Site Name
100 1st Avenue NW
100 3rd Avenue SW
100 4th Avenue SW
100 East First Street
1001 S 6th St
101 and 119 SE 3rd Street
1010 1st Street NW
1016 South 2nd Street
1020 and 1028 3rd Street SE
1020 Main Grinnell
106 2nd Avenue SW
10th Street SW PCE
110 Dunham Place
111 South 6th Street
1111 1st Ave SE
112 2nd Street SW
114 South 6th Street
115 East Logan Street
116 1st Avenue NW
116 Central Avenue
12 East State Street
1200 Keosauqua Way
1208 1st Street NW
1238 Highway 30 Spill
128 2nd Avenue SW and Nearby Properties
1308 Grand Avenue
1311 and 1317 Oregon Street
133 SE First Street
1332 Ellis Blvd NW
1421 Locust Street
1422 Scott Avenue
1435 Mulberry St
1437 2nd Street SE
1655 East Locust Street
16th & Kerper
1700 Block of Euclid Avenue
1700 DeWolf Avenue
1800 Marsh Ave. Spill Response, Albion
18th & Guthrie
1910 Dixon
1st and 3rd Vine and Court Avenue
20 S. 2nd Ave. & 204 E. Church Street, Marshalltown
200 1st Street SW
201 1st Avenue SW
201 Grand Avenue
202 South Locust Street
208 Court
21 W Main St Marshalltown
210 Jones Street
212 South 6th Street
214 1st Street SW
214 29th Street SE
218 Welch Avenue
220 6th Street NW
220 East 10th Street
220 South College Street
2210 A Street SW
222 South Union Street
2326 George Avenue
2708 Ingersoll Avenue
2808 Highway 67
2820 Highway 75N
2nd St NE Warehouse
300 Ansborough Avenue, Waterloo
300 Block 2nd Street SW
300 F Avenue NW
301 E Avenue NW
310 B Avenue NW
312 1st Street SE
314 E Avenue NW
315 E Avenue NW
325 East Green Street
327 East Main Street
328 Central Avenue
331 East Main Street
3338 Ellis Road NW
34 Race Way
352 Ferry Road
3M Knoxville
3rd Avenue Mercury Spill
400, 500, 501, & 600 East Court Ave.
408 H Avenue NW
409 West Main Street
410 4th Avenue SW
411 2nd Street SW
413 Floyd Boulevard
415-423 2nd Street SW and 116 5th Avenue SW
42 7th Avenue S W, Cedar Rapids
420th Street industrial Park
423 East Court
4338 NE Hubbell
4370 & 4390 NW 4th Street
477 South Highway 117 property
505 E Avenue NW
505 East Grand, Des Moines
508 Edwards Street
508 Market St and 207 SW 5th St
508, 516 and 520 East Broadway
510 West Broadway
535 1st Avenue SW
5700 Al Haynes Drive
610 1st Street SW
624 12th Avenue SE
63rd & Grand
6th & College ReDevelopment
703 Franklin Street, Keosauqua
719 Quincy Avenue
720 1st Avenue NW
723 Broadway Street
728 Commercial Street, Waterloo
7th Street Lead Site
800 1st Street NW
800 22nd Avenue
806 South Duff Avenue
811 Main Street, Arlington
818 1st Street NW
831 Broadway
838 1st Street NW
900-1050 Army Post Road
913 2nd Street
919 6th Street SW
93-97 Vinton Street
951 South Rolff Street
97 3rd Avenue SE
A - Line Iron & Metal
A T & T
A to Z Drying
A+ Automotive
A-1 Septic Service
A1 Security Self Storage
AAMCO Transmissions
Abandoned Sears Building
ABC Building Supply
Ace Precision Casting, Marshalltown
Ackley Water Supply
Acme Graphics
Acme Plating
Acme Printing Company
Action Auto Body
Adair County Sanitary Landfill
Adair Feed & Grain
Adams Company
ADM Corn Processing
Aerospace Control Products
Ag Processing/Woolstock Site
AgBelt, Inc.
Agland Coop
AgLand Cooperative
AGP- Woolstock Pit Site
Agr-Valley Farm
AgReNew Facility
AGRICO Chemical Company
Agriland FS - Elliott
Agriland FS Logan Facility
Agriland FS, Canby
Agrimergent Park Buried Drums
Agrimergent Technology Park
Agrium Agchem
Agro Distribution
Agro Distribution
Agro Fertilizer
AgVantage Farm Service
Aidex Corporation
Ainsworth Farmers Coop
Aladdin - Des Moines
Aladdin - Waterloo
Albaugh Chemical Corp.
Albert City SBA
Alberts Dry Cleaning
Albia Coal Gas
Albion Water Supply
Albright Lighting
Aldershof Property
Alegent Creighton Future Clinic
Alexander Technologies
Alice Patricia Apartments
Alleman Farmers Coop
Allen Printing
Alliant 6th Street Generating Station
Alliant Energy Fly Ash Dump
Alliant Energy MGP Sites General Correspondence File
Alliant Energy Substation
Allied Equipment, Inc.,
Allied Gas & Chemical
Allied Gateway Campus
Allied Insurance
Allied Products Corporation/White Farm Equipment
Allis Chalmers
Allison Ag Center
Alloy Metal Products
Als Corner Oil
Altec Industries
Alter Company
Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA)
Amaizing Energy
Amana Paint Disposal Site
Amana Refrigeration
Ameri Cold Logistics
American Bottling
American Automotive Waterloo
American Concrete
American Concrete Inc
American Ecosystems
American National Can
American Prothetics
American Recycling
Ames Airport
Ames Coal Gas (College Park)
Ames History Museum
Ames Labs Chemical Disposal Site
Ames Municipal Landfill
Ames School Dirstrict Meeker Elementary.
Ames School Dirstrict Mitchell Elementary
Ames School District Fellows Elementary.
Ames School District High School
Ames School District Northwood Elementary
Ames School District Roosevelt Elementary.
Amoco Bettendorf Terminal
Amoco Bulk Storage
Amoco Fertilizer Plant
Amoco Number 31698
Amoco Oil Asphalt Marketing
Ampel Corp.
Anamosa Coal Gas
Anamosa Library
Anamosa PCB Site
Anamosa Public Library
Anamosa Public Water Supply
Anderson Residence
Andrews Prestressed Concrete
Angel Park disposal site
Angie's Test Site
Ankeny Dry Cleaners
Ankeny Landfill and Lagoon Complex
Ankeny Sanitary Dump - East
Ankeny Tractors
Ankeny Water Plant and Maintenance Facility, Ankeny
ANR Pipeline Comapny
Antique Mall
Appanoose County Landfill
Apparel Care Cleaners/Star Auto Body
Aramark - Sioux City
Aratex Services - Des Moines
Aratex Uniforms
Arcadia Limestone
Archer Oil
Arlington School
Armstrong Lumber
Armstrong Tire & Rubber
Armstrong Ventures
Army Post & South Union
Army Reserve Training Center
Arnold Motor Supply, Urbandale
Arnolds Motor Supply
ARNS Landfill
Artistic Manufacturing
Atens Septic Tank Sewer Service
Atlantic Bottling Company
Atlantic FMGP
Atlantic FMGP
Aurora Elevator
Auto Parts Warehouse
Automatic Beverage Corporation
Axline Properties
AY McDonald
Ayers Oil Company
B and B AG
Backpocket Brewery, Coralville
Bagley Public Library
Bailey and Christensen Purethane
Baker Propetty
Bakers Food and Fuel
Baldwin Pole & Piling, Ankeny
Bancroft Agronomy Center
Bancroft Coal Gas
Barker Company / Hill Phoenix, Inc.
Barnes Properties, Marion
Barr AST site
Barton Solvents
Barton Solvents Inc.
Battery Exchange Site
Baumgartner Gate Factory
Beaver Creek Drum Site
Becker Chapman Post Rifle Range
Bee Branch Railroad Crossing
Belle Plaine Coal Gas
Belle Plaine Library
Bellevue Coal Gas
Belmond Solid Waste Disposal site
Beltman North America
Benson Oil Company, former
Bentley Cleaners
Benton County Landfill
Berne Cooperative
Bernstein Salvage
Bettendorf Plant
Bettis Oil Company
Betty Hill Dance Studio
Big Creek Pistol Range
Big Lar's Night Club
Big Rig Truck and Trailer
Bill & Dons Bulk Plant
Bill Miller Logging
Bill Murray Grain
Bird Chevrolet
Birdland Park Levee
Bitucote Products
Black Hawk Co. Landfill
Black Hawk County Conservation Board
Black Hawk County Jail Site
Black Hawk Waste Disposal Site
Blackhawk Foundry & Machine Co.
