Iowa’s lakes and reservoirs offer outdoor opportunities for all, with locations just a short drive away from anywhere in the state. Search by name or keyword below, or explore the map. You may also want to check the latest fishing reports.
Lake Name | County | Location | Acres | |
Greenfield Lake | Adair |
1 mile southwest of Greenfield |
56.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Meadow Lake | Adair |
6 miles northeast of Greenfield |
34.00 |
Boat Access Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Golden Shiner Grass Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Mormon Trail Lake | Adair |
1 1/2 miles southeast of Bridgewater |
33.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Nodaway Lake | Adair |
2 miles southwest of Greenfield |
25.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Orient Lake | Adair |
1 mile southwest of Orient |
16.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
farm pond | Adair |
statewide |
1.00 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Meadow Lake Watershed Pond 1 | Adair |
1.50 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Meadow Lake Watershed Pond 2 | Adair |
12.80 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Hoskin's Wildlife Area Pond | Adair |
2.50 |
Mormon Trail SW Pond | Adair |
1.25 |
Mormon Trail SE Pond | Adair |
1.00 |
Binder Lake | Adams |
1 mile northeast of Corning |
76.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Lake Icaria | Adams |
4 miles north of Corning |
648.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
West Lake Corning | Adams |
North edge of Corning |
18.00 |
Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Spring Lake | Adams |
5.00 |
Big Lake (Lansing) | Allamakee |
3 m N Lansing |
800.00 |
Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Sauger Smallmouth Bass Sucker Walleye White Bass Yellow Perch
Big Slough | Allamakee |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Sauger
Butler Lake | Allamakee |
Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass Yellow Bass Yellow Perch
Gimmel Lake | Allamakee |
28.00 |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass Yellow Perch
Harper's Slough | Allamakee |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass Yellow Perch
Japan Slough | Allamakee |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Sauger Walleye
Joyce Lake | Allamakee |
45.00 |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye
Lansing Lake | Allamakee |
0.00 |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass
Lost Channel | Allamakee |
Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Trout Channel Catfish Rainbow Trout Sauger Walleye White Bass
Martelle Lake | Allamakee |
24.00 |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass
McDonald Slough | Allamakee |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Northern Pike Sauger Walleye White Bass
Middle Slough | Allamakee |
Channel Catfish Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Minnesota Slough | Allamakee |
Channel Catfish Smallmouth Bass
Mud Hen Lake | Allamakee |
0.00 |
Channel Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass
New Albin Big Lake | Allamakee |
200.00 |
Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Smallmouth Bass
Off Slough | Allamakee |
Pigpen Slough | Allamakee |
Freshwater Drum
Rittenhouse Lake | Allamakee |
Saint Paul Slough | Allamakee |
Channel Catfish
Taylor Lake | Allamakee |
Founders Pond | Allamakee |
3.5 miles north of Marquette on the Great River Road. |
70.00 |
Oil Spring Creek | Allamakee |
Upper Iowa River | Allamakee |
Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Village Creek | Allamakee |
Waukon Pond | Allamakee |
Located on the south end of Waukon in Waukon City Park. |
3.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Yellow River Pond | Allamakee |
Located in Yellow River State Forest off of State Forest Rd. or CR B25, 3 miles west of Harpers Ferry. |
6.00 |
Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Conway Lake | Allamakee |
Pool 09, Mississippi River |
20.00 |
Bluegill Northern Pike
Pool 9, Mississippi River | Allamakee |
River Mile 647.9 at Lynxville, WI upstream to River Mile 679.2 at Genoa WI. |
35169.00 |
Black Bullhead Bluegill Brown Bullhead Crystal Darter Flathead Catfish Lake Sturgeon Largemouth Bass Mooneye Northern Pike Pumpkinseed Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Yellow Perch
Zoll Lake | Allamakee |
Phillipi Lake | Allamakee |
300.00 |
County Home Park Pond | Allamakee |
2.5 miles northeast of Waukon on HWY 9 |
2.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Centerville Lower Reservoir | Appanoose |
South edge of Centerville in Lelah Bradley Park along 210th Avenue |
32.00 |
Accessible Facilities Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Mystic Reservoir | Appanoose |
North edge of Mystic on the west side of T14 |
7.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Carry Down Boat Launch Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Centerville Upper Reservoir | Appanoose |
South edge of Centerville in Lelah Bradley Park along 210th Avenue |
96.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Stephens Forest Unionville Area Pond | Appanoose |
4 miles east of Unionville |
1.00 |
Rathbun Reservoir | Appanoose |
8 miles northwest of Centerville |
11000.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Littlefield Lake | Audubon |
4 miles east of Exira |
70.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Nabotna Pond | Audubon |
2.00 |
Hannen Lake | Benton |
4 miles Southwest of Blairstown |
38.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Rodgers Park Lake | Benton |
3.5 miles Northwest of Vinton |
22.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Winegar Lake | Benton |
9 miles North of Vinton |
6.00 |
Polk Township Lake | Benton |
5.5 miles Northwest of Urbana on west side of I-380 |
10.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Yellow Perch
Rodgers Trail Pond | Benton |
In Rodgers Lake Park, 5 miles NW of Vinton |
1.00 |
Casey Lake (aka Hickory Hills Lake) | Black Hawk |
12 miles south of Waterloo |
37.60 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Lake Restoration Underway - Fishing Not Advised Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Motor Restrictions
Cedar Falls Impoundment | Black Hawk |
N edge Cedar Falls |
140.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Black Hawk Park Pond 1 | Black Hawk |
11.00 |
Black Hawk Park Pond 2 | Black Hawk |
2.00 |
Cedar River N.R.A. Pond | Black Hawk |
10.00 |
Fisher Lake | Black Hawk |
N edge Waterloo |
8.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bluegill Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Motor Restrictions
North Hartman Pond | Black Hawk |
N edge of Waterloo |
20.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Railroad Lake (Falls Access S.W.M.A.) | Black Hawk |
17.00 |
South Hartman Pond | Black Hawk |
N edge of Waterloo |
8.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Thunder Woman Park Pond | Black Hawk |
5.00 |
West Hartman Pond | Black Hawk |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location
City Park Pond (Waterloo) | Black Hawk |
5.00 |
Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Trails
Fox Township W.A. Pond | Black Hawk |
6.00 |
Hope Martin Pond | Black Hawk |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Roger Birdsall Memorial Park Lake | Black Hawk |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location Playground Restrooms
Singing Bird Lake | Black Hawk |
7.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Alice Wyth Lake | Black Hawk |
Located on north edge of Waterloo in George Wyth State Park. |
60.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Sucker Motor Restrictions
Big Woods Lake | Black Hawk |
Northwest edge of Cedar Falls |
55.00 |
Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Brinker Lake | Black Hawk |
N edge Waterloo, located within George Wyth State Park. |
270.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Deerwood Park Lake | Black Hawk |
10.00 |
Community Fishing Location
George Wyth Lake | Black Hawk |
N edge Waterloo |
75.20 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Green Belt Lake | Black Hawk |
W edge Waterloo |
19.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Meyers Lake | Black Hawk |
Evansdale |
27.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie White Sucker Motor Restrictions
Harold Getty Lake | Black Hawk |
Located in southeast Waterloo about 1 mile north of the intersection of Highway 20 and Highway 218. Follow Mitchell Street about 0.25 miles east from Highway 218 to the Riverview Recreation Area. |
35.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
North Prairie Lake | Black Hawk |
SW edge of Cedar Falls |
10.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
South Prairie Lake | Black Hawk |
Located off of Viking Rd., Cedar falls, Ia. |
22.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Turkey Ridge | Black Hawk |
539893, 4720223 |
7.80 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Mullen's Pond | Black Hawk |
East 9th Street within Washington Park, Cedar Falls |
2.80 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms
Panther Pond | Black Hawk |
On Hudson Road North of UNI Dome parking lot. |
3.80 |
Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Trails
North Industrial Park Pond | Black Hawk |
Leversee Road behind Mid-Iowa Cooperative |
9.90 |
Community Fishing Location
Viking Road North | Black Hawk |
542019, 4703578 |
4.80 |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Don Williams Lake | Boone |
5 miles north of Ogden |
151.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Concessions Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Fraser | Boone |
W edge Frazer |
55.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
McHose Park Pond | Boone |
0.40 |
Community Fishing Location
Dickcissell Lake | Boone |
4m E Boone |
13.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch
Fraser Pit | Boone |
6.30 |
Jay Carlson Pit (east) | Boone |
7.75 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Jay Carlson Pit (west) | Boone |
3 miles west of Boone |
25.60 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass River carpsucker White Bass
Jay Carlson (south) | Boone |
3 miles west of Boone. |
3.40 |
Frederika Impoundment | Bremer |
20.00 |
Waverly Impoundment | Bremer |
120.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Channel Catfish Motor Restrictions
Avenue of the Saints Pond | Bremer |
2m SW Waverly |
41.00 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Common Carp Orangespotted sunfish Smallmouth Buffalo White Sucker Motor Restrictions
Wilson Grove North | Bremer |
3.00 |
Wilson Grove South | Bremer |
3.00 |
Three Rivers Pond | Bremer |
Located on the north end of the city of Waverly on the Waverly Utilities property. |
5.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Plainfield Lake | Bremer |
25.00 |
Boat Access Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Yellow Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Horton Pond | Bremer |
3.30 |
Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Fairbank Impoundment | Buchanan |
8.00 |
Fontana Mill Lake | Buchanan |
.5m S Hazleton |
63.00 |
Accessible Pier Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Independence Impoundment | Buchanan |
Independence |
280.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Sand Creek Access Area Lake | Buchanan |
3.00 |
Koutny Pond | Buchanan |
2.5m SE Brandon |
12.00 |
Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Fishing Jetty Gravel Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Sucker Motor Restrictions
Triangle Park Pond | Buchanan |
West end of the City of Independence. |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish White Sucker
Grover Pond | Buchanan |
2.50 |
Hodges and North Wildlife Area Pond | Buchanan |
Hodges and North is located about 2.5 miles south-southwest of the city of Jesup on the western edge of Buchanan County. |
Gustafson Lake | Buena Vista |
1 mile south of Sioux Rapids |
10.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Storm Lake (incl Little Storm Lake) | Buena Vista |
south edge of Storm Lake |
3097.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Channel Catfish Common Carp Walleye White Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Marathon City Park Pond | Buena Vista |
1.00 |
Pickeral Lake | Buena Vista |
7 miles northwest of Marathon |
170.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Sturchler Pit (Newell Pit) | Buena Vista |
1 1/2 miles northwest of Newell |
15.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Three Waters W.A. Lake | Buena Vista |
2m W, 3m N Newell |
7.00 |
Lake Considine | Butler |
2.00 |
Shell Rock Recreation Area Pond | Butler |
West of Shell Rock in Shell Rock Recreation Area |
5.00 |
Accessible Pier Camping Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Aplington Pits | Butler |
5.00 |
Wilders Pond | Butler |
4.00 |
South Fork Park (Dumont Pond) | Butler |
3.00 |
Sportsman's Pond | Butler |
2.00 |
North Twin Lake | Calhoun |
4 miles north of Rockwell City |
