Sheller Globe
Chapter 133 - Open
2500 Hwy 6 E , Iowa City , IA 52240
Project Manager: Jake Bucklin


An industrial site located on the outskirts of Iowa City that was historically used to manufacture padded foam and injection molded automotive interior parts. The site is currently leased for use as a distribution center, and the responsible party still operates the remedial system and monitoring network. Previous investigations discovered that the primary constituents of concern at the site are volatile organic compounds related to past manufacturing practices, and the primary source of contamination appears to be former underground and aboveground storage tanks that have since been removed. A multi-phase extraction system was installed in the shallow groundwater in 1997, and was replaced with an updated groundwater extraction system in 2011. This groundwater extraction system is still in operation and has proven effective in controlling plume migration in the shallow groundwater as well as removing volatile organic compounds from shallow groundwater in the source area. Analytical data suggests that monitored natural attenuation through reductive dechlorination. Current ongoing activities at the site includes remediation through the groundwater extraction system, annual groundwater monitoring and reporting, and routine operation and maintenance for the extraction system and monitoring well network. Evidence suggests that reductive dechlorination is occurring and, combined with the groundwater extraction system, is protective of human health and the environment.