Iowa DNR
River & Stream Biological Monitoring
Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys
Physical Habitat Assessments
BioNet Documentation

Ecoregion 47f : Rolling Loess Prairies

Ecoregion Map
Ecoregion Characteristics
Landform Description
Irregular plains to open low hills. Elevation 700-1300 ft.
Surficial Materials
Moderate to thick loess.
Mollisols, Alfisols (Argiudolls, Hapludalfs) {Shelby-Sharpsburg-Macksburg, Tama-Muscatine, Otley-Mahaska-Taintor}
Annual precipitation 30-35 in. Freeze free: 160-170 days.
Potential Vegetation
Mosaic of bluestem prairie and oak-hickory forest
Predominant Land Use
Cropland, small areas of deciduous forest
Loess deposits on well drained plains and open low hills characterize the Rolling Loess Prairies ecoregion. Loess deposits tend to be thinner than those find in the Steeply Rolling Loess Prairies to the west, generally less than 25 feet in depth except along the Missouri River where deposits are thicker. Potential natural vegetation is a mosaic of mostly tallgrass prairie and areas of oak-hickory forest. Although cropland agriculture is widespread, this region has more areas of woodland and pasture than the areas to the west.