453.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Muskellunge Walleye Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Calhoun W.A. Pond | Calhoun |
5.00 |
Rockwell City City Pond | Calhoun |
1.00 |
Highway 4 R.A. Pond | Calhoun |
SW Edge Rockwell City |
8.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location
Swan Lake | Carroll |
3 miles southeast of Carroll |
120.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Daniel Davis Timber Pond | Carroll |
3.00 |
Great Western Park Lake | Carroll |
¼ mile west of Manning |
6.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Tigges Pond Willey | Carroll |
Two miles west of Willey and 1/2 mile south on Mahogany Ave. |
4.00 |
Tigges Pond Dedham | Carroll |
Two miles south and one mile east of Dedham. |
2.00 |
Cold Springs Lake | Cass |
1 mile south of Lewis. |
16.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Lake Anita | Cass |
1/2 mile south of Anita |
159.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Walleye Motor Restrictions
Cocklin Fish Farm | Cass |
2 miles north of Griswold, for more information about this city park, contact City Hall at (712)-778-2615 |
8.00 |
Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Warmouth Motor Restrictions
Iranistan Pond | Cass |
5 1/2 miles north of Griswold |
3.00 |
Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Nodaway W.A. Pond | Cass |
4 miles southwest of Massena |
8.00 |
Camping Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Atlantic Quarry Pond 3 | Cass |
60.90 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Atlantic Quarry Pond 1 | Cass |
7.20 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Atlantic Quarry Pond 2 | Cass |
31.10 |
Community Fishing Location Gravel Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Mooneye White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Cass County Education Pond | Cass |
2 miles south and 2 miles east of Messena |
2.20 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Bennett Lake | Cedar |
3 miles East of Bennett |
2.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Cedar Valley Park Quarries | Cedar |
7.5 miles Southwest of Tipton |
5.00 |
Camping Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Clear Lake | Cerro Gordo |
south edge of Clear Lake |
3684.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Johnny darter Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Northern Logperch Northern Pike Pumpkinseed Spottail Shiner Tadpole madtom Walleye White Bass White Crappie White Sucker Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Rockfall Pond | Cerro Gordo |
1.00 |
Blair Meadows Preserve Pond | Cerro Gordo |
West edge of Mason City |
1.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Georgia Hanford Park Ponds | Cerro Gordo |
0.00 |
East Park Pond | Cerro Gordo |
On South Virginia Ave within East Park, Mason City |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Restrooms Trails
Rockwell Pond | Cerro Gordo |
2.00 |
Wilkinson Pioneer Park Pond | Cerro Gordo |
1m SW of Rock Falls |
2.00 |
Black Pit | Cerro Gordo |
SW Edge Mason City |
16.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Community Fishing Location Gravel Boat Ramp Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Bass
Blue Pit | Cerro Gordo |
southwest edge of Mason City |
15.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Motor Restrictions
Bluebill Lake | Cerro Gordo |
4 miles Southeast of Clear Lake |
40.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Clark Lake (Mike Zack W.A.) | Cerro Gordo |
4m SE of Mason City |
10.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Fin and Feather Lake | Cerro Gordo |
3 miles south, 1 mile east of Mason City |
10.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Kuhn W.A. Quarry | Cerro Gordo |
6 miles north of Ventura on the intersection of B20 and S14 |
7.00 |
Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass
Lime Creek Quarry Pond | Cerro Gordo |
20.00 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Lime Creek Pond | Cerro Gordo |
Lime Creek Road near the Lime Creek Nature Center |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Larson Lake | Cherokee |
2 1/2 miles east, 2 miles north of Aurelia |
12.00 |
Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Black Bullhead Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Spring Lake | Cherokee |
south edge of Cherokee |
18.00 |
Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Nashua Impoundment (Cedar Lake) | Chickasaw |
Located on the east edge of Nashua. |
200.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Airport Lake | Chickasaw |
Located 2 miles northwest of New Hampton. |
9.00 |
Beach Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch
Goodale Conservation Area Pond | Chickasaw |
This pond is located 5 miles west and 1/2 mile south of Alta Vista within the county park. |
1.50 |
Carry Down Boat Launch
Johnny Walnut Seed Conservation Area Pond | Chickasaw |
Located 0.5 miles west and 1 mile north of Jerico. |
0.80 |
New Hampton Pond (Garnant) | Chickasaw |
This popular city owned pond is in Garnant Park, New Hampton on South 4th Avenue. |
1.50 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Sluggo's Pond | Chickasaw |
Located 1.5 miles east and 4 miles north of Lawler. |
0.50 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Black Bullhead
Split Rock Lake | Chickasaw |
Located 4 miles south and 1.5 miles west of Fredericksburg at 3090 Pembroke Ave. |
10.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Twin Ponds | Chickasaw |
Located 2 miles south and 3 miles east of Ionia off of County Road B54 and River Rd. |
6.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Yellow Perch
Ringneck Haven | Chickasaw |
Located 1.5 miles north and 1 mile west of North Washington. |
6.00 |
Boat Access Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Yellow Perch
Twin Ponds North | Chickasaw |
Located 2 miles south and 3 miles east of Ionia on County Road B54. The nature center and Chickasaw County Conservation Board Headquarters are also at this location. |
3.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
East Lake (Osceola) | Clarke |
1/2 mile east of Osceola |
13.30 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Grade Lake | Clarke |
15.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Community Fishing Location Gravel Boat Ramp Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Q Pond City Park | Clarke |
NW edge Osceola |
14.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Community Fishing Location Gravel Boat Ramp Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish White Crappie
West Lake (Osceola) | Clarke |
2 miles west of Osceola |
320.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Redear Sunfish White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Green Pines W.A. Pond | Clarke |
4.00 |
Dicken's Pit | Clay |
5.00 |
James W.A. Lake | Clay |
2.00 |
Elk Lake | Clay |
1 mile west, 3 miles south of Ruthven |
261.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Northern Pike Walleye Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Trumbull Lake | Clay |
4 miles west, 5 miles north of Ruthven |
1183.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Northern Pike Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Brugeman Park Pond | Clay |
9.00 |
Hawk Valley Pond (east) | Clay |
Hawk Valley Pond (west) | Clay |
0.00 |
Scharnberg Pond | Clay |
3m E Everly |
10.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass Yellow Perch
Schmerse W.A. Pond | Clay |
7.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Northern Pike Yellow Perch
Stolley Pit | Clay |
40.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Trails
Ackerman Cut | Clayton |
Big Pond | Clayton |
90.00 |
Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Walleye
Bussey Lake | Clayton |
2 m N Guttenberg |
240.00 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Channel Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye White Crappie Yellow Perch
Cassville Iowa Slough | Clayton |
Flathead Catfish Walleye
Dead Lake | Clayton |
Channel Catfish Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Ferry Slough | Clayton |
Frenchtown Lake | Clayton |
270.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Smallmouth Bass
Johnsons Slough | Clayton |
Methodist Lake | Clayton |
120.00 |
Black Crappie Bluegill
Spring Lake | Clayton |
Channel Catfish
State Line Slough | Clayton |
Swift Slough | Clayton |
1/2 M E of Guttenberg |
35.00 |
Channel Catfish
Wachendorf Lake | Clayton |
1 mile N of North Buena Vista |
130.00 |
Wood Duck Lake | Clayton |
Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Walleye
Wood Duck Slough | Clayton |
Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum
Wyalusing Slough | Clayton |
Wyoming Slough | Clayton |
Channel Catfish
Elkader Impoundment | Clayton |
Elkader |
30.40 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Rock Bass Smallmouth Bass White Sucker
Picayune Chute | Clayton |
Osborne Pond | Clayton |
Located 4.5 miles southwest of Elkader on Highway 13. |
3.00 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Sny Magill Ponds (3) | Clayton |
1.00 |
Guttenberg Waterfowl Ponds | Clayton |
65.00 |
Norwegian Lake | Clayton |
130.00 |
Bluegill Bowfin Bullhead Common Carp Crappie Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Shortnose gar Yellow Perch
Pool 10, Mississippi River | Clayton |
River Mile 615 at Guttenberg, IA upstream to River Mile River Mile 647.9 at Lynxville. |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Lake Sturgeon Largemouth Bass Mooneye Pirate Perch Smallmouth Bass White Crappie
Big Spring Trout Pond | Clayton |
At entrance to Big Spring Trout Hatchery, near Elkader |
2.50 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout
Big Spring Kids Trout Fishing Pond | Clayton |
On the grounds of the Big Spring Trout Hatchery |
0.15 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Restrooms Rainbow Trout
Limbeck Pond | Clayton |
Located in Guttenberg on the north side of town. It is on the east side of Hwy 52 and north of Kann Pond. |
1.90 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails Common Carp Green Sunfish
Kann Pond | Clayton |
Located in Guttenberg on the north side of town. It is on the east side of Hwy 52 and south of Limbeck Pond. |
0.90 |
Herman Pond | Clayton |
Northern most pond west of Hwy 52 in Guttenberg. |
7.50 |
Harter Pond | Clayton |
Southern most pond west of Hwy 52 in Guttenberg. |
8.00 |
Camp Klaus Pond | Clayton |
12.00 |
Beaver Slough | Clinton |
Immediately West of the City of Clinton Iowa |
Black Crappie Grass Pickerel Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Pumpkinseed Yellow Perch
Blue Bill Slough | Clinton |
Cook Slough | Clinton |
Dark Chute | Clinton |
Elk River Slough | Clinton |
Gomers Lake | Clinton |
Channel Catfish
Grass Lake | Clinton |
Lower Lake | Clinton |
Lyons Chute | Clinton |
Pond Lily Lake | Clinton |
Rock Creek (Clinton) | Clinton |
Schricker Slough | Clinton |
Sodus Slough | Clinton |
Swan Slough | Clinton |
The Tubes | Clinton |
Tyler Lake | Clinton |
Channel Catfish
Upper Lake | Clinton |
Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish
Hagenson Pond | Clinton |
.25 m S Folletts |
7.00 |
Malone Park Pond | Clinton |
5 miles east of DeWitt |
9.00 |
Beach Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Killdeer R.A. Lake | Clinton |
5 miles east of DeWitt |
12.00 |
Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty
Pool 13, Mississippi River | Clinton |
Between Bellevue and Clinton, Iowa. Pool 13 Starts at River Mile 556.7 |
28117.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass
McAndrews Wildlife Area Pond | Clinton |
1.50 |
Emma Young Pond | Clinton |
N. 14th St. behind the Erickson Community Center, Clinton |
1.80 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout
Nelson Park Lake | Crawford |
3 miles west, 3 miles north of Dow City |
11.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Yellow Smoke Park Lake | Crawford |
2 miles east, 2 miles north of Denison |
40.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Bass Motor Restrictions
Ahart/Rudd N.R.A. Pond | Crawford |
1m W 1.5m S Dow City |
7.00 |
Newcom/Riggelman N.R.A. Pond | Crawford |
6.00 |
Sunset Lake | Crawford |
20.00 |
Schrader W.A. Pond | Crawford |
1.5 miles E, 4 miles N of Vail |
5.00 |
Norelius Pond | Crawford |
3 miles south of Kiron |
3.00 |
Tuckers Pond | Crawford |
2710 6th Ave. North, Denison |
2.80 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Grass Carp Largemouth Bass
Beaver Lake | Dallas |
1 1/2 miles north of Dexter |
34.00 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Grass Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Glissman Pond | Dallas |
6.40 |
Snyder Pit | Dallas |
2 miles SW of Minburn. |
10.40 |
Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Largemouth Bass
Siglund Pond | Dallas |
2.40 |
Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Shadow Creek Pond | Dallas |
NW part of Clive off NE NW 177th Court |
1.60 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Cirksena Pond | Dallas |
Located along Baxter Drive in Clive |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Playground Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Kettlestone Commons East | Dallas |
