Chicago Milwaukee & Saint Paul Roundhouse
Land Recycling Program - Closed
S1/2 NW1/4 Sec. 9, Spring Valley TS, 81N R28W , Perry , IA 50220
Project Manager: Matt Culp

Alternate Names

Alternate Name Edit Delete
467 Chicago Milwaukee and Saint Paul RR
1148 Chicago Milwaukee and Saint Paul Roundhouse Property

Institutional Controls

Institutional Control Start Date End Date Comments Edit Delete
147 Environmental Covenant 8/16/2011 EC prohibits ground water wells and limits use to non-residential use

Program Type History

Program Lead Agency Start Date End Date Edit Delete
814 Targeted Brownfield Assessments DNR 2/29/2008 3/18/2009
1466 Land Recycling Program DNR 4/19/2016

Status History

Status Start Date End Date Edit Delete
871 Open 12/13/2006 1/22/2007
979 Closed 2/29/2008 3/18/2009
1639 Open 5/29/2009 12/5/2011
2437 Closed 4/19/2016