles to reach the spring run. |
0.20 |
Trails Brook Trout