Located on the East side of Grand Prairie PKWY in Waukee behind the Holmes-Murphy Plant. |
0.75 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Kettlestone Commons West | Dallas |
Located on the East side of Grand Prairie PKWY in Waukee behind the Holmes-Murphy Plant. |
1.70 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Tallgrass Pond | Dallas |
Along Grand Prairie Pkwy on the south side of Waukee. |
2.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Kollmorgen Park Pond | Dallas |
NW 164th St. within Kollmorgen Park, Urbandale |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Berkshire Pond | Dallas |
Corner of Douglas Pkwy and Berkshire Pkwy., Clive |
1.70 |
Community Fishing Location Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Pattee Park Pond | Dallas |
West of the Perry Athletic fields on West 5th St. |
1.04 |
Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Triumph Park West | Dallas |
9.20 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Triumph Park East | Dallas |
2.50 |
Accessible Facilities Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Kettlestone Village Pond | Dallas |
5.10 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Tanglewood | Dallas |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Creekside Pond | Dallas |
2.20 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Valley View Pond | Dallas |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Bulldog Basin | Dallas |
1.50 |
RecPlex Pond | Dallas |
Behind the West Des Moines RecPlex on Grand Ave. |
9.50 |
Community Fishing Location Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Southridge Pond | Dallas |
5.20 |
Grimes Plex Pond | Dallas |
Trail Access off of NE 11th St. |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Waukee Towne Center Pond | Dallas |
6.20 |
Windcrest Pond | Dallas |
0.90 |
Community Fishing Location Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Hope Meadows Pond | Dallas |
6.40 |
Kettlestone Trail Pond | Dallas |
1.00 |
Prairie Rose Pond | Dallas |
3.10 |
DMU West Pond | Dallas |
DMU Campus, Grand Ave., West Des Moines |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
DMU East Pond | Dallas |
DMU Campus, Grand Ave., West Des Moines |
4.20 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Waukee Public Safety Pond | Dallas |
Corner of 280th St. and T AVE at the new Public Safety Building. |
4.40 |
Lake Fisher | Davis |
2 miles northwest of Bloomfield on the south side of Jaguar Trail |
82.20 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Lake Wapello | Davis |
7 miles west of Drakesville on the west side of V17 |
289.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Rental Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Bloomfield City Park Pond | Davis |
East side of Bloomfield |
5.00 |
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 1 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
1.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 10 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
1.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 2 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
1.25 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 3 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
1.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 4 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
0.50 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 5 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
1.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 6 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
2.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 7 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
0.50 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 8 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
0.50 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 9 | Davis |
1/2 mile east of Bloomfield in the McGowen Wildlife Area |
0.30 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
Drakesville Pond | Davis |
NE side of Drakesville in the Drakesville Park |
4.00 |
Picnic Area Playground Restrooms
Eldon Game Area Ponds (2) | Davis |
3 miles southwest of Eldon in Eldon Wildlife Area |
4.00 |
Home Lake | Decatur |
20.00 |
Lake LeShane | Decatur |
75.00 |
Little River Watershed Lake | Decatur |
1 mile west of Leon |
733.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Nine Eagles Lake | Decatur |
3 1/2 miles southeast of Davis City |
62.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Slip Bluff Lake | Decatur |
Decatur County, 2 miles northwest of Davis City |
16.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Home Pond | Decatur |
2.00 |
Silver Lake (Delaware) | Delaware |
SE edge Delhi |
34.00 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Motor Restrictions
Backbone Lake | Delaware |
4m SW Strawberry Point, Backbone State Park. |
80.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Trout Common Carp Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout White Crappie White Sucker Motor Restrictions
Lake Delhi | Delaware |
3m W Delhi |
448.00 |
Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Schram Pond | Delaware |
13.00 |
Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Sucker Motor Restrictions
4th Pumping Plant (Iowa Slough Lake) | Des Moines |
6 miles North and 5 miles East of Kingston |
17.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Buffalo Slough | Des Moines |
Located in Pool 18 of the Mississippi River within the Huron Island Complex. Access would be from the Hawkeye Dolbee Boat ramp. |
Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Shortnose gar Smallmouth Buffalo Warmouth White Crappie
Camp Island | Des Moines |
Charlie Island | Des Moines |
Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish
Cody Chute | Des Moines |
Shallow flowing side channel in Pool 18 within the Huron Island Complex. Located between river miles 421.8 - 423.4. Access would be from the Hawkeye Dolbee boat ramp. |
Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Gates Lake | Des Moines |
Channel Catfish
Gun Chute | Des Moines |
Located within the Huron Island Complex in Pool 18. Access would be by boat only from the Hawkeye Dolbee boat ramp. |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Half Moon Lake | Des Moines |
Black Crappie Bluegill Flathead Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Huron Chute | Des Moines |
Located in Pool 18 of the Mississippi River within the Huron Island Complex. Located between river miles 421- 425.2. Access would be from the Hawkeye Dolbee boat ramp. |
Accessible Shoreline Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Shorthead redhorse Shortnose gar White Bass White Crappie
Johnson Island | Des Moines |
Channel Catfish Walleye
O'Connell Slough | Des Moines |
Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Otter Bay | Des Moines |
Black Crappie Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Otter Slough | Des Moines |
Channel Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Round Lake | Des Moines |
Rush Chute | Des Moines |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Swift Slough | Des Moines |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Twin Ponds | Des Moines |
Yeager Lake | Des Moines |
0.00 |
Northern Pike Rainbow Trout Smallmouth Bass Sucker Walleye
Black Hawk Bottoms | Des Moines |
Gahn Wildlife Refuge Pond | Des Moines |
NW of West Burlington, 1 Mi N of Highway 34 |
2.00 |
Gorge Pond | Des Moines |
5 m W Sperry |
2.00 |
Izaak Walton Lake | Des Moines |
11.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Lake Starker | Des Moines |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location Playground Restrooms Trails
Leaky Pond | Des Moines |
5 m W Sperry |
2.00 |
Linder South Pond | Des Moines |
1.25 miles SW of Dodgeville |
0.75 |
Shelter D Pond | Des Moines |
3 m W Sperry. This pond is located just SW of the park entrance. Shelter D Pond is also known as Pat's Pond. |
1.50 |
Shelter E Pond | Des Moines |
3 m W Sperry. Located east of the main park entrance. The pond is downhill from the picnic shelter (East Picnic Area). |
0.60 |
Big Hollow Lake | Des Moines |
3 miles west of Sperry |
178.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish
Leopold Recreation Area Pond | Des Moines |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Big Hollow Campground Pond | Des Moines |
0.75 |
Linder North Pond | Des Moines |
1.00 |
Cabin Pond | Des Moines |
Located in Big Hollow Recreation Area, 3 miles west of Sperry. Pond is just east of the off-grid cabin. |
0.30 |
Spirit Lake | Dickinson |
One mile North of Spirit Lake |
5684.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Banded Killifish Bighead Carp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Bluntnose Minnow Channel Catfish Common Carp Common Shiner Freshwater Drum Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Iowa darter Johnny darter Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Muskellunge Northern Logperch Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Pumpkinseed Quillback Shortnose gar Silver Carp Smallmouth Bass Spottail Shiner Tiger muskie Walleye White Bass White Sucker Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Center Lake | Dickinson |
2 miles west, 1/2 miles south of Spirit Lake |
220.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
East Okoboji Lake | Dickinson |
east edge of Okoboji |
1835.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Banded Killifish Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Johnny darter Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Muskellunge Northern Logperch Northern Pike Pumpkinseed Shortnose gar Smallmouth Bass Spottail Shiner Tiger muskie Walleye White Bass White Sucker Yellow Bass Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Little Spirit Lake | Dickinson |
4 miles north of Orleans |
604.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Shortnose gar Smallmouth Bass Tiger muskie Walleye White Bass White Crappie White Sucker Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Minnewashta Lake | Dickinson |
1/2 mile south of Arnolds Park |
118.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Bullhead Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Silver Lake (Dickinson) | Dickinson |
west edge of Lake Park |
1065.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye White Bass White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
West Okoboji Lake | Dickinson |
northwest edge of Arnolds Park |
3847.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fish Cleaning Station Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Banded Killifish Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Iowa darter Johnny darter Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Muskellunge Northern Pike Pugnose Shiner Pumpkinseed River carpsucker Shortnose gar Smallmouth Bass Tiger muskie Trout-perch Walleye White Bass White Crappie White Sucker Yellow Bass Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Diamond Lake | Dickinson |
2 miles east, 2 miles north of Montgomery |
143.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Lower Gar Lake | Dickinson |
½ mile south of Arnolds Park |
251.00 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Bullhead Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Pleasant Lake | Dickinson |
3 m E, 1 m S of Spirit Lake |
77.00 |
Prairie Lake | Dickinson |
2.5m E. Arnold's Park |
100.00 |
Swan Lake | Dickinson |
2m N Superior |
371.00 |
Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Quillback Walleye White Sucker Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch
Upper Gar Lake | Dickinson |
east of Arnolds Park |
36.00 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Bullhead Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Welch Lake | Dickinson |
75.00 |
Westport Park Pond | Dickinson |
22.00 |
Little Swan Lake | Dickinson |
371.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Northern Pike Yellow Perch
Dubuque Harbor | Dubuque |
Channel Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Sucker Walleye Yellow Perch
Greens Lake | Dubuque |
Horseshoe Lake | Dubuque |
Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Lake Peosta Channel | Dubuque |
Channel Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Sucker Walleye
Molo Slough | Dubuque |
Mud Lake Park | Dubuque |
0.00 |
Smallmouth Bass
Shawon Dasse Slough | Dubuque |
Basswood Creek | Dubuque |
Bluebell Creek | Dubuque |
Bunker Chute | Dubuque |
Leisure Creek | Dubuque |
Plum Creek | Dubuque |
East Bergfeld | Dubuque |
10.00 |
Accessible Facilities Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Heritage Pond | Dubuque |
N edge of Dubuque |
10.00 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Restrooms Bluegill Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Motor Restrictions
Pool 11, Mississippi River | Dubuque |
River Mile 583 at Dubuque, IA upstream to River Mile 615 at Guttenberg, IA. |
19875.00 |
Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Brown Bullhead Channel Catfish Crystal Darter Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Lake Sturgeon Largemouth Bass Mooneye Northern Pike Pirate Perch Pumpkinseed Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Yellow Perch
