Ralston Site
Consent Order - Open
(North of) 228 Blairs Ferry Rd , Cedar Rapids , IA 52302
Project Manager: Shelly Nellesen

Alternate Names

Alternate Name Edit Delete
379 Rockwell Collins
857 Rockwell International

Institutional Controls

Institutional Control Start Date End Date Comments Edit Delete
22 State Registry 4/1/1990 12/12/2024 EC placed on Rockwell Collins parcel. Since this is the only parcel that was listed in the Registry, delisting is accepted.
52 Protected Water Source 11/13/1996 Limits new groundwater wells within 1-mile radius of the site by rule.
230 Environmental Covenant 9/13/2024 Restricts land use, groundwater well installation, and requires DNR notification before site can be sold.

Program Type History

Program Lead Agency Start Date End Date Edit Delete
446 Consent Order DNR 12/24/2013

Status History

Status Start Date End Date Edit Delete
466 Open 12/24/2013