Carroll Coal Gas
Consent Order - Closed
315 N Clark St , Carroll , IA 51401
Project Manager: Jake Bucklin


The site, owned by Interstate Power and Light Company, operated as a coal gas plant from the 1910s until 1954. Contaminants related to the coal gasification process were detected in soil and groundwater, and an additional plume from a neighboring AST site appears to be commingled with the plume at the site. A removal action to excavate contaminated soil was completed in 1997, and groundwater monitoring along with non aqueous phase liquid monitoring and recovery actions were conducted until 2010. Groundwater monitoring conducted at the site following removal actions demonstrated that the remaining contaminants in the soil and groundwater at the site are stable and not migrating, and closure was achieved in 2010. The site remains under a consent order and an environmental covenant has been recorded for the property, but Interstate Power and Light Company is not required to complete any further actions or monitoring at the site at this time.