Ringneck Ridge Pond | Dubuque |
This 2.5 acre pond is located just south of Worthington off of Hwy. 136 in Dubuque County. |
2.50 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Heron Pond | Dubuque |
Located behind the Dubuque Greyhound Park on Ski Club Road |
5.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Althaus Pond | Dubuque |
At the dead end on Wintergreen Drive, Asbury |
1.30 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Forest Hills Pond | Dubuque |
Located along the Forest Hills Trail between Pinehurst Ct. and Willow Brook Dr., Asbury |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Theisen Pond | Dubuque |
Located along the Berfeld Trail on the North side of Chavenelle Road, Dubuque |
0.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Wedgewood Pond | Dubuque |
Located between Wedgewood Drive and Palmer Drive in Asbury |
1.78 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Miller-McGrath Pond | Dubuque |
Located 3.5 miles northwest of Peosta, north of Millville Road |
1.50 |
Moose Lake | Dubuque |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Maus Park Pond | Dubuque |
16.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Bee Branch Pond | Dubuque |
25.90 |
Community Fishing Location
McAleece Park Pond | Dubuque |
5.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Ingham Lake | Emmet |
6 miles east of Wallingford |
357.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
High Lake | Emmet |
6 miles east of Wallingford |
467.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Channel Catfish Northern Pike Walleye White Crappie Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Iowa Lake (Emmet Co.) | Emmet |
6 miles north of Armstrong |
802.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Black Crappie Northern Pike Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Tuttle Lake | Emmet |
1 mile east, 2 miles north of Dolliver |
2268.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Fathead Minnow Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish River carpsucker Spotfin shiner Walleye White Crappie Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
West Swan Lake S.W.M.A. | Emmet |
3m SE Gruver |
830.00 |
Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Common Carp Golden Shiner Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch
Jim Hall Habitat Area Wetland | Emmet |
60.00 |
West Slough | Emmet |
Near Ingham Lake |
Cunningham Slough | Emmet |
Near Ingham Lake. |
Estherville Pond (interim name) | Emmet |
Brad Alan Blvd |
0.60 |
Volga Lake | Fayette |
Located 3 miles north of Fayette. |
135.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Sucker Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Lake Oelwein | Fayette |
Located on the south edge of Oelwein. |
23.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Largemouth Bass Rock Bass White Sucker
Mare Mard Impoundment | Fayette |
5.00 |
Maynard Impoundment | Fayette |
Located in the town of Maynard on the Volga River. |
6.30 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground
Waucoma Impoundment | Fayette |
Located in middle of town. Access the impoundment in the city park from 1st Ave. SE. |
10.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass Rock Bass Smallmouth Bass White Sucker
Gilbertson Pond | Fayette |
Located east of Elgin off of county highway B64. |
3.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Bunting Rose Pond | Fayette |
Charles City Impoundment | Floyd |
Located on the Cedar River in the middle of Charles City. |
40.90 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Channel Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Marble Rock Impoundment | Floyd |
West edge of Marble Rock on the Shell Rock River. |
62.20 |
Fossil Park Pond | Floyd |
Located 1 mile west of Rockford on County Road B47. |
2.00 |
Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Rudd Lake | Floyd |
East of Rudd. |
12.40 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Mink Creek Pond | Floyd |
Beeds Lake | Franklin |
2 miles west, 1 mile north of Hampton |
90.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie White Sucker Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Maynes Grove Lake | Franklin |
5 miles south of Hampton |
11.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Pope Joy Pond | Franklin |
2.00 |
Interstate Park Lake | Franklin |
1 mile west, 2 mile south of I-35 & Hwy 3 |
20.00 |
Boat Access Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish White Crappie Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Prairie Bridges Park Ponds | Franklin |
1m N of Ackley |
12.00 |
Sheffield G.M.A. Pond | Franklin |
5.00 |
Toft Pit | Franklin |
5.00 |
Pinky's Glen Pond | Fremont |
2 miles west of Tabor |
15.00 |
Waubonsie Access Lake | Fremont |
40.00 |
Tabor Pond | Fremont |
1.50 |
McPaul A Pond | Fremont |
2 miles south of Bartlett |
10.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Black Crappie Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
McPaul B Pond | Fremont |
2 miles south of Bartlett |
28.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Percival Lake | Fremont |
1 mile north of Percival |
20.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Paddlefish Motor Restrictions
Scott Lake A | Fremont |
1 1/2 miles south of Bartlett |
16.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Scott Lake B | Fremont |
1 1/2 miles south of Bartlett |
8.00 |
Boat Access Fishing Jetty Gravel Boat Ramp Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Lake Virginia | Fremont |
5 miles west of Riverton. |
8.20 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish
Pound Pit middle W | Greene |
Pound Pit NE | Greene |
3m N Grand Junction |
Pound Pit NW | Greene |
Pound Pit | Greene |
2.5 miles north of Grand Junction |
18.00 |
Pound Pit SW | Greene |
Spring Lake | Greene |
4 miles northwest of Grand Junction |
51.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Scranton Pond | Greene |
On the south side of Scranton, on the east side of State Highway 25 |
4.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Rodman Park Ponds | Grundy |
2 miles West of Dike |
2.00 |
Stoehr Lake (Wellsburg) | Grundy |
4 miles Southeast of Wellsburg |
1.00 |
Grundy County Lake | Grundy |
South side of Hwy 20 at Dike exit |
40.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Lake Panorama | Guthrie |
Lake Panorama is on the north edge of Panora. There is no public boat ramp on this water body. |
1400.00 |
Springbrook Lake | Guthrie |
7 miles north of Guthrie Center |
14.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Sutcliff Woodland Pond | Guthrie |
North of Adair 10 miles. |
1.00 |
Briggs Woods Lake | Hamilton |
2 miles south of Webster City |
59.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Little Wall Lake | Hamilton |
1 1/2 miles south of Jewell |
249.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Eldred Sherwood Lake | Hancock |
3 miles east, 1 mile north of Goodell |
21.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Pilot Knob Lake | Hancock |
3m E Forest City |
15.00 |
Crystal Lake | Hancock |
north edge of Crystal Lake |
264.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye Motor Restrictions
West Twin Lake | Hancock |
3 miles east of Kanawha |
93.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Black Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Eight Mile Pits | Hancock |
3.50 |
Torkelson Pit W.A. (north) | Hancock |
7.60 |
Torkelson Pit W.A. (southeast) | Hancock |
11.00 |
Torkelson Pit W.A. (southwest) | Hancock |
2.90 |
Crystal Lake Sediment Pond | Hancock |
Off the northeast corner of Crystal Lake. |
9.60 |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Perch
Lower Pine Lake | Hardin |
1/2 mile east of Eldora |
62.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Pine Ridge R.A. Lake | Hardin |
8.00 |
Upper Pine Lake | Hardin |
1/2 mile east of Eldora |
69.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Alden | Hardin |
20.00 |
Iowa Falls Impoundment | Hardin |
40.50 |
Steamboat Rock | Hardin |
12.00 |
Meiers Access | Hardin |
5.00 |
Willow Lake | Harrison |
5 1/2 mile west of Woodbine |
26.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Grass Carp Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
DeSoto Bend at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge | Harrison |
5 miles west of Missouri Valley at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge |
811.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Paddlefish River carpsucker Sauger Walleye White Bass Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Dunlap Pond | Harrison |
East edge of Dunlap |
9.00 |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Nobles | Harrison |
6 miles southwest of Missouri Valley |
92.70 |
Sawmill Hollow W.A. Pond | Harrison |
4 miles southwest of Magnolia |
7.00 |
Schaben Pond | Harrison |
5 1/2 miles northeast of Woodbine |
5.00 |
Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Willow Lake Watershed Pond 1 | Harrison |
5 1/2 miles west of Woodbine |
1.90 |
Willow Lake Watershed Pond 2 | Harrison |
5 1/2 miles west of Woodbine |
2.20 |
Willow Lake Watershed Pond 3 | Harrison |
5 1/2 miles west of Woodbine |
2.00 |
Lake Geode | Henry |
4 miles southwest of Danville |
185.70 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Oakland Mills Impoundment | Henry |
15.00 |
East Lake Park Pond | Henry |
Mount Pleasant - City Park |
7.00 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout
Gibson Area Pond | Henry |
E of Oakland Mills (Henry CCB) |
2.00 |
Lake Geode Pond #1 | Henry |
1.70 |
Lake Geode Pond #3 | Henry |
1.70 |
Lake Geode Pond #4 | Henry |
1.00 |
Lake Geode Pond #5 | Henry |
1.00 |
Lake Geode Pond #6 | Henry |
1.00 |
Lake Geode Pond #7 | Henry |
1.00 |
Lake Geode Pond #8 | Henry |
1.00 |
Cranes Pond | Henry |
West Courtland St. in Mount Pleasant |
2.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Geode Shelter Pond #2 | Henry |
1.00 |
Prairie View Park Pond | Henry |
0.80 |
Community Fishing Location
Lake Hendricks | Howard |
Located 0.5 miles northeast of Riceville. |
47.40 |
Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Lidtke Impoundment | Howard |
This impoundment is adjacent to Lidtke Mill and located on the Upper Iowa River just north of Lime Springs. |
43.40 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Common Carp Crappie Northern Pike Rock Bass Smallmouth Bass Sucker Walleye White Sucker
Vernon Springs Impoundment | Howard |
Located 2.5 miles southwest of Cresco. |
39.40 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Largemouth Bass Northern hog sucker Northern Pike Rock Bass Walleye
Meirick's Pond | Howard |
Located 2.5 miles west of Elma on 190th St. |
8.00 |
Taylor Park Pond | Howard |
Located 3 miles northwest of Protivin on 180th St. |
3.00 |
Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Lake Hendricks Pond | Howard |
Located in Lake Hendricks Park on the northeast side. |
1.50 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Humboldt Impoundment | Humboldt |
58.00 |
Rutland Impoundment | Humboldt |
46.00 |
Crawford Creek Impoundment | Ida |
3 1/2 miles south of Battle Creek |
62.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Moorehead Park Pond | Ida |
1/2 mile north of Ida Grove |
10.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Cobb Memorial Park Lake | Ida |
Northwest edge of Ida Grove |
2.00 |
School Pond | Ida |
3.00 |
Iowa Lake (Iowa Co.) | Iowa |
5 miles North of Millersburg |
107.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Williamsburg Pond (West End Pond) | Iowa |
In the town of Williamsburg |
1.80 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Bluegill
Gateway Park North | Iowa |
North edge of Marengo |
12.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Quillback River carpsucker Shorthead redhorse Walleye White Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Gateway Park South | Iowa |
On the North edge of Marengo |
44.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Flathead Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Yellow Perch
Lake Iowa Pond | Iowa |
Behind the nature center in Lake Iowa Park |
5.00 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish
Gunderson Pond | Iowa |
1.00 |
Alligator Lake | Jackson |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Bards Lake | Jackson |
Barge Lake | Jackson |
Bellevue Slough | Jackson |
Big Keller Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Big Sieber Lake | Jackson |
Blake's Lake | Jackson |
Bonnie Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Bowman's Slough | Jackson |
Dead Lake | Jackson |
Doc Wood Lake | Jackson |
Accessible Facilities Bluegill Brook Trout Brown Trout
Eldridge Slough | Jackson |
Esmay Slough | Jackson |
Flat Lake (A) | Jackson |
Flat Lake (B) | Jackson |
Golden Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Goose Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Green Island Lake | Jackson |
1m E green Island |
526.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Motor Restrictions
Harrington Slough | Jackson |
Hubble Slough | Jackson |
Israel Day Lake | Jackson |
Jackson Lake | Jackson |
Joe Day Lake | Jackson |
