Iowa DNR
River & Stream Biological Monitoring
Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys
Physical Habitat Assessments
BioNet Documentation

Ecoregion 47d : Missouri Alluvial Plain

Ecoregion Map
Ecoregion Characteristics
Landform Description
Smooth to irregular plains. Elevation 900-1100 ft.
Surficial Materials
Mollisols (Haplaquolls) {Luton-Onawa-Salix}
Annual precipitation 26-28 in. Freeze free: 150-160 days.
Potential Vegetation
Oak-hickory forest, northern floodplain forest
Predominant Land Use
The Missouri Alluvial Plain is part of the large, wide, flat alluvial plain found in five neighboring states. Surrounded by bluffs capped with deep loess, the historic island-studded meandering river channel has been stabilized and narrowed to manage discharge and to promote navigation and agriculture. The deep silty and clayey alluvial soils support extensive cropland agriculture. Most of the oak-hickory forest, floodplain forest, and tallgrass prairie has been removed due to conversion to cropland, although some wetlands are being restored.