PUBLIC VIEWER HELP Page for INAI Web GIS Application

As an INAI application user, you have a couple of options for using the Web-based help documentation. You can view the help links below in HTML or PDF format. The HTML format is the best option for quick viewing and reading of help. The PDF format is the best option for downloading, saving, and printing of help documents. To view the PDF help, you will need to download Adobe Reader software.

You also have the option of selecting the Video Tutorial link to play a digital video (.avi) on instructions for performing INAI queries. The 2 available videos are around 2 minutes in length. Your computer may require special software to display the video files. If the video tutorial shows up as a black screen on your web page after selecting the Video Tutorial link(s) below, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link that reads "Download the TechSmith Screen Capture Codec". In the website that appears, click the Download button. It should only take a few seconds, and your video tutorial should be working. If you still experience problems running the video file talk to your IT support person (if applicable), or just use the HTML or PDF help documentation provided in the links below.

In this website, you will be able to query the Iowa Department of Natural Resources INAI Database to return data based on input from you. The queries are designed to return a Web page that is in report-like form, so that it is able to print directly from your browser, using the File-Print option in the menu. All reports should be printed to the default letter-size (8.5" by 11") paper with portrait orientation.

There are 2 different queries. The first will get state-wide data for a listed species. In this query, you can get all the information contained in the INAI Database on a particular listed species. A listed species is defined as a plant or animal on the state and/or federal list of Threatened (T), Endangered (E), or Special Concern (S) species. The second query will get all of the listed species in a county. As a user, it might be important to look at all the listed species in the INAI Database that are present in a particular county. Select a link below to get help on a specific query:

Get State-Wide Data for a Listed SpeciesHTMLPDFVideo Tutorial
Get Listed Species In a CountyHTMLPDFVideo Tutorial