Vogel Paint and Wax Company
National Priority List (NPL) - Open
2 miles south of Maurice , Maurice , IA 51036
Project Manager: Jake Bucklin


The Vogel site is located about 2 miles south and 1 mile west of Maurice. From 1972 to 1979 Vogel used two acres of the 80-acre site for the disposal of wastes from the manufacturing of paint and varnish at their plant in nearby Orange City. In 1986 the site was placed on the Superfund National Priorities List due to contamination of groundwater with paint solvents. A series of investigations led to the development of a cleanup plan in 1989. The cleanup plan called for excavation of contaminated soil from the 2-acre disposal area and treating it by landfarming in controlled cells. The plan also called for pumping and treating of the contaminated groundwater. The cleanup plan was revised in 1994 and again in 2000. Cleanup activities were initiated in 1991. Cleanup of 65,000 cubic yards of contaminated soils from the 2-acre disposal area was successfully completed in 1999. Roughly 150,000 gallons of paint solvents were removed as a result. Treated soils were placed back into the original disposal area. The groundwater pump-and-treat activities continued until late 2002 and were reactivated in August of 2003. Over 275 million gallons of groundwater have been pumped and treated. About 15,000 gallons of relatively pure paint solvents (primarily xylene) have been recovered concurrently with the groundwater pumping. These solvents were disposed of at an out-of-state hazardous waste facility. Additional solvents were found floating on the groundwater table south of the original disposal area. Additional cleanup actions were completed in 2000 in an attempt to take these solvents out of direct contact with the groundwater. The remedial actions taken in 2000 initially resulted in a major decrease in the amounts of solvent material floating on the groundwater table. After another year of groundwater pump and treat actions, conditions were such that the DNR allowed Vogel to cease the pumping and treating of groundwater. In July of 2003 ongoing monitoring of groundwater revealed some off-site migration of contamination to the south, although no water-supply wells were threatened. The groundwater pump and treat system was reactivated in the August of 2003 to stop the off-site migration of contamination. Vogel and the DNR have entered into an agreement for management and eventual closure of the site. The agreement originally called for Vogel to continue to pump and treat groundwater at the site until groundwater-monitoring results demonstrate that these actions are no longer necessary. However, a reevaluation of the cleanup plan was made after discovery of off-site contamination. The extent of off-site contamination was determined and monthly monitoring is currently conducted to keep track of the contaminant plume. In July 2007 a phytoremdiation pilot study was initiated. This involves pumping from one of the original recovery wells and using the water to irrigate poplar and willow trees which were planted to uptake water and contaminants. In the 2019 Five Year Review, EPA concluded that the phytoremediation was not sufficient to address groundwater concerns and required the owner to investigate and initiate additional groundwater remediation strategies to prevent address plume migration concerns. In response to this, the owner decided to utilize enhanced bioremediation injections to assist natural attenuation, as well as pumping to control plume migration.