352 Ferry Road
Chapter 133 - Open
352 Ferry Road , Miles , IA 52064
Project Manager: Brad Davison


On February 8, 2024 the DNR received a complaint from the City of Miles regarding potentially petroleum contaminated soil at 352 Ferry Road in Miles, IA 52064 (site). The complainant stated that fuel oil was leaching from the ground adjacent to the building, which is subdivided into apartments. On February 21, 2024 a member from DNR Field Office 1 visited the site. Potentially petroleum-stained soil that was devoid of vegetation was observed adjacent to the north wall of the building. The southern face of the retaining wall also appeared to be stained. Field personnel were not granted access to the interior of the building. A 24-inch soil probe was extended below ground surface in the area of potential staining. Further probing was conducted near the foundation of the building, and in both instances no UST was detected. An additional complaint of a stressed farm field to the west of the site was investigated during the visit. No staining or petroleum impact was observed at that time, however; aerial imagery of the area does show stressed crops. A soil sample was collected from approximately 12 inches below ground surface in the area of potential staining. The soil sample was then submitted to the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory and analyzed by methods Iowa OA-1 and OA-2. Results from the sample yielded total extractable hydrocarbons (TEH)-diesel at 9,400 mg/kg. This is above the Iowa Tier 1 State Wide Standard (SWS) for leaching from soil to groundwater of 3,800 mg/kg.