Iowa DNR
River & Stream Biological Monitoring
Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys
Physical Habitat Assessments

White Pine Hollow Creek Luxemburg

Analysis Summary for Series #1363

Benthic Macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity (BMIBI)

Metric Name Value Score
MH Sensitive Taxa 5 5.56
SH Dom FFG % 77.74 2.78
MH Total CW Taxa 2 3.94
MH Tricop No Hydrop 4 6.19
MH Tolerant % 12.9 8.27
SH CW % 0.99 0.27
SH Hydropsyche % 0.62 9.58
SH Hydropsychinae % 11.92 8.2
BTI 6.34 1.66
*Mouse-over metric for full name
**Final IBI is sum of scores multiplied by 1.1111

Analysis Factors

Factor Value
BMIBI Type Cold Water
Sample Date 7/23/2012
Sampling Series Series #1363
Drainage Area (mi2) 6.093
Log(DA) 0
Calculation Last Updated 4/19/2022 2:38:56 PM
Sampling Gear Hess
Cold Water
Not Assigned

BMIBI Score Explained

This site was analyzed using the BMIBI-Cold Water assessment methodology.

A detailed analysis of the IBI score has not yet been determined for coldwater IBI metrics.

This location has been classified as a survey site. Survey sites are compared to reference sites within the same ecoregion. A reference site represents natural stream qualities that are least disturbed by human activities within the watershed. Reference sites are grouped by ecoregion to establish a benchmark against which these survey streams are compared.

EcoRegion Comparison

Scores for a sampling session are compared against reference sites within the same ecoregion:

Paleozoic Plateau (Driftless Area)

This site is in the Paleozoic Plateau (Driftless Area) ecoregion.

Ecoregion Map
Max 92
75th Percentile 77
Median 69
25th Percentile 60
Min 42
This Session's Score 52
Total Reference Site Samples 105
Mean 68.12
Standard Deviation 12.1