Blackhawk Iron and Metal
Blackhawk Marsh and Prairie Restoration Site
Blacks Building
Bleeker Properties I, Marion
Bleeker Properties II, Marion
Blochner Body Service
Blockton Oil
Bloomfield Equipment, Bloomfield
Bloomfield Foundry
Blue Line Storage
Bluff View Amoco
Bluffs Toyota
Blum East Site Property
Blum Scrap Yard and Recycling
BNSF Lease Property #247,077
BNSF Lease property 580,183
BNSF Roe Enterprises
Bob Brown Used Auto
Bohlmann Quality Products
Boley Oil
Bonnes Property
Boone Cistern, Boone
Boone FMGP
Boone State Bank
Booth Street
Bourns Inc
Boyer Oil
BP Pipeline
BP Terminal Dubuque
Brammer Manufacturing
Brandt Company, Davenport
Brayton Chemical
Breezy Acres Silver Recovery
Brei Landfill
Bremer County Landfill
Bremer Oil
Bremer Oil
Brenton Bank
Brenton Bank
Brenton Bank
Brenton Bank
Brenton Bank
Bridge District Development
Bridge Water Oil
British Petroleum (Amoco) Terminal
Broadway Avenue Improvements
Broadway Ventures
Broderick Property
Broken Kettle Small Arms Range
Bronson City Hall
Brooklyn Service Center
Brooks Funeral Care
Brown National Truck Lease, Waterloo
Brown Properties
Brownfield Assessment Cluster #4
Brownfield Cluster #1
Brownfield Cluster #2
Brownfield Cluster #3
Brownfields- Coralville, First Avenue Revitalization
Brownfields- Lakeside Auto Recyclers
Brownfields- Sioux City
Brownfields- Waterloo
Brushy Creek
Bruty Site
Bryant Property
Buchanan Bulk Oil
Buckeye Terminal
Bud's Tire Property
Buddy Barker Site
Buena Vista County Sanitary Landfill
Bulk Fuel facility
Bulk Fuel facility
Bulk Fuel Site
Bulk Plant
Bumpilori Property
Burke Dry Cleaners
Burlington 4th Street Coal Gas
Burlington Basket Company - General Electric
Burlington City Dump Site
Burlington Front Street FMGP
Burlington Memorial Army Reserve Center
Burlington Northern Properties
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Engine rebuild
Burlington Northern Sante Fe
Burlington Northern Sante Fe
Burlington Northern Sante Fe
Burlington Northern Sante Fe
Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railroad - SC
Burlington Northern Sante Fe, Glover
Bush Dry Cleaners
Bush Street
Butler County
C & M Agriculture
C and M Ag
C-Store, former
C6-Zero Iowa LLC
Cal Car
Camelot Cleaners
Camp Dodge and Polk County Target Ranges
Campbell Oil
Campbell Oil
Campbell Oil
Campus Plaza
Canadian National/Illinois Central
Canadian Pacific Mason City Rail Yard, Mason City
Canadian Pacific Property
Canadian Pacific Rail Yard, Dubuque
Canadian Pacific Rail Yard, Marquette
Canadian Pacific Railroad
Canadian Pacific Railroad Former Farson Depot
Canadian Pacific Railway, Clinton Depot
Canadian Pacific Railway, Muscatine Railyard
Canadian Pacific Railway, West Davenport Yard
Canadian Pacific Seymour
Canadian Pacific Spencer Rail Yard, Spencer
Canadian Pacific Washington Corridor, Washington
Canadian Pacific, Algona
Canadian Pacific, Bettendorf Yard
Canadian Pacific, Calmar
Canadian Pacific, Carpenter
Canadian Pacific, Charles City
Canadian Pacific, Grafton
Canadian Pacific, Guttenberg
Canadian Pacific, Moravia
Canadian Pacific, Nahant Yard
Canadian Pacific, New Albin
Canadian Pacific, Ottumwa Yard Facility
Canal Capitol Corporation
Canal Corporation
Capital Auto Parts
Capital Center Development Area
Capital Sanitary Supply
Cappolas Property
Car - X Tire and Auto
Cargill Electrical Substation
Cargill Inc.
Cargill Meat Solutions, K Avenue Property, Ottumwa
Cargill NutriProducts-Vitamin E Facility, Eddyville
Cargill, Inc.
Carlisle PCE
Carlisle Schools Cistern Removal
Carpenter Stations
Carriage Cleaners
Carroll Auto Salvage
Carroll Auto Wrecking
Carroll Coal Gas
Carroll Commercial Savings Bank
Carroll Coolers Facility
Carroll County Landfill
Carroll Library Redevelopment
Carter Lake River Front Park
Casalina Chateau
Case Feed Stores
Caseys General Store 3262
Castana Water Supply
CB&I, Inc.
CBD Loop Land
CBI Water
Cedar County Landfill
Cedar Falls Coal Gas
Cedar Falls Utilities
Cedar Johnson Farm Service Elevator
Cedar Rapids & Iowa City RR
Cedar Rapids Banjo Site
Cedar Rapids Chrysler,Plymouth and Dodge Sites
Cedar Rapids Community School District Bus Barn
Cedar Rapids Flood Control System East
Cedar Rapids Flood Control System West
Cedar Rapids FMGP
Cedar Rapids Linn County Solid Waste Agency
Cedar Rapids Meats
Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance
Cedar Rapids Municipal L.F.
Cedar Rapids National Guard Target Range
Cedar Rapids Police Department Gunrange
Cedar Rapids Reserve Center (IA003)
Cedar Rapids Transmission Warehouse
Cedar Rapids Water Pollution Control
Cedar Sub Parcel
Cedar Township site
Cedar Valley Farm Service
Cedar Valley Ford
Cedar Valley Montessori School
Celotex Corporation
Cenex Land O'Lakes
Centerville 1000 Yard Range
Centerville Equipment, Centerville
Centerville FMGP
Centerville Senior Lofts
Central Ag Spray Plane Crash
Central Grain Limited
Central Iowa Shelter Services
Central Place Industrial
Central Place Levee
Central Properties / Principal
Century Auto
Cerro Gordo County Area Disposal
Chamber of Commerce
Chamberlain Manufacturing
Chariton FMGP
Charles City FMGP
Charles Laverty Trust
Charlies Filling Station, West Des Moines
Charter Oak (city well #7)
Chase Packaging
Chase Trust
Chauncey Building
Checker Station
Cherkas Property, Des Moines
Cherokee Coal Gas
Cherokee County Landfill
Chevron Chemical
Chevron Chemical Co.
Chevron Chemical Co.
Chew Vacant Lot
Chicago & Milwaukee Railroad Roundhouse
Chicago & Northern Railway Company
Chicago & Northwestern RR
Chicago & Northwestern RR
Chicago Central & Pacific Railroad
Chicago Central and Pacific Rail Line Right-Of-Way
Chicago Central and Pacific Railroad
Chicago Central and Pacific Railway
Chicago Central Pacific RR
Chicago Milwaukee & Saint Paul Roundhouse
Chicago Northwestern Rail Road.
Chicago NW RR Pintsch Gas site
Chicago Rivet Company
Chicago, Central and Pacific Railroad Easement
Chickasaw Feed Services
Chroma Communications
Churchill Drug
Citizens Gas And Electric
Citizens National Bank
Citizens National Bank
City of Ames Substations
City of Davenport
City of Long Grove
City of Perry Shop
City of Waterloo Community Development
City Storage
Clabaugh Enterprises
Clarinda Coal Gas
Clarinda Firing Range
Clarion Farmers Coop
Clarion Hotel
Clark Street Jet Gas Spill
Clarksville PCB
Classic Cleaners
Clausen Warehouse
Clay Equipment Corp.
Clear Lake Coal Gas
Clement Auto
Cleveland Welding Supply
Cleveringa Property
Climax Molybdenum
Clinton AST Site, Clinton
Clinton Brownfields
Clinton City of Riverside
Clinton Co Dump Landfill
Clinton Co Landfill (East)
Clinton Co. Groundwater Survey
Clinton Corn Processing Co.
Clinton Engines
Clinton Feed and Grain
Clinton Former Gas Manufacturing Plant
Clinton Memorial Park Cemetery
Clinton Properties 1433 11th Avenue South
Clinton Properties 1514 13th Avenue South
Clinton Properties 1525 12th Avenue South
Clinton Properties 1530 13th Avenue South
Clinton Properties 1547 12th Avenue South
Clinton Redevelopment Project
Clinton Street Bridge Replacement Project
Clive Kwik Trip #1702
Closed Drum Site
Cloverleaf Cold Storage
Clow Valve Company
Club Carwash
CM STP & P Railroad
CM STP & P Railroad
CM STP & P Railroad
CM STP & P Railroad
CM STP & P Railroad
CM STP & P Railroad
CMC Heartland Partners
CMC Heartland Partners, Emmetsburg
CMC Heartland Partners, Otranto
CMC Heartland Partners, Whittemore
CMC Standard Oil, Charles City
Cobb Oil
Cogdill Farm Supply, Inc.