Lainsville Slough | Jackson |
Little Keller Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Little Sawmill Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Little Sieber Lake | Jackson |
Lower Brown Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
South Sabula Lake | Jackson |
130.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Lower Y Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
McGann's Lake | Jackson |
Middle Sabula Lake | Jackson |
W edge of City of Sabula |
350.00 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Orangespotted sunfish Pumpkinseed Motor Restrictions
Pin Oak Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Running Slough | Jackson |
Sawmill Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Scarborough Lake | Jackson |
Sheepshead Bay | Jackson |
Snag Slough | Jackson |
Snider Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Sunfish Lake | Jackson |
Pool 12 |
0.00 |
Town Lake | Jackson |
Twin Lakes | Jackson |
0.00 |
Upper Brown Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Upper Sabula Lake | Jackson |
115.00 |
Upper Y Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Western Pond | Jackson |
0.00 |
Densmore Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Fish Lake | Jackson |
0.00 |
Dalton Pond | Jackson |
1 mile southeast of Preston |
2.00 |
Camping Rainbow Trout
Horseshoe Pond | Jackson |
2.60 |
Hurstville Pond | Jackson |
1 m N Maquoketa |
2.00 |
Pool 12, Mississippi River | Jackson |
Between Dubuque and Bellevue, Iowa |
12349.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Bellevue Pond | Jackson |
South edge of Bellevue, near Bellevue State Park |
1.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Rainbow Trout
Prairie Creek Pond | Jackson |
1.50 |
Papke Pond | Jackson |
727675, 4663999 |
2.00 |
Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Esgate Lake | Jackson |
3 miles NW of Hurtsville Nature Center |
4.20 |
Accessible Pier Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Jacob Krumm Nature Preserve Lake (west) | Jasper |
6 miles southeast of Kellogg |
28.00 |
Accessible Pier Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Jacob Krumm Nature Preserver Lake (east) | Jasper |
5.10 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Mariposa Lake | Jasper |
5 miles northeast of Newton |
17.60 |
Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Rock Creek Lake | Jasper |
4 miles northeast of Kellogg |
466.20 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Stephens State Forest Reichelt Unit Lak | Jasper |
6.50 |
Deppe Pond (north) | Jasper |
4 miles NE of Kellogg. |
22.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Deppe Pond (south) | Jasper |
4 miles NE of Kellogg. |
3.40 |
Rock Creek Lake Park Pond (west) | Jasper |
1.50 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Rock Creek Lake Park Pond (east) | Jasper |
0.70 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Rock Creek Lake Park Pond (north) | Jasper |
2.10 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Reimer Refuge Pond | Jasper |
North edge of Kellogg. |
0.40 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Clear Creek Pond | Jasper |
1.00 |
Quarry Springs | Jasper |
At the 117 South exit off of Interstate 80, Colfax |
193.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Jasper CCB Nature Center Pond | Jasper |
1.00 |
Roorda Pond | Jasper |
NW of Monroe along Hwy 163 |
10.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Cardinal Pond | Jasper |
2.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Monday Pond | Jasper |
1.00 |
Tuesday Pond | Jasper |
1.30 |
Wednesday Pond | Jasper |
0.90 |
Friday Pond | Jasper |
0.52 |
Saturday Pond | Jasper |
0.45 |
Sunday Pond | Jasper |
1.00 |
Jasper County Home Pond | Jasper |
1.30 |
Bonnifield Lake | Jefferson |
25.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Pleasant Lake | Jefferson |
50.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Walton Reservoir | Jefferson |
70.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Jefferson Co. Park New Pond | Jefferson |
Southwest edge of Fairfield |
4.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Motor Restrictions
Jefferson Co. Pond #1 | Jefferson |
Southwest edge of Fairfield |
0.20 |
Jefferson Co. Pond #2 | Jefferson |
Southwest edge of Fairfield |
0.10 |
Jefferson Co. Pond #3 | Jefferson |
Southwest edge of Fairfield |
1.30 |
Jefferson Co. Pond #4 | Jefferson |
Southwest edge of Fairfield |
0.80 |
Round Prairie Park Entry Pond | Jefferson |
12 m SE Fairfield |
2.00 |
Round Prairie Park Quarry Pond | Jefferson |
3.00 |
Whitham Woods Pond | Jefferson |
1 m W Fairfield |
1.50 |
Zillman's Hickory Hills Old Pond | Jefferson |
1.00 |
Industrial Park Pond | Jefferson |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Zillman's Hickory Hills New Pond | Jefferson |
Glasgow Road SE of Fairfield, Iowa |
1.80 |
Community Fishing Location
Kent Park Lake | Johnson |
2.5 miles West of Tiffin |
26.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Concessions Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Lake Macbride | Johnson |
4 miles West of Solon |
940.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Quillback Redear Sunfish River carpsucker Smallmouth Buffalo Spotfin shiner Spotted bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Burlington Street Dam | Johnson |
On the Iowa River in Iowa City under the Burlington Street bridge |
12.00 |
Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Quillback Walleye White Bass White Crappie
Town Dam | Johnson |
On the Iowa River along 1st Ave. in Iowa City |
6.00 |
North Ridge Park Pond | Johnson |
Just north of I-80 in Coralville |
2.50 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Redbird Farms W.A. Ponds | Johnson |
9 miles Southwest of Iowa City |
7.80 |
Coralville Reservoir | Johnson |
4 miles north of Iowa City |
5340.00 |
Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Goldfish Grass Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Quillback River carpsucker Saugeye Shorthead redhorse Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Spotfin shiner Spotted bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Terry Trueblood Lake | Johnson |
1.5 miles south of Hwy 6 on Gilbert Street in Iowa City. |
90.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Boat Rental Community Fishing Location Concessions Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Walleye White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Perch
Liberty Centre Pond | Johnson |
One block west off Hwy 965 on Cherry Street |
4.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout
Goose Pond | Johnson |
West side of North Liberty by I-380 |
15.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
West Pond | Johnson |
16.00 |
Accessible Shoreline
Fox Run Pond | Johnson |
North side of North Liberty |
3.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Fox Valley Pond | Johnson |
Southwest North Liberty |
3.30 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Broadmoor Pond | Johnson |
East side of North Liberty |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Freedom Pond | Johnson |
North Liberty |
2.30 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Ewalt Pond | Johnson |
West side of Coralville |
9.00 |
Accessible Facilities Community Fishing Location Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Dovetail Pond | Johnson |
5.00 |
Community Fishing Location Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Oakdale Pond East | Johnson |
East of Hwy 965 |
2.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Iowa River Landing Pond | Johnson |
Just south of I-80 at Iowa River Landing |
1.90 |
Community Fishing Location Bigmouth Buffalo Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
S.T. Morrison | Johnson |
Coralville |
0.75 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Kent Park Lake Fish Pond | Johnson |
1.00 |
Clear Creek Pond | Johnson |
Located on the Clear Creek Trail behind the Fairfield Inn on James St., Coralville |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Meade Pond | Johnson |
Located on the West side of Meade Dr. near the intersection with Auburn E Ln., Coralville |
0.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Sports Plex Pond | Johnson |
Located behind the Coralville Youth Sports Complex on Dempster Dr. |
2.90 |
Community Fishing Location
Northland Pond | Johnson |
Located on Ozark Ridge near the intersection with Northland Circle, Coralville |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Creekside Commons | Johnson |
Located on the West side of Sadler Dr. near Creekside Commons Park, North Liberty |
0.80 |
Community Fishing Location
Centennial Park Pond | Johnson |
Located within Centennial Park on St. Andrews Dr, North Liberty |
1.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Iowa City Waterworks | Johnson |
Located on Dubuque St. NE within Waterworks Prairie Park, Iowa City |
19.80 |
Community Fishing Location
Hunter's Run Park Pond | Johnson |
Located within Hunters Run Park on Duck Creek Dr, Iowa City |
0.60 |
Community Fishing Location
Iowa City City Park Ponds | Johnson |
Located within the city park on Park Road, Iowa City |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Ralston Creek Pond | Johnson |
Located along the Iowa River RC Trail on South Gilbert St., Iowa City |
10.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Whispering Meadows | Johnson |
4.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Windsor Ridge Park Pond | Johnson |
Located within Windsor Ridge Park at the intersection of American Legion Rd. and Arlington Dr, Iowa City |
1.90 |
Community Fishing Location
Goldfinch Pond | Johnson |
Located on the North side of W. Goldfinch Dr. between Potter St. and Ponds Ct., Tiffin |
4.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Cherry Lane West | Johnson |
Located on the South side of Cherry Ln., Tiffin |
0.40 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location
Cherry Lane East | Johnson |
Located within the development between Cherry Lane and Potter St., Tiffin |
0.50 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location
Oakdale Blvd Pond | Johnson |
Located on the North side of Oakdale Blvd near the intersection with Cherry Ln., Tiffin |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Kent Park Education Center Pond | Johnson |
1.70 |
Kent Park Youth Camp Pond | Johnson |
1.10 |
Echo Ave Pond | Johnson |
1.70 |
Kent Park Lake Catch Basin 1 - North | Johnson |
1.70 |
Kent Park Lake Catch Basin 2 - Middle | Johnson |
1.00 |
Kent Park Lake Catch Basin 3 - Campground | Johnson |
1.00 |
Kent Park Lake West Arm Catch Basin A | Johnson |
2.75 |
Kent Park Lake West Arm Catch Basin B | Johnson |
1.00 |
Kent Park Lake West Arm Catch Basin C | Johnson |
1.00 |
Oakdale Pond West | Johnson |
West of Hwy 965 |
1.40 |
Community Fishing Location
Central Park Lake | Jones |
2 miles West of Center Junction |
24.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Anamosa | Jones |
On the Wapsipinicon River on the Southwest edge of Anamosa |
4.00 |
Monticello Dam | Jones |
On the Maquoketa River on the East side of Monticello |
Accessible Shoreline Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bluegill Brown Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Northern hog sucker Northern Pike Rock Bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie
Olin R.A. Pond | Jones |
1 mile North of Olin |
5.50 |
Accessible Shoreline
Oxford Mills | Jones |
1 mile South of Oxford Junction |
Hale Ponds | Jones |
Three miles east of hale |
8.50 |
Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Central Park Pond | Jones |
7.00 |
Lake Belva Deer | Keokuk |
5 miles northeast of Sigourney |
264.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Belva Deer Campground Pond #1 | Keokuk |
5 miles Northeast of Sigourney |
1.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Belva Deer Campground Pond #2 | Keokuk |
5 miles Northeast of Sigourney in the campground |
1.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Belva Deer Campground Pond #3 | Keokuk |
5 miles Northeast of Sigourney in the campground |
1.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Griffin Lake | Keokuk |
SE Corner What Cheer (city) |
20.00 |
Griffin Pond #1 | Keokuk |
5.00 |
Griffin Pond #2 | Keokuk |
3.00 |
Yenruogis Pond | Keokuk |
2 miles north of Sigourney |
9.00 |
Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Denny Pond | Keokuk |
0.80 |
Belva Deer Park Pond | Keokuk |
5 miles Northeast of Sigourney |
7.50 |
Motor Restrictions
Lake Belva Deer Gabion Marsh | Keokuk |
5.5 mi NE of Sigourney |
4.70 |
Lake Smith | Kossuth |
3 miles north of Algona |
59.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Hurlburt W.A. Pond | Kossuth |
3.00 |
Burt Lake | Kossuth |
4 miles west, 8 miles north of Swea City |
200.00 |
Boat Access Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Plum Creek W.A. Pond | Kossuth |
15.00 |
St. Benedict W.A. Pond | Kossuth |
2m SW St. Benedict |
10.00 |
Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Whittemore Pit | Kossuth |
1.5m SE Whittemore |
14.00 |
Devil's Creek Lake | Lee |
Grape Chute | Lee |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum
