Fairfield Coal Gas
National Priority List (NPL) - Open
609 W Washington Ave , Fairfield , IA 52556
Project Manager: Jake Bucklin

Alternate Names

Alternate Name Edit Delete
76 EPA ID: IAD981124167
77 Fairfield Coal Gasification Plant
1652 Fairfield Coal Gasification Superfund Site

Institutional Controls

Institutional Control Start Date End Date Comments Edit Delete
15 Technological Control 8/14/1991 Site is required to be fenced and marked with a warning sign.
16 Deed Restriction 8/14/1991 Groundwater and land use restrictions
120 State Registry 6/27/2003 Site is re-classified as closed

Program Type History

Program Lead Agency Start Date End Date Edit Delete
392 CERCLA Remedial EPA 11/2/2005 10/13/2017
2865 CERCLA Remedial EPA 1/1/2000 12/26/2019
3038 National Priority List (NPL) EPA 12/26/2019

Status History

Status Start Date End Date Edit Delete
411 Open 11/2/2005