Coggon Creamery
Colby Westbrooke Plaza
Collier Oil
Collis Corporation
Colonial Cleaners
Color Converting
Color FX
Columbus Junction Dump
Colwell Coop
Comiskey Park
Commercial Building
Commercial building
Commercial Buildings
Commercial Equipment
Commercial Property
Commercial Property
Community Oil
Composite Technologies Corp.
Conference Technologies, Inc.
Conrad Property
Consolidated Energy
Consolidated Energy Co.
Consolidated Packaging Plant
Construction Machinery Company
Consumers Cooperative
Contech Construction Products
Continental Baking Company
Continental Grain
Continental Oil
Cook Lime Pile
Cook Park TCE
Cooley Property
Coop Services
Cooper Manufacturing Co.
Cooper's Mill
Copple Property
Coppola Property
Coral Traler Park
Coralville Donut Property
Coralville Recycling Center
Corridor Cleaners
COSTEL Former Ford Facility
Cota Industries
Council Bluffs Airport Firing Range
Council Bluffs Shooting Range
Country Kitchen, Coralville
Country Stores of Carroll
Court Avenue Entertainment Center
Court Avenue Hy-Vee
Crandell Drum Site
Crandic Rail and Coal Storage
Crane Building, Des Moines
Crane Valve
Crawford Oil Company
Crescent Chevrolet
Cresco Maintenance Shop
Cresco Shed
Cresco Water Supply
Crestland Cooperative
Creston FMGP
Cretex Properties
CRL Components Inc.
Crop Production Services
Crop Production Services
Crop Production Services
Crossroads Pointe Business Park
Cryovac Facility
Crystal Cleaner
Crystal Cleaners
Crystal Ice Property, Waterloo
Cumming Grain & Supply
Cummins Filtration
Cummins Great Plains
Cunningham Inc.
Cunningham Property
Curtis 1000 Facility
Curtis Animal Health Food
CVS Pharmacy Store #10161
CVS Store #10282
CW Process Site
Cylinder Coop
D. C. Franche Paint Site
D.C. Taylor
D.O. Corp West
Dakota Park
Dale Street Community Garden
Dallas Center Air Force Station M-122
Dallas Service Corp.
Danville Mill & Supply
Darling International
Darlo Schaap Open Dump
Davenport FMGP
Davenport Improvement
Davenport Landfill
Davenport Lead Site
Davenport Marquette Coal Gas
Davenport Mercury Site
Davenport Small Arms Range
Davenport Tool & Die Co.
Davenport West Diversion Tunnel
Davenport-BF-Murray Warehouse
Davenport/BF/Allied Insulation Supply Co
Davenport/BF/Shewry Property
Davenport/BF/Swanson Motors Company
Dawson Foundry
Days Inn
Dayton Mfg.
Decal Specialties
Decorah Feed Mill
Decorah FMGP
Decorah PCE
Decorah Water Supply
Deep River Bomb Scoring Site
Dehco Septic Tank
Del Ray Ridge
Delaware Service Center
Delimart #4
Dell Oil
Deluxe Check Printing
Demco Property
Denny's Feed & Fertilizer
Department of Army—Corps of Engineers
Depot Health & Fitness Center
Des Moines 2nd Ave and Market St Coal Gas
Des Moines Air National Guard
Des Moines Airport
Des Moines Barrel and Drum
Des Moines Bulk Mail Center
Des Moines County Sanitary Landfill
Des Moines East Village Hotel
Des Moines Endrin Site
Des Moines Ohio and Clark Streets
Des Moines Ordinance Plant Accuracy Range
Des Moines Power Station
Des Moines Social Club
Des Moines Southeast Connector
Des Moines TCE
Des Moines TCE/North plume
Des Moines Traffic & Transport (paint shop)
Des Moines Two Rivers MGP
Des Moines Vocational School
Desoto Small Arms Firing Range
Determann Industries
Dettmann Oil Co.
Dewey Ford (Used Car Lot)
Dewey Ford Collision Center
Dewey Ford/JC Service Co.
Dexter Foundry
Diamond Oil Company
Diamond Oil Company
Diamond Senior Apartments
Diamond V Mills
Diesel Fuel Unloading Facility, Waverly
Diller Battery
Diller Greenhouses, Inc.
Dimensional Graphics Corporation
Diversified Insulation
DL &V Corporation
DLS Inc.
Docs Auto Repair
Dollar General, Center Point
Donald Jarvis Property
Donaldson Company
Donohue Steel Treating Co.
Dooley Property
Doty Landfill
Double Circle Coop
Double Circle Coop
Downtown East Levee
Downtown Residence Hall
Downtown West Levee
Drake Area Commercial Properties
Drake Petroleum
Dresser Rand Company
Drumco, Inc.
Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Dubuque Brewing & Bottling Co.
Dubuque Casket
Dubuque Hardwoods
Dubuque Intermodal Transportation Center, Dubuque
Dubuque Packing Company
Dubuque Star Brewery
Dubuque Terminals Inc.
Dubuque West 23rd Street Coal Gas
Duchess Cleaners
Dunham - Bush
Dunlap Farmers Coop Association
Dunlap Fertilizer Company
DuPont County Road X-23
Durant Municipal Water Supply
Dutrac Community Credit Union
Dyersville Economic Development Corp.
E. I. DuPont de Nemours
E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
E. M. Peat Manufacturing Co.
E.F. Johnson Co
Eagle Food
Eagle Grove FMGP
Eagle Iron Works
Eagle Oil Service
Eagle Window & Door
Earl May Seed & Nursery, Shenandoah
Earling Standard Service
East 5th & Bell Streets
East Distribution Susbstation
East Euclid Avenue Detention Basin
East Gate (Brown's Lowland Place)
East Gate (lot #8)
East Gate Shopping Center
East Gate Shopping Center (Lot 13 and 14)
East Penn LL Automotive Plant No. 5
Eastern Iowa Airport
Eastern Iowa Airport Tank Farm
Eastern Iowa Grain
Eastgate Oil - BNSF Railway Lease
Easton Blvd Interstate Bridge
Eaton Corporation
Eaton Corporation
Eaton Corporation
Eaton Missions Systems
Econofoods Property
Economy Products
Eden's Pointe
Eginoire Fertilizer
Eldora City Dump
Eldridge Sportsmen's Club
Electric Motor Corporation
Electric Substation
Electro-Coatings, Inc.
Electrolux Home Products, Inc., Jefferson
Eleventh Street Dump
Elkem Metals, Keokuk
Elm Street Dump
EMC Insurance, 7th & 9th Street
EMC Parking Lot
Emerson Farm Supply
Emerson Nitrate Investigation
Emmetsburg Metolachlor Investigation
Emory Plating Polk County
Energy Manufacturing Co.
Ensley Properties
Environmental Recycling Company
EPS Products
EPS Products
Ertl Foundry
ERTL Toy Corp Plant #1
ERTLToy Corp. Plant #2
ESB Inc.
ESCP Corporation
Essentials 4-U Agricultural Products
Estherville Coal Gas
Estherville Lincoln Central School
Estherville Movie Theater
Estle Property
Evans Preserve Shooting Range
Evans Products
Evans Road & Ellendale Drive
Eveready Battery Company
Exel Corp
Exide Battery Sales
Exide Technologies
Exide Technologies
Express Way Motel
Eymann DDT Site
Fabric Masters (former)
Fairfax Nitrate Contamination
Fairfield Coal Gas
Fairfield Schools
Faley Property
Fareway Stores
Farm & Town Industries
Farm Service
Farm Service Coop
Farm Service Coop
Farm Service Cooperative
Farm Service Storage Shed
Farm Services Bulk Plant
Farm Services Company
Farm Services Coop
Farmaster Products Co.
Farmers Community Coop, Inc.
Farmers Community Coop, Inc.
Farmers Coop
Farmers Coop
Farmers Coop
Farmers Coop
Farmers Coop
Farmers Coop Elevator
Farmers Coop Oil Co.
Farmers Coop Oil Company
Farmers Coop Produce Co.
Farmers Cooperative
Farmers Cooperative
Farmers Cooperative
Farmers Cooperative Association
Farmers Cooperative Truro
Farmers Grain and Feed
Farmers Grain Company
Farmers Mutual Cooperative
Farmers Oil Company Site
Farmington Public Water Supply
Farmland - Smith Farm
Farmland Industrial Property
Farmland Industries
Farragut AgriService
Fauser Oil Company
Feather-Lite Mfg.
Federal Express
Federal-Mogul, Burlington
Feeders Grain & Supply
Fellmers Junk Yard
Ferguson Trust
Fickbohlm Farm
Fina Gas Station
Finlan Sanitary Landfill
Fire Training Facility
Firestone Tire and Rubber
First Christian Church
First Cooperative Association
First National Bank
Fisher Hydraulics (North)
Fisher Hydraulics (South)
Fisher Property
FKI Industries
Flexsteel Industries
Flint Hills (Pine Bend) Terminal
Flint Hills Resources
Flint HIlls Resources
Flooring Gallery
Flotilla Seven Inc.
