Stormwater - Permit Actions

NEW Notice of Intent (NOI)

(Users must login to enter a new NOI)

Select the permit from which you are needing coverage:

General Permit #1: Stormwater discharge associated with Industrial Activity

General Permit #2: Stormwater discharge associated with Industrial Activity for Construction Activities

General Permit #3: Stormwater discharge associated with Industrial Activity for Asphalt Plants, Concrete Batch Plants, Rock Crushing Plants, and Construction Sand and Gravel Facilities

RENEW Notice of Intent (NOI)

(Login not required)

Choose your option:

Enter Authorization Number to be renewed below, then click "Renew"

Format(####-####) or (#####-#####)

- OR -

Login and select authorization to renew from 'My Applications' list

Submit a Notice of Discontinuation (NOD)

(Login required)

Enter Authorization Number to be discontinued below, then click “Discontinue”

- OR -

Login and select authorization to discontinue from 'My Applications' list