Fish Iowa - Fish Species - Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass)

image of Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass)


Like most hybrids, this fish has features of both parents. It has the deep, flat body, small head and the distinct back arch of White Bass; yet it has the dark gray or blue-silvery body coloration and thick dark longitudinal body stripes of the Ocean Striped Bass. Although the hybrid closely looks like White Bass and Striped Bass, it differs slightly in several features. Two distinctive tooth patches are near the middle of the tongue. The first stripe below the lateral line is distinct and complete to the tail. Positive identification of Hybrid Striped Bass is easier when viewed alongside purebred parent fish. There are obvious external differences, but these are not so obvious when viewed alone. From observations in other localities, this fish seldom exceeds 10-pounds when fully grown.


Gizzard shad, silversides, sunfish, insects, and crustaceans

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Hybrid Striped Bass were historically released at two locations in Iowa. The original stocking in 1981 into Saylorville Reservoir, was followed each year with stockings of additional sac-fry. Fingerling sized Hybrid Striped Bass were released into Pool 14 of the Mississippi River in 1984, and stocking continues each autumn.  Hybrid Striped Bass have subsequently been stocked into numerous constructed lakes, reservoirs and surface mines throughout Iowa. Abundance of the hybrid depends on the release of hatchery-propagated fish.

Knowledge about Hybrid Striped Bass in Iowa is limited since this is a new fish to the region and its life limits remain under investigation. Hybridization of the parent stock is successful only in the most controlled hatchery conditions. Natural hybridization of female Ocean Striped Bass and the White Bass or the reciprocal cross is almost impossible since the two species rarely are in the same water. In Iowa, Striped Bass are absent from our waters. Hybrid Bass are nearly always monogenetic, which makes secondary hybridization with either parent species almost impossible. Some mature female hybrids have been collected in the southern United States. Like White Bass, eggs of the hybrid are small compared with Striped Bass. Spawning activity of hybrids has been seen with White Bass in one southern location, but no natural reproduction was found.

Hybrid Striped Bass grow fast in Iowa, but like White Bass, they are fairly short-lived. Three years after the first stocking of sac-fry in Saylorville Reservoir, fish 20-inches long and 5-pounds were reported by anglers. 

Learn more about this fish at the Hybrid Striped Bass Profile DNR Homepage

Distribution Map

Iowa water body distribution image of Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass)

Pool 14 of Mississippi River, Saylorville Reservoir and Des Moines River

See our most recent distribution data for this species on the Iowa DNR's Bionet application.

State Record(s)

Youa Lovan's Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) 33inch, 08-29-05
Youa Lovan
August 29, 2005: 19.63 lbs. - 33.00 in.
Saylorville Reservoir

Master Angler Catches

TRAVIS CUTLER's Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) 28.5inch, 03-19-25
March 19, 2025: 16.62 lbs. - 28.50 in.
Des Moines River (Saylorville to Red Rock)

ANDREW PHELPS's Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) 24.5inch, 03-17-25
March 17, 2025: 24.50 in.
West Lake (Osceola)

WILLIAM ANDERSON's Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) 36inch, 02-11-25
February 11, 2025: 13.50 lbs. - 36.00 in.
Upper Iowa River

JOSHUA GREENE's Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) 25inch, 01-26-25
January 26, 2025: 25.00 in.
Three Mile Lake

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