Floyd County Maintenance Facility
Floyd Mitchell Sanitary Landfill
Floyd Valley Packing
FMC Corp
FMC Corporation Ag Chemical Division
Foley Property
Forge Industries, Inc., Waterloo
Former Arts Court Building
Former Big B 1-Hour Cleaners
Former Bulk Fuel Plant
Former Burchinal USDA Grain Storage Site (IA-615)
Former Cartersville-Northeast Grain Storage
Former Cornelia East Grain Storage
Former Curlew-South Grain Storage
Former Denhart South Grain-Storage Site (IA-633)
Former Denison Municipal Utilities
Former Eagle Foods
Former Erdmann Properties Highway 75
Former Farmer's Coop
Former Hanna Grain Storage Site (IA-657)
Former Hurley USDA Grain Storage Site (IA-688)
Former Innovative Ag Services Co.
Former Johnston Bulk Plant
Former Kmart
Former Langdon Grain Storage
Former Liquid Fertilizer Tank
Former Newton Manufactured Gas Plant
Former Omaha Standard
Former Penny Saver
Former Plessis Grain Storage
Former Portland Grain Storage Site (IA-718)
former Press Citizen Well 8
Former Quarry Access
Former Rail Depot
Former River Road Right-of-way
Former Rockingham Lunex
Former Rockwell Grain Storage Site (IA-724)
Former Shrago Salvage Yard
Former Sioux City Shooting Range
Former Standard Service Station
Former Unique Cleaners
Former Used Car Sales
Former Varsity Cleaners
Forrestal Ag Corp.
Forrstal Ag Corporation
Fort Des Moines
Fort Dodge Animal Health Facility-Fifth Street
Fort Dodge Animal Health Facility-Riverside
Fort Dodge Containers
Fort Dodge Downtown
Fort Dodge FMGP
Fort Dodge Multi-Purpose Trail
Fort Madison Coal Gas
Fort Madison Landfill
Foulke Rubber
Fred Carlson Company
Fredericksburg Wastewater Treatment Plant
Freese Ag Services
Fremont County
Fremont Pesticide Site
French & Hecht Site
French Way Dry Cleaners
Frit Industries
Friths Battery Dump
Fritt Industries
Frommelt Ind.
Fun Pl and Railroad Crossing
Furnas Electric Company
Future Kwik Star 1289
Future Kwik Star 1701
Future Kwik Star 1745
Future Kwik Star 801 Osage
Gage Metalcraft
Galva Holstein Ag
Garst Lot
Garys Feed
Gaskill Oil Bulk Plant
Gate City Steel
Gates Rubber Company
Gavilon Fertilizer
Gavilon Grain LLC
Gebhardt Property, Van Meter
Gene Meyer Oil
General Electric
General Electric Switchgear
General Machine and Tool Corporation
General Mills Independence
General Motors AC Rochester Facility
Genesis Medical Center, DeWitt
George Rogers Shot Tower
Gibson Homans Company
Giese Construction
Giese Construction
Gilcrest Jewett Lumber Company
Gire Farm Service
Glenns Gas and Grocery
Glenwood Dump Site
Glenwood Recorce Center
Golden Sun Feed Inc
Golden Sun Feed Inc.
Good Seed & Grain
Goodyear Store
Gordon Van-Tine Lofts
Government Owned Property-Tract FIA-52
Gra - Iron Foundry
Graettinger Dump
Graham Tire Company
Grain Processing Corp.
Grainco Elevator, Dexter
Grammas Kitchen
Grand Crossing Hotel
Grand Laboratories Inc.
Gray's Landing Office Park
Gray's Landing Parcel F
Gray's Station
Great Dane Fertilizer Facility
Great River Tire & Service
Great Rivers Coop
Green Plains Grain CD Plant, Spencer
Green Plains Grain, Essex
Green Plains Grain, Milford
Green Plains Grain, Spencer
Green Valley Chemical
Greene Farm Equipment
Greenfield Municipal Utilities
Greystone Homes
Griffin Pipe
Grinnell Coal Gas
Grinstead Service Station
Grosjean Tire and Oil, Lease No. 26654
Growmark Feed Mill
Grysson Oil Property
Guaranty Bank Properties
Guthrie & Dixon
Guthrie Avenue Business Park
Guthrie Center PCE
H & H Machine Tool
H & W Motor Express
Hamburg Oil Company
Hamm Island
Hamms Recycling
Hampton Coal Gas
Hancock Cooperative Bulk Fuel
Hancock County Coop Oil Company
Handi Klasp Co., Inc.
Harald Lambert Property
Harcros Chemicals inc.
Hardees Clarion
Hardees, Cedar Rapids
Hardees, Council Bluffs
Hardees, Fort Dodge
Hardin County Landfill
Harlan Public Water Supply
Harold Cluney Property
Harriet Street Dump
Harriet Street Landfill
Harris Grain
Harsco Corp.
Hart Properties
Harveys Oil Company
Hattie Eston Public Access
Hauf Oil
Hawarden Feed and Grain
Hawarden Sanitary Landfill
Hawarden Station
Hawkeye Community College Metro Center
Hawkeye Distribution
Hawkeye Downs
Hawkeye Federal Savings Bank
Hawkeye Institute of Technology
Hawkeye Power Plant
Hawkeye Ready Mix
Hawkeye Ready Mix Maintenance Shop
Hawkeye Ready-Mix
Hawkeye Rubber
Hawkeye Steel Products Co
Hawkeye Waste
Heartland Coop
Heartland Plating Company
Heartland Press
Heatilator Inc. #346
Hedrick Senior Citizen Center
Helena Chemical
Helena Chemical
Helgeson Sanitary Landfill
Henderson Manufacturing
Henke Manufacturing
Henkel Chemical
Hennies Construction
Henry County Sanitary Landfill
Henry Oil
Herbs Skelly Bulk Terminal
Herdland Township Dump
Herman M. Brown Company
Herschel Corporation
Herzberg Warehouse
HEW Site
Highlander Cleaners (former)
Highway 3 PCE site - Le Mars
Hills Perchlorate Site
Hinson Manufacturing
Hinzman Feed Service
HNI Geneva Plant
Hoffman Silo
Hokenburg Equipment
Holiday Inn Express
Hollingsworth Company
Home Oil
Home Plastics
HON industries
HON Industries, Lease No. 84008
Horn Automotive, Nevada
Horseshoe Casino
Hoskins Elevator Warehouse Co
Hospers Dump Site
Housby Mack
Houseman Oil
Housley Property
Howard - Winneshiek School
Howards Dry Cleaners
Howe Sanitation
HUB/Terex Residential Development
Hubbard Ice and Fuel
Hubbard Train Depot
Hubbel-601 SW 9th
Hubbel-East Court Avenue
Hubbell Apartments
Hubbell Property
Hubbell Realty
Hubbell Realty Building
Hubbell SW 9th Street
Hubbell-Murphy & Tuttle, SW 6th & SW 7th
Hubbell-Tuttle & Murphy, SW 8th & SW 9th
Hubble-Elm & Tuttle, SW 7th
Hubble-Murphy & SW 7th
Hubinger Corp.
Huckelberrys Dining Emporium
Huffman Feed & Supply
Humboldt Sausage Company
Hunter Oil
Hydraulic Production Facility
Hydraulic Technologies
Hydrite Chemical Co.
Ibarra Property
IBP Inc./Tire Chop
Ida County Landfill
IMI Cornelius, Inc.
Imperial Chemical
Independence Coal Gas
Indianola Shooting Range
Industrial Fab & Machine
Industrial Processing Co.
Industrial Service Coop
Ingersoll Square
Institutional Equipment Inc.
Interchem Inc
Intermec Building
International Harvester
International Harvester Inc
International Paper
Interstate Light and Power Closed Power Plant
Intolerance Property
Ione Carl Dry Cleaning Building
Iowa Air National Guard
Iowa Air National Guard (Fort Dodge)
Iowa Air National Guard (Sioux City)
Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
Iowa Army National Guard, Boone
Iowa Army National Guard, Camp Dodge
Iowa Army National Guard, Davenport
Iowa Army National Guard, Waterloo
Iowa Army National Guard, Waverly
Iowa Auto Rebuilders
Iowa Auto Top
Iowa Beef Processing Inc.
Iowa Beef Processors
Iowa Beef Processors
Iowa Cage Free Layer and Pullet Sites
Iowa City Coal Gas
Iowa City Excavating
Iowa City Public Works Facility, Iowa City
Iowa City Sanitary Landfill
Iowa City Water Treatment Plant
Iowa Clinic
Iowa Concrete Block & Material
Iowa County Landfill
Iowa Department of Transportation
Iowa Department of Transportation
Iowa Department of Transportation AST
Iowa Department of Transportation Garage
Iowa Department of Transportation Garage
Iowa Department of Transportation Garage
Iowa Department of Transportation Parcel 88
Iowa DOT Ames North Lot
Iowa DOT Headquarters Elevator Shaft
Iowa Dress Club
Iowa Electric Coal Gas
Iowa Electric Light and Power
Iowa Electric Power Co.