Lead Island Chute | Lee |
Lead Island Chute is located in Pool 19 of the Mississippi River upstream from Fort Madison. Access would only be by boat. |
Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Rabbitt Island Lake | Lee |
Pollmiller Park Lake | Lee |
East edge of West Point |
18.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Bitternut | Lee |
3 miles north of Farmington |
7.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Black Oak | Lee |
2 miles northeast of Farmington |
6.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Chatfield Lake | Lee |
3 miles northwest of Keokuk |
9.00 |
Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Shagbark | Lee |
6 miles northeast of Farmington |
6.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
White Oak | Lee |
2 miles east of Farmington. |
7.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Wilson Lake | Lee |
4 miles east of Donnellson |
8.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Motor Restrictions
Wilson Pond #1 | Lee |
2.00 |
Wilson Pond #2 | Lee |
1.00 |
Pool 19, Mississippi River | Lee |
Amenities listed are at City of Ft. Madison boat ramp. Amenities vary by location in Pool 19 |
33500.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Concessions Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms American Eel Bighead Carp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Emerald shiner Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Lake Sturgeon Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Mooneye Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Paddlefish Quillback Redear Sunfish River carpsucker Sauger Shorthead redhorse Shortnose gar Shovelnose sturgeon Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Spotfin shiner Walleye Warmouth White Bass White Crappie Yellow Perch
Martens Pond | Lee |
Just off highway 2 in Shimek State Forest |
0.80 |
Martin Pond | Lee |
Just of Hwy 2 in Shimek State Forest. |
0.80 |
Turkey Run Wildlife Area Pond | Lee |
0.50 |
Heron Bend Fishing Area Pond | Lee |
2 miles south of Ft. Madison |
10.00 |
Manhattan Robbins Lake Park | Linn |
On the Cedar River in Northwest Cedar Rapids |
28.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Bass
Wakpicada Natural Area Pit 2 | Linn |
1 mile South of Central City |
5.00 |
Pleasant Creek Lake | Linn |
4 miles North of Palo |
400.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Grass Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Quillback River carpsucker Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Alliant Energy Dam | Linn |
On the Cedar River on the East edge of Cedar Rapids |
45.00 |
Coggon Impoundment | Linn |
On Buffalo Creek on the Northwest edge of Coggon |
10.00 |
Five in One Dam | Linn |
On Cedar River under I-380 in Cedar Rapids |
90.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Bigmouth Buffalo Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Mooneye Northern Pike Paddlefish Quillback
Seminole Valley Park Lakes | Linn |
Along the Cedar River in Northwest Cedar Rapids |
12.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike River carpsucker Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo White Bass White Crappie
Central City Ponds | Linn |
2.00 |
South Cedar Pond | Linn |
1.00 |
Murphy Lake | Linn |
1 mile Northwest of Bertram on the West side of Highway 13 |
20.00 |
Community Fishing Location Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye
Wakpicada Natural Area Pit 1 | Linn |
1 mile South of Central City |
1.00 |
Accessible Shoreline
Mount Vernon Quarry | Linn |
Between Mount Vernon and Lisbon on the north side of Highway 30. |
5.00 |
Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Goldfish Largemouth Bass
Prairie Park Fishery | Linn |
1.5 miles SSE of Cargill on Otis Road, along the Cedar River in Cedar Rapids |
66.80 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Blue Catfish Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Northern Logperch Northern Pike Quillback Rainbow Trout River carpsucker Shorthead redhorse Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Walleye White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass
Cedar Lake | Linn |
84.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bass
Mohawk Park Lake | Linn |
East side of the Cedar River off J Ave. |
26.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Northern Pike Quillback River carpsucker Shorthead redhorse Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Walleye White Bass White Crappie
Waldo's Rock Pond | Linn |
Near the corner of Partner's Ave. and 62nd Street in Marion. |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Ellis Harbor | Linn |
Along the Cedar River on Harbor Drive NW, Cedar Rapids |
20.80 |
Community Fishing Location
Ellis Park Pond | Linn |
Near the Ellis Golf Course on Ellis Park Road, Cedar Rapids |
1.30 |
Jones Park Pond | Linn |
Located on Jones Park Road within Jones Memorial Park, Cedar Rapids |
1.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Noelridge Park Pond | Linn |
Located on Council Street NE within Noelridge Park, Cedar Rapids |
2.90 |
Community Fishing Location
Fairfax City Pond | Linn |
Located on Prairie View Dr. near U.S. Hwy 151, Fairfax |
1.40 |
Community Fishing Location
Grand Avenue Pond | Linn |
This pond does not support a sustainable fish population |
1.20 |
Lowe Park Pond | Linn |
Located near Lowe Park field #6, within Lowe Park on Alburnett Road, Marion |
1.40 |
Community Fishing Location
Pinehurst Pond | Linn |
This pond does not support a sustainable fish population. |
0.30 |
Wanatee Pond | Linn |
1.50 |
Ely Pond | Linn |
In Ely City Park within the town of Ely. |
1.20 |
Community Fishing Location
Cox Pond | Linn |
Within Cox Lake Park on Broadway Street |
0.70 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Morgan Creek Park Quarry | Linn |
Trail access within Morgan Creek Park |
5.20 |
Community Fishing Location
Pleasant Creek Pond A | Linn |
0.90 |
Pleasant Creek Pond C | Linn |
0.60 |
Pleasant Creek Pond E | Linn |
1.30 |
Pleasant Creek Pond L | Linn |
1.70 |
Heartland Heights Pond | Linn |
Heartland Street, Fairfax |
11.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Beebe Pond | Louisa |
Big Goose Pond | Louisa |
Blackhawk Chute | Louisa |
Coolegar Slough | Louisa |
0.00 |
Fox Pond | Louisa |
Hidden Acres | Louisa |
Hidden Acres is a backwater area located in Pool 17 of the Mississippi River upstream from the Port Louisa National Wildlife boat ramp. |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo White Crappie
Kilpeck Island Chute | Louisa |
Kilpeck Island Chute is located in Pool 17 of the Mississippi River south of Muscatine near the MidAmerican Energy Station. |
Accessible Shoreline Hard Surface Boat Ramp Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum
Lake Odessa | Louisa |
5 miles east of Wapello |
3000.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Little Fox Pond | Louisa |
Otter Island | Louisa |
Prairie Pocket | Louisa |
Swarms Pond | Louisa |
Turkey Chute | Louisa |
Turkey chute is located in Pool 17 of the Mississippi River just upstream from the Lock and Dam 17(New Boston) spillway. |
Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum
Cairo Woods Pond | Louisa |
2.00 |
Virginia Grove R.A. Pond | Louisa |
4 miles northwest of Morning Sun |
5.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Camping Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Big Timber Complex | Louisa |
Two miles south of Muscatine, IA off of X-61/Stewart Rd. |
1252.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Shortnose gar Smallmouth Buffalo Warmouth White Bass White Crappie
Pool 18, Mississippi River | Louisa |
Amenities listed are for the Toolsboro Ramp. The ramp at Toolsboro is paved but the road to the ramp is gravel. There is some shore fishing along the parking area and at the outlet of Lake Odessa. Amenities vary by location in pool 18 |
13300.00 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp American Eel Bighead Carp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Blue Sucker Bluegill Bowfin Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Emerald shiner Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Grass Carp Green Sunfish Highfin carpsucker Lake Sturgeon Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Mooneye Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Quillback Redear Sunfish River carpsucker Sauger Shorthead redhorse Shortnose gar Shovelnose sturgeon Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Spotfin shiner Walleye Warmouth White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Yellow Perch
Louisa Interpretive Center Pond | Louisa |
1.20 |
Ellis Lake | Lucas |
1 mile east of Chariton on the south side of 482nd Street |
83.00 |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Morris Lake | Lucas |
2 miles east of Chariton on the south side of 482nd Street |
141.00 |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Red Haw Lake | Lucas |
1 mile east of Chariton on the south side of Highway 34 |
76.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Williamson Pond | Lucas |
2 miles east of Williamson on the southeast side of H20 (535th Lane) |
27.60 |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Red Haw Watershed Pond 1 (East) | Lucas |
1/2 mile southeast of Chariton |
1.00 |
Red Haw Watershed Pond 2 (Middle) | Lucas |
1/2 mile southeast of Chariton |
3.00 |
Red Haw Watershed Pond 3 (North) | Lucas |
1/2 mile southeast of Chariton |
1.00 |
Stephens Forest Whitebreast Unit - South Pond | Lucas |
6 miles southwest of Lucas |
10.00 |
Camping Trails
Stephens Forest Lucas Unit - Hidden Pond | Lucas |
2 miles southwest of Lucas |
4.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
Stephens Forest Lucas Unit - Mine Pond | Lucas |
2 miles southwest of Lucas |
4.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
Stephens Forest Whitebreast Unit - North Pond | Lucas |
6 miles southwest of Lucas |
7.00 |
Camping Trails
Lake Pahoja | Lyon |
4 miles south, 2 miles west of Larchwood |
64.30 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Jasper Pool | Lyon |
0.00 |
Locker Park Pond | Lyon |
Located in city park in George |
3.00 |
Southside Park Pond | Lyon |
along S. Union Street. |
3.20 |
Community Fishing Location
Badger Creek Lake | Madison |
5 miles southeast of Van Meter
276.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Cedar Lake | Madison |
2 miles northeast of Winterset |
90.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass White Crappie White Sucker Yellow Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Badger Creek Pond | Madison |
6m SE Van Meter |
2.00 |
Criss Cove County Park Pond | Madison |
7 miles south of Winterset |
9.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Deer Creek Wildlife Unit Pond | Madison |
7.00 |
Fellowship Forest Pond | Madison |
3.00 |
Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Channel Catfish
Gendler Park West | Madison |
Gendler Park East | Madison |
9.80 |
Hawthorn Lake | Mahaska |
1 mile south of Barnes City on the east side of V13 |
182.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Motor Restrictions
Lake Keomah | Mahaska |
6 miles east of Oskaloosa in Lake Keomah State Park |
78.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
White Oak Conservation Area Lake | Mahaska |
3 miles south of Rose Hill on the west side of V13 |
18.10 |
Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Cedar Bluffs Natural Area Pond | Mahaska |
1235 280th Street, 10 miles southwest of Beacon on G62 Walk in fishing access |
1.00 |
Edmundson Park Pond | Mahaska |
Within Oskaloosa city limits in Edmundson Park on the south side of 11th Ave. West |
1.50 |
Accessible Facilities Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Russell W.A. Ponds (5) | Mahaska |
6 miles north of Oskaloosa on the east side of Highway 63 and the south side of 200th Street |
15.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Carry Down Boat Launch Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Hawthorn Lake Watershed Ponds (5) | Mahaska |
1 mile south of Barnes City in the Hawthorn Wildlife Area |
1.00 |
Lacey Rec Plex Pond | Mahaska |
Located in the Lacey Recreation Complex on Kentfield Dr. Access the pond from the MCRF Trail. |
2.40 |
Community Fishing Location Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Galeston Pond | Mahaska |
South of Stadium Drive, northwest side of Oskaloosa. |
2.10 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Roberts Creek Lake | Marion |
6 miles northeast of Knoxville |
288.00 |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass River carpsucker White Bass White Sucker Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Bauer Park | Marion |
4m W Melcher_Dallas |
2.00 |
Knoxville Pond | Marion |
1m SW Knoxville |
7.00 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Pella S.G.M.A. Ponds | Marion |
13.90 |
Pleasantville Pond | Marion |
SE side of Pleasantvile on golf course. |
3.00 |
Sand Pit | Marion |
Entrance road to Red Rock tailrace on Pella side. |
3.00 |
Sunken Gardens Park Pond | Marion |
0.20 |
Tower Pond | Marion |
7.00 |
Wilcox W.A. Pond | Marion |
4m E Attica |
4.00 |
Red Rock Reservoir | Marion |
4 miles north of Knoxville |
