Perfection Oil Troys Truck Stop
Chapter 133 - Open
1008 1st Ave SW , Farley , IA 52046
Project Manager: Andrew Carver


The site was an AST with 7 bulk petroleum tanks, a petroleum loading rack, gasoline and diesel fuel pump islands, and a service station. Upon the decision to decommission the site, the ASTs were cleaned by Environmental Management Services of Davenport, Iowa. Four tanks were removed in July of 2002 and the remaining 3 were removed in October of 2004. The building on site was demolished in November of 2004. A 1,000 gallon heating oil UST and product lines which extended from the ASTs to the pump station were excavated in November of 2004. Geosource collected soil samples from beneath the location of the heating oil UST on November 18, 2004. On November 23, 2004 35 soil samples were collected from the product piping trench. (All at about 3 feet bgs) On December 9, 2004 four monitoring wells were installed at depths of 13 to 17.5 feet bgs. Soil samples were collected at 1 foot intervals and PID field screened. The sample with highest PID reading was submitted for lab analysis. All soil and groundwater samples were analyzed by EPA Methods OA-1 and OA-2. BTEX compounds, TEH as diesel, and TEH as gasoline were detected. At this point, benzene concentrations in soil (samples collected at 3 feet bgs) are a concern. Iowa Land Recycling Program statewide soil standard for benzene is 73 mg/kg. Tier 1 benzene standards are: Soil leaching to groundwater: 0.54 mg/kg Soil vapor to enclosed space: 1.18 mg/kg Soil to plastic water line: 1.8 mg/kg Benzene concentrations in 3 of the soil samples on the site exceed the LRP statewide standard, with a high concentration of 113 mg/kg. These 3 samples (and others showing relatively high concentrations) are located at the southern end of the product line, near the site of the ASTs. Elevated contaminant concentrations were also noted at the northern portion of the property near the former pump islands. Groundwater – benzene standards: Iowa Land Recycling Program (Chapter 133) Protected Groundwater standard for benzene is 5 ug/L Iowa Land Recycling Program Non-Protected Groundwater standard for benzene is 120 ug/L Tier I/II (Chapter 135) benzene standards are: Groundwater ingestion: 5 ug/L Groundwater vapor to enclosed space: 1,540 ug/L Groundwater to plastic water line: 290 ug/L surface water: 290 ug/L Benzene concentrations in MW1 were detected at 840 ug/L exceeding the statewide standard of 5 ug/L. Since the investigation has not yet examined potential or actual receptors and the intent is to eventually sell the property, further investigation of the site will be required either under Chapter 133 or Chapter 135. The responsible official will be notified and a work plan requested.