Iowa Falls FMGP
Iowa Falls Hamilton Street Coal Gas
Iowa Falls Implement & Marine
Iowa Falls Substation
Iowa Heartland Resource Conservation Development
Iowa Interstate Railroad
Iowa Lottery Authority
Iowa Mental Health Institute Independence Unpermitted Landfill
Iowa Muffler and Brakes
Iowa National Guard FMS No. 3
Iowa Northern Railroad Company
Iowa Oil Company
Iowa Packing
Iowa Paint - Polk City
Iowa Paint - Warren County
Iowa Paint Manufacturing
Iowa Paint, Des Moines
Iowa Power Office
Iowa Remelt
Iowa Sanitation Environmental Services
Iowa Southern Coal Gas
Iowa Southern Utilities
Iowa State Bank
Iowa State University
Iowa State University Coal Gas
Iowa State University Foundry Site
Iowa Steel Company/Iowa Iron Works Properties
Iowa Wesleyan University
Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Service Building
IPSCO - Put I Area
IPSCO Village, Camanche
Irwin Chemical Company
Izaak Walton League
Izaak Walton League Shooting Range
J & D Salvage
J & N Fertilizer
J & R Oil Company
J-D Oil
J. Master Property
Jackson County Landfill
James Bell Building
James Briston (USDA Grain Bin)
James Oil
James Oil
James Oil
James Oil
Jaycox Implements
Jerry Dischler Spraying Service
Jerry Dischler Spraying Service
Jetter Hauling Service/Hawkeye Disposal
JI Case
JI Case
Jiffy Lube
Jim Arenson Chevrolet
Jim Lind Service
Jim's Tire Service
Joe Wolf Property
Joes Tire
John Deere Waterloo
John Deere Des Moines Works
John Deere Dubuque Works
John Deere Land fill
John Deere Ottumwa Works
John Grieder Motors
John McCarter Sandpit
John Morrell Plant, Sioux City
Johnson Brothers Mill
Johnson County Ready Mix
Johnson Oil, Lease No. 84010
Johnson Street Dump site
Jones County Conservation Department
Josephson Bennett Radiator Company
Josephson Manufacturing Company
JPI / Imperial Clevite
JR Motorsports, Ankeny
Julian Auto Body
K & D Paint
K & M Dry Cleaners
K & O Manufacturing
K&N Transfer
K-Mart Plaza East, Cedar Rapids
K-Mart Theisens
Kallansrud Property, Fort Dodge
Kalona Battery
Kalona Creamery
Kalona Kwik Trip #1738
Kaneb Pipe Line Company
Kartridge Pack Co
Kast Metals
Katelman Steel Fabrication, Inc.
Katering Kitchen
Kaufman Tire, Traer
Kay Dee Builders Supply
KCCI TV 8 Station
KD Station
Keck Inc.
Keck Oil
Keim T.S.
Keister Farms
Keith Heim Property
Kelderman Ag Lime Soil Pile
Kelly Heating and Oil
Kent Feeds, Inc.
Keokuk Municipal Landfill #1
Keokuk Municipal Landfill #2
Keokuk Steel Casting Co
Keota Chemical Burial Site
Kerber Milling Company
Key City Amoco at the Bridge
Key City Coal Gas
Key City Pixler Site (IDOT)
Key City Recycling
Keys Motor Company
Keystone on 8th Street
Kind & Knox Gelatin
Kings Guard Cleaners
Kinley Pipeline
Klein Manufacturing Co.
Kline Oil Company
Klinger Paint
Klinger-D&R Engines, Marion
Klinger-Klinger Painting, Marion
Kloser Feed Store
Kmart West, Davenport
Knapp Properties
Knapper Oil
Knoxville Coal Gas
Knoxville Veterans Administration Medical Center, Knoxville
Knutson Building
Koch Agri Service
Koch Agri Service, Danbury
Koch Agri Services
Koch Agri Services
Koch Asphalt Terminal
Koch Fertilizer
Koch Materials
Koch Notrogen Lime Ponds
Koch Pavement Solutions
Koch Sulfur Products
Kossuth County Landfill
Koval Property
Krause Portfolio Property
Kretschmer -Tredway
Krueger Auto
Kryger Glass
Kum and Go #4098
Kwik Star #1700 Webster City
Kwik Trip # 1191
Kwik Trip #1016
Kwik Trip #1066
Kwik Trip #1107
Kwik Trip #1142
Kwik Trip #1155
Kwik Trip #1172
Kwik Trip #1180
Kwik Trip #1259
Kwik Trip #1295
Kwik Trip #1703
Kwik Trip #704 - Adjacent Site
Kwik Trip #710
Kwik Trip #927
Kwik Trip #932
Kwik Trip Tanker Accident
Kwiki Car Wash, Marion
L & J Metal Fabrication
L & R Communications
L&L Builders Supply
L. L. Pelling Property
L.G. Everist Properties
LaBounty Landfill
LADCO Properties
LADCO Properties
Lafayette Street Project
Lake Canyada Mobile Home Park
Lake Mills Landfill
Lake Plaza Apartments
Lakeside Auto Recyclers
LaMotte Gap Filler Annex Z-81B
Land O Lakes
Land O Lakes
Land O Lakes
Land O Lakes
Land O Lakes
Land O Lakes
Land O Lakes
Landus Cooperative
Langer Manufacturing
Lansing Power Station Coal Pile Reclamation
Lansman Seed and Grain
Larimore Properties
LaVelle Lawncare (future Fareway)
Laverty Anhydrous Ammonia
Le Mars Coal Gas
Le Mars Small Arms Range
Lear Siegler
Lee Enterprise
Lee's Quality Cars
Lehigh Portland Cement Company (Heidelberg Materials)
LeLand Thompson Properties
Lennox Industries
Lenox Development Corp.
Letts Community Center
Lewis Electric Co.
Lewis Industrial Services Inc.
Lewis Motors
Lickey/Dewarco Property
Lifttruck Service
Lillis Lofts
Lincoln Farm & Home Service
Lineage Logistics
Linn County Coop
Linn County Election Depot
Linn County Sanitary Landfill
Linwood Mine
Lisle Corporation
Little Giant Crane
Little Rock Elevator
Livestock Transport
Lloyd Hardin Farm
Long Grove Dump
Longfellow Elementary School
Loparex Inc.
Lorenzen & Beale
Lot 46 Valley Gardens TCE, Des Moines
Lots 3, 5,& 6, Block 14, Hoxies Add.
Lots 9 and 10 Block 44 Original Town
Louden Machine Building
Louisa County Sanitary Landfill
Louscher Farm
Lowell Well Field
Lowes Home Center
LTRI Development
Lucas Landfill
Lucas Landfill
Lucas Sidewalk Project
Lucas-Monroe Landfill
Lumberman's Wholesale Co.
Lyon County Landfill
M & J Trailer
Machine Tool Engineering
MacMillan Oil
MacMillian Oil
Madison County Airport
Magellan Ammonia Pipeline
Magellan Bettendorf Terminal, Bettendorf
Magellan Pipe Line - Carter Lake
Magellan Pipeline
Magellan Pipeline - Dubuque
Magellan Pipeline - Iowa City
Magellan Pipeline - Sioux City
Magellan Pipeline Miscellaneous Sites
Magellan Pipeline Pleasant Hill
Magellan Pipeline, Milford
Magnum LTL
Main Post Office
Malcom Farmers Coop
Malleable Iron Foundry
Malloy Dry Cleaners
Malvern Drum Site
Mammoth Containers
Manawa Power Center
Manning City Well #12
Manning Municipal Electric
Manufacturer's Ditch Flood Control Structure
Manufacturing Facility
Mapleton (former) Bulk Fuel Station
Mapleton Coal Gas
Maquoketa Coal Gas
Marel Manufacturing
Marengo Coal Gas
Marion Auto Parts
Marion Central Corridor
Marion Coal Gas
Marion Iron Company
Mark Seed Company
Market Building
Marner and Kiefer Property
Marsh Place Building
Marshall County Sanitary Landfill
Marshalltown Coal Gas
Marshalltown Instruments
Marshalltown Small Arms Range
Martelle Coop
Martin Brothers
Mason City Coal Gas
Mason City Glass & Paint Company
Mason City Little League
Mason Township Arsenic Site
Matt Parrott & Sons
Mayfair Cleaners, Ames
Maytag Plant #1
Maytag Plant #2
McAtee Tire
McCleery-Cumming Company, Washington
McCurdy Seed
McCurnin-Roto Rooter, West Des Moines
McDonalds (proposed)
McGraw Edison
McGregor Harbor
McKee Button Company
McManus Landfill
McMullen Property
Meadow Gold Dairies
MEC Walter Scott Energy Center
Medical Office Building
Menards Parking Extention
Mendenhall Oil, Burlington
Merchants Distribution
Mercy Care Parking Lot
Meredith Office Expansion Project
Merrill Public Water Supply
Metal Fabricators
Meyer & Lincoln True Value Hardware
Meyer and Zenith Properties
Meyers Auto Center
Michael Battery
Michael Battery
Michael Battery
Michael Battery
Mid America Energy Company
Mid Iowa Coop
Mid Seven Transportation Company
Mid States Ford
Mid States Steel
Mid-America Tanning
Mid-County Machinery
MidAmerican Energy Vandalia Road Site
Midas Auto Systems
Midwest Auto Parts
Midwest Carbide
Midwest Coal Gas
Midwest Fleet Services
Midwest Gas Coal Gas
Midwest Manufacturing/North Farm
Midwest Pipe Coating Inc.
