Newton Mall
Chapter 133 - Closed
1501 1st Avenue East , Newton , IA
Project Manager:

Alternate Names

Alternate Name Edit Delete
494 Newton Mall (former)
719 Hyvee

Institutional Controls

Institutional Control Start Date End Date Comments Edit Delete
126 Environmental Easement 9/7/2000 No excavation or disturbance of sub-surface soils below four feet of the surface or construction of sub-surface structures within 200 feet of the south Property line without the prior approval of the Department. No wells are allowed

Program Type History

Program Lead Agency Start Date End Date Edit Delete
655 Chapter 133 DNR 3/21/2014

Status History

Status Start Date End Date Edit Delete
680 Open 2/22/2008 5/5/2009
1656 Closed 5/5/2009 6/22/2010
1778 Open 6/22/2010 3/21/2014
2971 Closed 3/21/2014