Josephson Bennett Radiator Company
Targeted Brownfield Assessments - Closed
407 S 7th St , Fort Dodge , IA 50501
Project Manager: Brad Davison


May 27, 2005 Josephson – Bennett Radiator Co. (site) is located in the Southwest ¼ of Section 29, Township 89 North, Range 29 West, Webster County, Iowa. The current name and local address is Josephson - Bennett Radiator Co, 407 S 7th St, Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501 Sanborn® maps indicate the site was bare land between two residential dwellings from 1907 through 1947 (no information available prior to 1907). The maps also indicate the current structure was built between the two dwellings sometime after 1947. Currently the two dwellings have been demolished and the Josephson – Bennett Radiator Co. structure is all that remains. The site was used for manufacturing carburetors for gasoline engines and radiators from the year 1955 until 1978. The site has focused mainly on carburetor and radiator repair from 1978 to the present (Reference 3).In 2004 the City of Fort Dodge, Iowa retained Stanley Consultants, Inc (Stanley) to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in general accordance to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E1527-00. Stanley identified the following areas of concern: - Discharge of acidic, possibly metal containing wastewater to a sump located within the building. It is unknown where liquids from the sump are ultimately discharged. Metal containing sludges may also be present in the sump. - Solid waste located on the south site of the property including two vehicles, four used car batteries, a washer and dryer set, wooden pallets, scrap metal, and miscellaneous demolition debris. - A small acid bath within the building contains muriatic acid that is used to clean radiators and other vehicle parts. - Three 55-gallon drums and three smaller drums within the building containing muriatic acid. - Several buckets of black liquid located inside the building. - Solid waste on the north side of the building including an old gas tank - A large boil off tank located within the building used to rinse parts that have been cleaned in muriatic acid. Possible contaminants of concern (COCs) that may be found in the soil or groundwater include lead, copper, muriatic acid, chlorinated solvents, paint/thinners, and petroleum products. Because of possible low pH conditions at the site dissolved phase metals may be found in the groundwater. An ASTM Phase II will be conducted by the INDR on June 14 through June 17, 2005 with the final report due October 2005.