Midwest Processing
Midwest Valley Chemical
Miller Farm Supply
Mills County Sanitary Landfill
Milwaukee Round House
Miracle Recreation
Mississippi Hotel South Wing
Missouri Valley Water Supply
Misty Harbor
Mitchell Transmission
Mitrisin Disposal Site
Mixed Use Property
MLK Parkway PCE, Des Moines
Mohawk Motel and Dry Cleaners
Mohr Equipment
Molo Oil
Molo Petroleum
Montezuma Manufacturing
Montgomery County Sanitary Landfill
Monticello Machine
Montrose Elevator
Moose Lodge No. 1011
Moreco Energy, Inc.
Morgan Site/Keokuk Coal Gas Site
Morman Bridge Landfill
Morningside Properties
Morris Auto Parts
Morrison Brothers
Morton Custom Plastics
Moser Dump Site
Mount Pleasant Coal Gas
Mount Pleasant Small Arms Range
Mount Vernon City Well No. 1
Moville Bulk Plant
Moville Water Supply
Mr. Tire
MRK - Limited
Muffler Clinic
Mulgrew Oil, Dubuque
Municipal Parking Lot
Municipal Service Center
Munsen Chevrolet Buick Dealership
Muscatine County Sanitary Landfill
Muscatine FMGP
Muscatine Pentachlorophenol
Muscatine Police Department Shooting Range
Muscatine Water Supply
Na-Churs Plant Food Company
Nahant Marsh ( Carp Lake Unit)
Nahas Property
NAPA - Cedar Valley Art Mall
NAPA Auto Parts
Nashua Sediment Sampling
National Animal Disease Center
Nations Bank
Nationwide Parking Garage
Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America
Natural Gas Pipeline, Columbus Junction
NDC Jackson Ave / Indianola Ave
Neal Smith Federal Building, Des Moines
Needham Packing
Neighborhood Improvement Corp
Neighborhood Improvement Corp.
Neppel Property (Former DX AST Site)
NER Data Products
Nevada Auto Wash
Nevada Coal Gas
Nevada Railroad Materials
New Alliance Farm Service
New Century FS
New Century FS
New Coop
NEW Cooperative
New Horizon Farm Services
New Horizon FS
New Horizon FS
Newbury Living
Newt Marine
Newton Dump Site
Newton Mall
Newton Sanitary Landfill
Newton Senior Residences
Nexus at Gray's Landing
Nexus Parcel H
NGPL Compressor Station, #198
Nichols Water Supply
Niehouse Cleaners, Marshalltown
Ninth Avenue Parcel Site
Nissen Universal Holdings
NLC Energy
Noahs Cleaners
Nollen Trust
Noma Metals
Nordstrom Oil
Norfolk Southern Railroad Roundhouse
Norgroup Ltd. Property
North East Machine & Tool
North End Wrecking
North English Coal Gas
North High School
North Iowa Area Community College
North Iowa Humane Society
North Landfill
North Main Street
North Main Street Vacant Lot
North Park Dump
North Star Recycling
North Star Steel
Northeast 51st Avenue Warehouse
Northern Country Coop
Northern Engraving
Northern Ilten Ventures Vacant Lot
Northern Natural Gas
Northern Natural Gas
Northern Natural Gas Pipeline
Northland Products
Northrup King
Northwest Bank
Northwest Farm Services
Northwest Farm Supply
Northwest Interceptor Sewer Project
Northwestern States Portland Cement (East Quarry)
Northwestern States Portland Cement Company (West Quarry)
Northwood Ag. Products, Northwood
Norwalk Vacant Lot Beardsley and Sunset
Norwest Bank
Novartis Seed Facility
NPK Soil Service, Sperry
NPPC Davenport Plant Drop Lot
NSK Corporation
Nuway-K&H Cooperative Fuel Storage
O & P Warehouse
O'Reilly Auto Parts
Oak Hill Cemetery
Oakdale Boulevard Extension, Coralville
Occidental Chemical Corp
Oelwein Coal Gas
Oelwein Custom Commodities
Oelwein Elevator Company
Oelwein Muffler & Rogge Machine Shop
Oelwein Soil Service
Office Building
Offutt AFB Atlas D Missile Site 3
Offutt Air Force Base Nike Battery OF-10
Offutt ILS Outer Marker Annex
Offutt TVOR Annex
OHalloran International
Oil Mart
Okoboji Boat Works
Old Capital Limousine Service
Old Harvey Site
Old Sewage Lagoon
Old Union Station
Olsen Engineering Facility
Omaha Lead site
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
Omeco Industrial Park
Onawa Airport
Operations and Maintenance
Orange City Water Supply
Osceola Coal Gas
Osgood Gravel Pit
Oshkosh Tanning Company
Oskaloosa Feed & Grain
Oskaloosa FMGP
Oskaloosa Food Products
Oskaloosa Implement
Oskaloosa Small Arms Range
Ottsen Oil Company
Ottsen Oil Company
Ottumwa (ex) Naval Air Station
Ottumwa 500 Yard Range
Ottumwa Coal Gas
Ottumwa Courier
Ottumwa Landfill
Owen Crist Automotive
Owen Parkway East
Oxford Junction Water Supply
Pacific Activities
Palo Alto County Solid Waste (transfer station)
Pankajbhai Desai Properties
Pappajohn Learning Center
Parawax Company
Parcel 104
Paris & Sons
Paris Green Spill
Park Avenue FMGP
Park Avenue Realty, Marion
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Parker Oil
Parkwood Plaza
Parr Manufacturing
Parrotts Painting Property
Pathry Property
Pathway Property
Paul Property Lead Site
Paxton and Vierling Steel Company
PCE Chestnut Street, Atlantic
PCE Former Dry Cleaner, Atlantic
PCS Nitrogen
PDM Precast
Peavey Salt Storage
Pella Coal Gas
Pella Power Plant
Penford Products
Peoples Natural Gas
Peoples State Bank Building
Pep Gas
Perfection Oil Troys Truck Stop
Perry FMGP
Persia Oil
Peters Construction
Petroleum Plume Remediation Site
Pflanz Electronics
Phillips 66 Station #2077
Phillips East Bulk Terminal
Phillips West Bettendorf Terminal
Pierce Property
Pierce Street Dry Cleaners
Pietig Battery Crushing
Pilling AST Property
Pioneer Furniture Warehouse
Pitt/Des Moines Steel
Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut
Plain Talk Publishing
Plainfield Water Supply
Planetary Corporation
Plaza Towers
Pleasant Hill Disposal site
Polaris Plating
Polk City Water Supply
Pospisil Painting Inc.
Postels Property
Poweshiek County Sanitary Landfill
Prairie Ag Cooperative
Prairie Energy Cooperative
Prairie Landing Subdivision
Prairie Trail Development
Prairie View Industrial Center
Pratt Land Company
Premier Linen
Proctor and Gamble, Iowa City
Product Design and Fabrication
Progressive Foundry
Proposed Apartment Complex
Proposed Art Block Building
Proposed Auto Zone
Proposed Casey's Store
Proposed Cell Tower
Proposed Community State Bank
Proposed DART Operations and Maintenance Facility
Proposed Dollar General
Proposed Dollar General Store
Proposed Family Dollar
Proposed Fusion Building
Proposed Grimes Yard Waste Facility
Proposed HyVee C-Store
Proposed Kum & Go #526
Proposed Kwik Trip # 1156
Proposed Kwik Trip #1025
Proposed Kwik Trip #1027
Proposed Kwik Trip #1032
Proposed Kwik Trip #1036
Proposed Kwik Trip #1039
Proposed Kwik Trip #1050
Proposed Kwik Trip #1055
Proposed Kwik Trip #1057
Proposed Kwik Trip #106
Proposed Kwik Trip #106 adjacent property
Proposed Kwik Trip #1072
Proposed Kwik Trip #1076
Proposed Kwik Trip #1077
Proposed Kwik Trip #1119
Proposed Kwik Trip #394
Proposed Kwik Trip #509
Proposed Kwik Trip #569
Proposed Kwik Trip #607
Proposed Kwik Trip #920
Proposed Kwik Trip #924
Proposed Kwik Trip #929
Proposed Kwik Trip #993
Proposed Kwik Trip Store #1012
Proposed Kwik Trip Store #567
Proposed Medical Pavilion
Proposed Parking Ramp
Proposed Post Office
Proposed Post Office
Proposed Post Office
Proposed Speedway 101100
Proposed Veterans Clinic
Proposed Wal-Mart #1683-02
Proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter
Proposed YMCA Flats
Prototype Foundry
Pruess Elevator
Public Library
Purethane Property
Q C Coating, Inc.
