Cedar River at Palisades-Kepler State Park ID#10570003
Stream access point at the end of Kepler Drive in Palisades-Kepler State Park
Inactive ambient stream water quality site. Surrogate ambient stream water quality site used while site #10570001 was inaccessible due to Hwy 30 bridge construction.
Start by selecting an analyte from the dropdown list
Choose start and end dates as needed, using the sliders. Default date range is the most recent sample date and previous ten years.
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An error occurred while trying to retrieve data.
No results for this analyte.
An error occurred while trying to retrieve data.
No results for this analyte.
Yearly Summaries
For the purposes of average calculation, non-detect results are considered to have a value equal to half the detection limit.
Only results collected at or near surface are considered in this summary (no bottom samples/below thermocline/etc)