15250.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Northern Pike River carpsucker Shortnose gar Walleye White Bass White Crappie White Sucker Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Ted Johnson Pond | Marion |
8.90 |
Shadle Park Pond | Marion |
On West Jones Street within Shadle Park, Pleasantville |
1.40 |
Community Fishing Location
Caldwell Park Pond | Marion |
Caldwell Park on University St. |
0.70 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Soccer Complex Pond | Marion |
Soccer Complex Drive |
1.60 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Red Rock Shop Pond | Marion |
656 Carpenter St, Monroe, Iowa behind the DNR shop |
0.90 |
Green Castle Lake | Marshall |
1 mile South of Ferguson |
16.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Walleye Motor Restrictions
Center Street Dam | Marshall |
On the Iowa River on the North edge of Marshalltown |
Accessible Shoreline Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Flathead Catfish Northern Pike Smallmouth Bass Walleye
Marshall County Lake | Marshall |
4 miles West of Marshalltown |
7.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Sand Lake | Marshall |
On the Northeast edge of Marshalltown |
95.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Blue Catfish Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Walleye White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Glenwood Pond | Marshall |
Located at the intersection of S. 6th St. and W. Merle Hibbs Blvd., Marshalltown |
3.80 |
Community Fishing Location
Goldfinch Pond | Marshall |
Located at the intersection of S. 2nd St. and W. Merle Hibbs Blvd., Marshalltown |
6.60 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Timber Creek Pond | Marshall |
Located along E. Southridge Road within Timber Creek Park, Marshalltown |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Riverview Park Pond | Marshall |
Located along the Linn Creek Greenbelt Recreational Trail in Riverview Park on Woodland St., Marshalltown |
2.20 |
Riverview Park Lagoon | Marshall |
Located within Riverview Park on Woodland St., Marshalltown |
2.10 |
Community Fishing Location
Arti and Red's Pond | Marshall |
corner of HWY 330 & 250th St. |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Riverview South Pond | Marshall |
15.10 |
Community Fishing Location
Folsom Lake | Mills |
2 miles west of Glenwood |
45.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo White Crappie Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Glenwood Lake | Mills |
East edge of Glenwood |
7.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Mile Hill Lake | Mills |
2 miles west of Glenwood |
14.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Pony Creek Lake | Mills |
3 1/2 miles northwest of Glenwood |
83.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish White Crappie Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Lake George | Mills |
3.00 |
Picnic Area Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Malvern Pond (aka Bohner Pond) | Mills |
West edge of Malvern |
2.10 |
Keg Creek Lake | Mills |
2 miles southwest of Pacific Junction |
52.00 |
Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Interstate Lake (Mitchell Impoundment) | Mitchell |
This impoundment is located on the southwest edge Mitchell. |
209.00 |
Otranto Impoundment | Mitchell |
Located 0.25 miles east of Otranto, Iowa on the Cedar River. |
19.00 |
Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Northern Pike Rock Bass Smallmouth Bass Sucker Walleye
St. Ansgar Impoundment | Mitchell |
Located on the west side of St. Ansgar on the Cedar River. |
31.40 |
Stacyville Impoundment | Mitchell |
46.00 |
Oldham Lake | Monona |
1 mile north of Soldier |
12.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Savery Pond | Monona |
2 miles southeast of Moorhead |
11.00 |
Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Blue Lake | Monona |
3 miles west of Onawa |
275.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Motor Restrictions
Middle Decatur Lake | Monona |
338.00 |
Upper Decatur Bend | Monona |
40.00 |
Loess Hills State Forest - Jones Creek | Monona |
5.00 |
Whiting Woods Pond | Monona |
3.00 |
I-29 Access Area borrow pit - DRY | Monona |
15.00 |
Johnston Pit | Monona |
1 mile east of Rodney |
12.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
McDonald Pit | Monona |
1/2 mile southeast of Rodney |
20.00 |
Pawnee Rec. Area Pit (NE) | Monona |
1 mile east of Rodney |
5.00 |
Pawnee Rec. Area Pit (SW) | Monona |
1 mile east of Rodney |
8.00 |
Peters Park | Monona |
1 mile east of Rodney |
21.00 |
Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Utterback Pond | Monona |
4 miles northwest of Castana, partially within Loess Hills WMA |
11.00 |
Albia Lower Reservoir | Monroe |
1 mile north of Albia on the east side of Highway 5 |
35.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Albia Upper Reservoir | Monroe |
1 mile north of Albia on the east side of Highway 5 |
22.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Lake Miami | Monroe |
5 miles southeast of Lovilia on the west side of 635th Avenue |
137.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Carmack Nature Area Pond | Monroe |
2.5 miles southwest of Lovilia on 130th Street in the Carmack Nature Area |
2.00 |
Lake Miami Watershed Ponds (3) | Monroe |
West of Lake Miami-walk in access only |
20.00 |
Viking Lake | Montgomery |
4 miles east of Stanton |
136.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Anderson Area Pond 1 | Montgomery |
East of Red Oak 2 miles. |
16.00 |
Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Anderson Area Pond 2 | Montgomery |
2 miles east of Red Oak |
6.70 |
Black Crappie Largemouth Bass
Hacklebarney East | Montgomery |
4 miles north of Villisca |
10.00 |
Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Hacklebarney West | Montgomery |
4 miles north of Villisca |
4.80 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Trails Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish
Pilot Grove Lake | Montgomery |
5 miles east of Elliott |
6.80 |
Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Viking West Drainable Rearing Pond 1 | Montgomery |
fish rearing pond located at Viking Lake State Park, above pontoon area |
1.00 |
Viking SE Rearing Pond 2 | Montgomery |
fish rearing pond located at Viking Lake, near SE Corner of dam |
0.50 |
Rail Road Pond | Montgomery |
Inside Viking Lake State Park, adjacent to RR tracks |
0.50 |
Drury Slough | Muscatine |
Drury Slough is in Pool 16 of the Mississippi River upstream from Lock and Dam 16 at Muscatine. |
Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Longnose Gar Shortnose gar White Bass
Hershey Slough | Muscatine |
Hershey Slough is located on Pool 16 of the Mississippi River upstream from Lock and Dam 16 at Muscatine at river mile 460. |
Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum
Hog Island | Muscatine |
Hog Island is the island located between Lock and Dam 16 and its spillway in Muscatine. Access would be only by boat from the ramps in Muscatine. |
Black Crappie Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Sauger Shorthead redhorse Walleye White Bass White Crappie
Wyoming Slough | Muscatine |
Located in lower Pool 16 of the Mississippi River between Fairport and Muscatine, IA. |
Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Playground Restrooms Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Longnose Gar Shorthead redhorse Shortnose gar White Bass
Chicken Creek Lake | Muscatine |
8 m NW Muscatine (CCB) |
6.00 |
Gedney Lake | Muscatine |
5.00 |
Muscatine Slough (Kent-Stein Park) | Muscatine |
SW edge Muscatine (city, oxbow) |
16.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Spring Lake | Muscatine |
Cedar Bluffs R.A. Ponds | Muscatine |
3.00 |
Discovery Park Pond | Muscatine |
Muscatine CCB, E of Muscatine |
1.90 |
Community Fishing Location Rainbow Trout
Heron Hideaway Pond | Muscatine |
Muscatine CCB, E of Muscatine |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Pool 17, Mississippi River | Muscatine |
Amenities list for Muscatine City Ramp. This ramp is located in downtown Muscatine. Amenities vary by location in Pool 17. |
7580.00 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp American Eel Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Bullhead Bullhead Minnow Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Emerald shiner Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Grass Carp Green Sunfish Lake Sturgeon Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Mooneye Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Paddlefish Quillback River carpsucker Rock Bass Sauger Shorthead redhorse Shortnose gar Shovelnose sturgeon Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Spotfin shiner Walleye Warmouth White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Yellow Perch
Deep Lakes | Muscatine |
Southern edge of Muscatine on Pettibone Avenue, East of Fruitland. |
130.00 |
Accessible Pier Beach Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Motor Restrictions
Weed Park Lagoon | Muscatine |
Located along Park Dr. within Weed Park., Muscatine |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Dog Creek (Lake) | O'Brien |
2 miles east, 1/2 miles south of Sutherland |
28.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Mill Creek (Lake) | O'Brien |
1 mile east of Paullina |
23.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Negus Recreation Area Pond | O'Brien |
5.00 |
Douma Area Pond | O'Brien |
2 miles west, 1 mile south of Sanborn |
7.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Tjossem Pond | O'Brien |
3.00 |
Sheldon Community Pond | O'Brien |
16.50 |
Sanborn Pond | O'Brien |
Corner of 330th and Western Ave. |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Willow Creek | Osceola |
4m W Ocheyedan |
4.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Ashton Park Pond | Osceola |
Southeast corner of Ashton. |
8.00 |
Beach Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Ashton Pits Wildlife Management Area | Osceola |
8.00 |
May City Pit | Osceola |
5.00 |
Ocheyedan Pit #1 | Osceola |
2 miles south of Ocheyedan |
10.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Ocheyedan Pit #2 | Osceola |
2 miles south of Ocheydan |
Ocheyedan Pit #3 | Osceola |
2 miles south of Ocheydan |
Peters Pit | Osceola |
12.00 |
Thomas Pit | Osceola |
15.00 |
Pierce Creek Pond | Page |
5 miles north of Shenandoah |
33.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Pioneer Park Pond | Page |
10m N Clarinda |
7.00 |
Accessible Facilities Camping Fishing Jetty Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Ross Area Pit | Page |
8 miles southeast of Clarinda |
12.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
RAPP Park Lakes | Page |
north edge of Shenandoah |
95.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Shortnose gar Smallmouth Buffalo White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Five Island Lake | Palo Alto |
north edge of Emmetsburg |
973.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Lost Island Lake | Palo Alto |
3 miles north of Ruthven |
1162.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye White Bass Yellow Bass Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Silver Lake (Palo Alto) | Palo Alto |
2 miles west of Ayrshire |
648.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Fish Cleaning Station Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Bullhead Northern Pike Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Virgin Lake | Palo Alto |
2 miles south of Ruthven |
222.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Mulroney Recreation W.A. Pond | Palo Alto |
6.00 |
Sportsman Park Pond | Palo Alto |
30.00 |
Hillview R.A. Pond | Plymouth |
2m W Hinton |
5.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Meadow W.A. Pond | Plymouth |
1.00 |
Southeast Wildwood Park Pond | Plymouth |
1.00 |
LeMars City Pond | Plymouth |
two miles east and 1 mile south of Le Mars |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Silver Maple County Park Pond | Plymouth |
25.00 |
Rivers Bend Wildlife Area Lake | Plymouth |
17.00 |
Le Mars Municipal Park Pond | Plymouth |
4.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Le Mars Walmart Pond | Plymouth |
9.20 |
Community Fishing Location
Cooper's Cove Park Pond | Pocahontas |
7m E Palmer |
2.00 |
Fonda Reservoir | Pocahontas |
5.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Northwest Recreational Park Pond | Pocahontas |
SE edge Laurens |
1.00 |
Meredith Park Pond | Pocahontas |
1.5m N Plover |
4.00 |
Lizard Lake | Pocahontas |
275.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Sportsmen's Park Pond | Pocahontas |
In Laurens, city park pond |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Big Creek Lake | Polk |
2 miles north of Polk City |
814.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Muskellunge River carpsucker Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie White Sucker Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Dale Maffitt Reservoir | Polk |
6m SW Des Moines |
200.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch
Easter Lake | Polk |
southeast edge of Des Moines |