QC Toyota
Quad Cities (ex) Tank Arsenal Site
Quad County Farm Service
Quail Park Meadows
Quality Chef Foods
Quality Products
Quality Radiator
Quality Service Corporation, Marshalltown
Quest Liner Transload Facility
Quick Oil Company
Quick Trip Store #501
Quick Trip Store 516R
Quick Trip Store 541R
Quick Trip Store 554R
Qwest Petroleum
R & R Auto Salvage
R.R. Donnelley
R.S. Stover Company
R.V. Hopkins
R.W. Commercial Plaza
Radium Petroleum
Radium Petroleum
Radium Petroleum
Radium Petroleum
Radium Petroleum
Radium Petroleum
Radium Petroleum
Radium Petroleum
Railroad Avenue Groundwater Site, North Plume
Railroad Avenue Groundwater Site, South Plume
Railroad Drum Site
Rainbow Dry Cleaners
Rainbow Oil
Ralston Purina
Ralston Site
Randolph Fertilizer and Grain
Random Enterprises Inc
Rardin Auto Salvage
Rassy's Bike Shop
Rath Administration Building
RC Industries
Rearco, Inc.
Recycletronics Akron Farm Facility
Recycling Inc
Red Giant Oil
Red Lobster
Red Oak 25 Meter Range
Red Oak Creek Drum Site
Red Oak FMGP
Red Oak Landfill
Reeds Standard Oil
Reese Associates Inc.
Reichling Oil Corporation
Reilly Dump Site
Reliance Battery
Residential Heating Oil Tank
Rex Store
Riddle, Inc.
Ritter Coop Elevator
River Cities Industrial Center
River Gulf Grain Company
River Hills Business Park
River Hills Community Health Center
River Street Landfill
River Valley Cooperative
River Valley Farm Service
Riverfront Development
Riverfront Properties
Riverpoint Office Building
Riverside Landfill
Riverside Minimart
Riverside Sports Cars
RNW Transport Ethanol Release
Roadway Express Terminal
Robert Carl Company
Roberts Rural Supply
Robinson Implement
Rock Island Depot
Rockwell City Ready Mix
Rockwell Collins 35th St. Main Plant
Rockwell Collins, Building 105
Rolling Hills Farm Service
Rolscreen Company
Ron's Repair Shop
Roosevelt School
Rose Spur Quarry
Roseman Bridge Road
Ross Daniels Inc.
Ruan Property
Ruan Transport, Mason City
Rumely Building
Russell Farm
Russelloy Foundry
Ruthven Cooperative
Rydell Chevrolet
Ryerson Site
S Ankeny Blvd
S&J Recycling
S. Hanson Lumber Company
Sac City Solid Waste Agency
Sac City US Army Reserve Center
Saddlery Office Building
Safo Clinic
Sageville CCR Landfill
Salem United Methodist Church
Salsbury Labs
Salvation Army Homeless Shelter
Salvation Army Playground
Salvation Army, Davenport
Samco Chemical
Samuel Shindler Properties, Sioux City
Sanborn Coop Grain Co
Sanitary Dry Cleaners
Sanitary Sewer Siphon
Sapp Bros. Inc. Bulk Plant, Carter Lake
Sauer Sundstrant (Diesel Tanks)
Sawgrass Parkway
SBA Cell Towers
SBA Proposed Cell Tower
SBA Proposed Cell Tower
Schaeff Incorporated
Schebler Company
Schenkelberg Implement
Schick General Army Hospital
Schilli Corp
Schlegel Corporation
Schmitty's Oil
Schroder Construction Services
Schroeders Service
Schropp's Property
Schutjer Spraying Service
Scott County Landfill
Scott County Rescue
Scoular Grain Company
Scranton Manufacturing
Scrap Processors Warehouse
Seabee Corporation
Sec Taylor Stadium
Sedlacek Property
Semco Sanitary Landfill
Serrano Dry Wall Supply
Serv-Quick Cleaners
Sewal Sorting
Shaw Avenue Dump
Sheaffer Pen
Sheffield Co-op, East
Sheffield Co-op, West
Shelby County Sanitary Landfill
Shelby Mini Mart
Sheldon 1,000 - Yard Range
Sheldon Coal Gas
Sheldon Oil and Propane
Sheldon Salvage Yard
Shell Bettendorf Terminal
Sheller Globe
Sheller Globe/Grimes Property
Shenandoah FMGP
Shenandoah Water Supply
Sheridan Auto Center
Shimek Elementary School
Shimek State Forest
Shine Brothers Salvage Yard
Shottenkirk Chevrolet Addition
Shull Property, Waterloo
Sibley Concrete Company
Sidney Sinclair
Sigourney Oil
Simplot - Lohrville
Simplot - Sac City
Simplot - Ware
Simpson Furniture
Sinclair Elevator
Sinclair Meat Packing
Sinclair Oil Company
Sinclair Pipeline Terminal
Sinclair Station
Sioux City Airport
Sioux City Army Air Base Rifle Range
Sioux City Army Air Field Moving Target Range
Sioux City Hill Farm Rifle Range
Sioux City Maintenance Garage
Sioux City Marina
Sioux City MGP
Sioux City Stockyard Hog Hotel
Sioux City Stockyards Livestock Exchange
Sioux Fertilizer
Sioux Land Historic RR Association
Sioux Rapids PCE
Sivyer Steel
Sloan Wastewater Treatment Plant
Small Engine Repair
Small Engine Repair, Delhi
Smith Oil
Smith Oil
Smith Oil
Smithway Motor Express
Smitthy's Road Oiling Service
Smitty Oil
Smitty Oil
Smitty's Oil Co.
Smokin’ Joes Tobacco & Liquor Outlet
SMS Enterprises
Smythe Building
Snap-on Tools
Snap-On Tools
Snell Properties
Soil Tek
Solvay Animal Health
Soo Line
South 4th Street PCE
South Bellingham Road
South CRANDIC, Coralville
South Federal Residence
Southard Implement Company
Southeast Connector Part A
Southeast Connector Part B
Southern Iowa Oil
Southridge Square
Souvenir Group
Spaulding Manufacturing Company
Specification Chemicals Inc.
Speedy Manufacturing
Spencer Landfill
Spencer Municipal Utilities facility
Spencer public water supply
Spencer Wastewater Treatment Plant
Sperry Cleaners
Sperry Univac Recording & Statistical Division
Spirit Lake Community Gardens
Sport Wade South
Spratt Oil, Lease No 24363
Spring Village
Square D Company
Square Deal Oil Company
Stamatelos Property
Standard Chemical Mfg. Co.
Standard Oil Bulk Plant
Standard Oil Site
Star Building Systems
Star Energy
Starbuck Farm
State Federal Savings and Loan Building
State Training School
Stateline Cooperative
Stateline Cooperative
Statewide Metal Recycling
Stealth Race Cars
Stearns Automobile
Steve Lamb Property
Stickle Drive
Stinson Excavating
Stivers Auto Dealership
Stivers Used Car Outlet
Stolper Industries
Stoner McCray
Storm Lake Coal Gas
Stoyles Graphic Services
Straight Engineering
Strunk Landfill Site (former)
Student Housing Development
Studio Dee
Sturgis Corner Drive Investigation
Subra-RJ Construction, Marion
Substance Abuse Housing Project
Suchomel Property
Sulentic Property
Summit Hills Subdivision
Sunflower Enterprises
Sunoco Station
Sunray DX Bulk Terminal
Sunrise Manor
Sunset Motel
Sunset Park
Sunshine Laundry, Fort Dodge
Sunwise Systems
Super 8 Motel, Dubuque
Sutherland Power Station
SW 9th, Titus to Kenyon
Swan Lake Road Property
Swift Ind. Packing Company
Swift Ind. Packing Company
Swiss Valley Farms
Swiss Valley Farms
Sycamore & 5th Dry cleaning
Sycamore Street Site
Taco Johns
Tails A Waggin Pet Resort
Taintor Coop
Tama Asphalt Coal Gas
Tama Coal Gas
Tanglefoot Lane
Taste of Thailand Restaurant
TEC, Davenport
Terex (16th St)
Terex Cedar Rapids Parcel A, Cedar Rapids (17th St)
Terex Cedar Rapids, Parcel B
Terminal Coop
Terra Chem.-George Neal Station
Terra Chemicals
Terra Nitrogen Port Neal Complex
Terrace Hill Apartments
Thatcher Plastics Dart
The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID)
The Machinery Company
Thermogas, Akron
Thermogas, Algona
Thermogas, Allison
Thermogas, Atlantic
Thermogas, Audubon
Thermogas, Britt
Thermogas, Buffalo Center
Thermogas, Center Point
Thermogas, Charles City
Thermogas, Clinton
Thermogas, Decorah
Thermogas, DeWitt
Thermogas, Dubuque
Thermogas, Edgewood
Thermogas, Emmetsburg
Thermogas, Fruitland
Thermogas, Grinnell
Thermogas, Hartley
Thermogas, Lime Springs
Thermogas, Macedonia
Thermogas, Marengo
Thermogas, Marshalltown
Thermogas, Mason City
Thermogas, Montezuma
Thermogas, Northwood
Thermogas, Palo
Thermogas, Prairie City
Thermogas, Preston
Thermogas, Riceville
Thermogas, Richland
Thermogas, Rockwell
Thermogas, Shenandoah
Thermogas, Sibley
Thermogas, Storm Lake
Thermogas, Washington
Thermogas, Waterloo
Thermogas, West Chester
Thermogas, Wilton
Thomas Electric Company
Thomas Property
Thombert Inc.
Thompson - Hayward Chemical Co.
Thompson Hayward Chemical Co.
Thompson Library
Thompson Trust
Three Rivers Coop
Three Rivers Cooperative
Three Rivers FS
Tiffin Shooting Range
Tipton Power Plant
Tires Plus
Todtz Farm Landfill
Tom Harney Property
Tom Thumb Facility
Top of Iowa Co-op
Towncrest Center
Trails End Auto & Truck Salvage
Transco Railway Products, Inc, Oelwein
Transit Plaza
Trausch Industries
Travis Industries
Trellex Morse
Tri City Blacktop
Tri County Cooperative
Triggs Manufacturing
Triggs Trailer
Triple J Mart
Tripoli Landfill
Tripoli Sanitary Sewer lIne
Tru-Fit Battery Site
Truck Country
Truck Terminals
Truck Transport Inc
TruGreen Chemlawn
TSL Companies
Turner Seed Company
Turnwal Property
Tuttle Street Landfill
Two Amigos auto Sales
Tyson Foods Inc.
UCS Healthcare Building
Ulrich Motor Company
Umthum Trucking Co. (well)
UNI Power Plant AST Piping
Unimproved Property
Union at River's Edge
Union Carbide
Union County Sanitary Landfill
Union Pacific
Union Pacific
Union Pacific (Realty)
Union Pacific Clarion Rail Yard
Union Pacific Drying Beds
Union Pacific Rail Yard
Union Pacific Rail Yard, Hull Ave., Des Moines
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad Fueling Facility, Mason City
Union Pacific Railroad Yard Office
Union Pacific Railroad, Estherville
Union Pacific Railroad, Missouri Valley
Union Pacific Railroad, Oelwein
Union Pacific RR
Union Pacific RR-Fauser Oil Lease, West
Unique Dry Cleaner
Unisys Corporation
United Farmers Mercantile Coop
United Farmers Mercantile Coop-UAN
United Hydraulics
United States Army Reserve Center
United Suppliers
United Suppliers, Pacific Junction
United Technologies Corporation, 2200 Delavan Drive
United Western Coop
Universal Circuits, Inc.
University of Iowa Community Credit Union
University of Iowa Power Plant
University of Iowa, Madison Street Services Building
University of Nebraska Foundation
Unnamed Property
UPRR Fauser Oil Lease - East
Urbandale Bulk Main Center / USPS
Urbandale Parks Maintenance UST
US Cellular Tower #394388
US Courthouse
US Highway 20 and University ave. Extension
US Nameplate
USDA Grain Bin Background Documents
USDA Grain Bin Sites, Iowa
USDA Grain Bin, Ewart, Ia
USDA Grain Bin, Luzerne, Ia
USDA Grain Bin, Napier, Ia
USDA Grain Bin, Percival, IA
USDA Grain Storage Facility PA/SI
UT Tire Recyclers
V & Y Truck and Trailer
Vail Avenue and 3rd Street
Valley Junction Mixed Use
Van Buren County Sanitary Landfill
Van Diest Supply Company
Van Gorp Corp.
Van Gorp Corporation
Van Hauen & Associates
Van Wall Powersport, Indianola
Van Waters & Rogers
Van Wyk Freight Line
Vander Linden Property
Vector Construction
Veterinary Clinic
Victoria Cleaners
Victoria Cleaners, Inc
Victorian Corner
Video Cabinet Facility
Vigoro Industries
Vigoro Industries
Vigoro Industries
Vigoro Industries, Keota
Viking Pump
Villisca Army Target Range,
Vinton FMGP
Vogel Fertilizer
Vogel Paint and Wax Company
Vulcan Iron Works, Mason City TBA
W G Jacques Property
W S Dickey Company
W S Supplies
W&H Cooperatvie Oil Co.
Wa-Coop Site
Wabash National Facility
Wacky Waters
Waddell Brothers
Wagner Auto
Wal-Fam Development
Waldon Investment
Waldorf Corporation
Walgreens - Ingersoll
Walker Auto Salvage
Walmart (bioremediation site)
WalMart Store
Walmart Supercenter #4606, Osceola
Walnut Coal Gas
Walnut Creek Service Center
Walnut Grove Products
Walsh Chevrolet
Wapello Dollar General
Warren County Drum Site
Warren County Oil Company
Warren Distribution
Warren Distribution (former)
Warren Performance Packing
Warrior Hotel
Washington Coal Gas
Washington Gap Filler Annex Z-81E
Washington School Apartments
Washington Street Right-of-Way
Waspy's Truck /Stop
Waste Management of Iowa
Waterloo Coal Gas
Waterloo Dry Cleaning Site
Waterloo East 4th Street
Waterloo Gasoline Engine
Waterloo Greyhound Park
Waterloo Industries
Waterloo Oil Bulk Plant
Waterloo Recreation Center Coal Gas
Watertower Paint & Repair
Waterview Investments SE 1st St
Waukee Crossing Out lot X
Waverly Closed Dump Site
Waverly FMGP
Waverly Public Water Supply
Wayne Engineering
Wayne-Ringold-Decatur County Landfill
Waynes Ag
Webster City Custom Meats
Webster City Landfill #1
Webster City MGP
Webster City Products Company
Webster City Street Department
Webster County Landfill
Weissman Steel
Weissman Steel Site
Weitz Properties
Wellborn Industries
Weller Plastics
Wellman Dynamics
Wellmark Office Building
Wellmark YMCA Addition, 6th & Grand, Des Moines
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Parking Lot
Wellsburg Elevator
Wendys Restaurant
Werts Corporation
West 4th Street Landfill
West Bend Elevator
West Bend Elevator
West Bend Municipal Electric
West Branch Oil
West Liberty Foods
West Liberty Foods
West Salem
West Union Coop
Western Area Power Administration
Westside Salvage Shellsburg
Westside Wolf Pack
Weyerhaeuser Company
White Cleaners/Downtown Wells
White Consolidated Ind.
White Farm Equipment
White Transfer and Storage
Whitson Oil
Wicks Farmaster
Wiese Corporation
Wiliams Pipeline, Hanlontown
Williams Oil
Williams Pipe Line - Waterloo
Williams Pipeline
Williams Pipeline - Clear Lake
Williams Pipeline - Fort Dodge
Williams Pipeline - Latimer
Williams Pipeline - Thornton
Williams Pipeline Co.
Williams Pipeline Terminal Facility
Williams Pipeline, Ekhart
Williams South Sioux City Station
Wilmac Properties
Wilson Concrete
Wilson Concrete
Wilson Concrete
Wilson Concrete
Wilson Concrete
Wilson Property, Marion
Wilson Railway
Wilton City Dump
Winfield Chemical Burial Site
Winnebago Drum Site
Winnebago Industries
Winterset Oil
Wissink Property #1
Wissink Property #2
Wissink Property #3
Wittenauer Property
WOI Building
Wolf Construction
Wood Roofing Property
Woodbury County Drum Site
Woodring Disposal Site
Woods Hotel
World Liquor
Worley Warehouse
Worth County Coop Oil
Wright and Short Service
Wright County Landfill
Wynn Fertilizer
Xerxes Corporation
Yellow River State Forest
Younkers Warehouse
Zajicek Salvage Yard
Zeidlers Inc Site
Zephyr Transport
Zesch Property
Zody Property