162.60 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Community Fishing Location Concessions Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Ankeny Lake (DMACC) | Polk |
Ankeny, DMACC Campus |
14.00 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Grass Carp Largemouth Bass
Birdland Park Pond | Polk |
10.40 |
Community Fishing Location
Donald McRae Park Pond | Polk |
1.70 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Goldfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Ewing Park Pond | Polk |
0.50 |
Greenwood/Ashworth Park Pond | Polk |
2.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Hawkeye Park Pond | Polk |
Ankeny |
2.80 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Discovery Pond | Polk |
2.80 |
Accessible Shoreline Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
McHenry Park Lagoon | Polk |
17.70 |
Thomas Mitchell Lake | Polk |
3m SW Mitchelville |
6.00 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Witmer Park Pond | Polk |
1.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Yellow Banks Park Pond | Polk |
SE edge Des Moines |
4.00 |
Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Saylorville Reservoir | Polk |
North edge of Des Moines |
4970.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Quillback River carpsucker Shorthead redhorse Smallmouth Buffalo Walleye White Bass White Crappie White Sucker Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Blue Heron Lake (Raccoon River Park) | Polk |
southwest of West Des Moines; Raccoon River Park |
232.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass River carpsucker Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Des Moines Water Works Recharge Basins | Polk |
George Flagg Pkwy. Des Moines |
35.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass River carpsucker Shortnose gar
Grays Lake | Polk |
Fleur Drive, Des Moines |
96.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Community Fishing Location Concessions Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass River carpsucker White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Lake Petocka | Polk |
northeast edge of Bondurant |
19.00 |
Accessible Facilities Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout White Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Fort Des Moines Pond | Polk |
13.60 |
Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Copper Creek | Polk |
North side of University Ave. in Pleasant Hill along Four Mile Creek. |
42.50 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass)
Walker-Johnston Pond | Polk |
Within Walker-Johnston Park in the city of Urbandale. |
1.00 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Lake View Pond | Polk |
Aurora Ave. in Urbandale. |
3.20 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
DMACC West Campus Pond | Polk |
1 mile west of I-35 and Grand Avenue interchange in West Des Moines. |
3.60 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Terra Lake | Polk |
Within city of Johnston south of Pioneer Parkway. |
7.30 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout
Acorn Valley Pond | Polk |
Located within Acorn Valley Campground on the west side of Saylorville Reservoir 3 miles north of Johnston. |
1.20 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Skull Pond | Polk |
Within Jester Park 2.5 miles NE of Granger. |
2.30 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Teal Pond | Polk |
Within Jester Park 2.5 miles NE of Granger. |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Greenwood Hills Pond | Polk |
Near intersection of NW 86th Street and Windsor Pkwy in Johnston. |
1.00 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Playground Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Big Creek Lake Watershed Pond 1 (NW) | Polk |
1.00 |
Big Creek Lake Watershed Pond 2 (NE) | Polk |
2.50 |
DOT Pond | Polk |
9.00 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Oakview Pond | Polk |
East side of Yellow Banks Park off SE 76th Street. |
1.60 |
Community Fishing Location
Prairie Plaza South | Polk |
Located at the corner of SW College Ave. and Oralabor Road, Ankeny |
2.55 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing
Prairie Plaza North | Polk |
Located at the corner of SW Plaza Parkway and SW College Ave., Ankeny |
2.88 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing
Promenade Pond | Polk |
SW State Street and SW Prairie Trail Pkwy. |
5.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Spring Creek South | Polk |
South side of 24th St SE on the east side of Altoona. |
14.00 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Brookhaven Pond | Polk |
Between 35th St. SW and NE 27th Ave. |
1.60 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Clay Pond | Polk |
On the West Side of 3rd Ave SW near 35th St. SW in Altoona |
0.80 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Largemouth Bass
Falcon Ridge | Polk |
At the intersection of Lake Shore Dr. SE and 14th Ave. SE in Altoona |
5.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Greenway Park Pond | Polk |
Located between 7th Ave SW and 10th Ave. SW in Altoona |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails
Ironwood Pond | Polk |
Located near the intersection of 21st St. SW and 3rd Ave. SW in Altoona |
0.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Loupee Park South | Polk |
Located across the street from Clay Elementary on NE 72nd St. in Altoona |
2.90 |
Community Fishing Location Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Prairie Heritage Pond | Polk |
Located on 5th Ave. SW in Altoona |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Altoona Library Pond | Polk |
Located behind the Library on 8th St. SW in Altoona |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Civic Plaza Pond | Polk |
Located behind Hy-Vee on Center Place in Altoona |
1.50 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Tuscany Pond | Polk |
Located off of Tuscany Dr. SE in Altoona |
5.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Bennett Bay Pond | Polk |
Located on 15th Ave. SW, Altoona |
0.20 |
Ironwood South Pond | Polk |
Located on 24th St. SW, Altoona |
1.70 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Townsend Park Pond | Polk |
Located on NE 41st Ave., Altoona |
3.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Ceres Pond | Polk |
Located on Pioneer Pkwy. Near NW 62nd Ave., Johnston |
0.70 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Pumpkinseed
Johnston Commons East | Polk |
Located on Northglenn Dr. behind the Johnston Library and Historical Museum, Johnston |
3.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Bluegill Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Pointe Vista | Polk |
Located on Enfield Dr. within Pointe Vista Park, Johnston |
0.80 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
City Pond | Polk |
Located between S 35th St. and Mills Civic Pkwy behind the city Library, West Des Moines |
6.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Georgetown North | Polk |
Located on NW Ash Drive across from Ashland Ridge Elementary School, Ankeny |
1.90 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Georgetown South | Polk |
Located on NW Ash Drive across from Ashland Ridge Elementary School, Ankeny |
0.90 |
Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Hillside East | Polk |
Located on SE 4 mile Drive/NE 29th St. near the intersection of SE 20th St., Ankeny |
1.10 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Grass Carp Largemouth Bass
Hillside West | Polk |
Located on SE 4 mile Drive/NE 29th St. near the intersection of SE 20th St., Ankeny |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Largemouth Bass
Horizon | Polk |
Located near the intersection of NW Prairie Ridge Dr and NW State St., Ankeny |
0.90 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Prairie Lakes North | Polk |
Located on the Southwest of the intersection of NW 18th St. and NW State St., Ankeny |
3.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass
Prairie Lakes South | Polk |
Located on NW Prairie Lakes Drive, Ankeny |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass
Prairie Ridge North | Polk |
Located South of NW 18th St within the Prairie Ridge Sports Complex, Ankeny |
5.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Prairie Ridge South | Polk |
Located North of NW Prairie Ridge Drive behind the Prairie Ridge Aquatic Center, Ankeny |
4.90 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Gizzard Shad Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Renaissance | Polk |
Located at the end of NE Renaissance Dr. near the intersection of NE 36th St and NE Delaware Ave., Ankeny |
1.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Sawgrass | Polk |
Located at the end of SW 36th St., Ankeny |
2.10 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Springwood North | Polk |
Located near the intersection of SE Magnolia Dr. and SE Peachtree Dr., Ankeny |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails
Springwood South | Polk |
Located near the intersection of SE 33rd St and SE Jasmine Ct., Ankeny |
2.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails
Vintage | Polk |
Located at the intersection of SW State St. and SW Vintage Pkwy., Ankeny |
5.60 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Cherry Glen East | Polk |
Located near the intersection of NW Abbie Dr. and NW 8th St., Ankeny |
3.70 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Cherry Glen West | Polk |
Located near the intersection of NW 7th St. and NW Cherry Glen Dr., Ankeny |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Cherry Glen South | Polk |
Located on the South side of NW 4th St., Ankeny |
2.70 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Art Center | Polk |
Located on the East side of SW State St. at the Art Center, Ankeny |
1.60 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Black Bullhead Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Wildflower | Polk |
Located on SW Logan St., Ankeny |
0.90 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails
Chautauqua Park Pond | Polk |
Located on the East side of SW White Birch Dr., Ankeny |
4.80 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch
Trestle Pointe Park Pond | Polk |
Located on the North Side of the intersection of NW 22nd St. and NW Boulder Ridge Lane, Ankeny |
2.60 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Largemouth Bass White Crappie
Signature Pond | Polk |
Located on the NE side of the intersection of NW 18th St. and NW State St., Ankeny |
2.60 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Bellagio Basin | Polk |
Located on NE Delaware Ave. near the intersection with NE Bellagio Drive, Ankeny |
1.10 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing
Camden Woods East | Polk |
Located South of the intersection of SW Camden Dr. and SW 4th Ct. on the East side of the street, Ankeny |
0.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Camden Woods West | Polk |
Located South of the intersection of SW Camden Dr. and SW 4th Ct. on the West side of the street, Ankeny |
0.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Marina Cove | Polk |
Located East of the intersection of E. Southside Dr. and E. Pine Ridge Dr. on the South side of the road, Polk City |
1.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Playground Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Twelve Oaks | Polk |
Located along E. Southside Dr., Polk City |
1.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Walnut Ridge Pond | Polk |
Located near the Clive Aquatic Center on NW 114th St. |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass
LA Ward | Polk |
Located on the East side of NW Urbandale Drive, North of the intersection with 100th St., Urbandale |
2.40 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Bob Shetler | Polk |
Located below the Saylorville Dam |
36.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Cherry Glen | Polk |
Located near the Cherry Glen Campground on NW 94th Ave by Saylorville Reservoir |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Hale Pond | Polk |
Located on East side of Hwy 65 North of Bondurant adjacent to the South Skunk River |
7.90 |
Community Fishing Location
Middle Eagle Park Pond | Polk |
Trail access off of Mulberry Drive NW within Eagle Park, Bondurant |
6.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Lower Eagle Park Pond | Polk |
Trail access off of Tailfeather Court NW within Eagle Park, Bondurant |
1.60 |
Community Fishing Location
Hope Lutheran Church Pond | Polk |
Located at the corner of NE Beaverbrooke Blvd and NE Heritage Dr., Grimes |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Three Lakes Estates East (Closed) | Polk |
Located on the East side of Three Lakes Pkwy., Des Moines |
8.90 |
Three Lakes Estates West (Closed) | Polk |
Located on the West side of Three Lakes Pkwy., Des Moines |
2.40 |
Three Lakes Estates South (Closed) | Polk |
Located between Sweetwater Dr. and Moonlight Dr. Trail access off of Three Lakes Pkwy., Des Moines |
5.30 |
Army Post North | Polk |
Located 1 mile East of Indianola Ave on the North side of Army Post Road, Des Moines |
3.30 |
Army Post South | Polk |
Located 1.2 miles East of Indianola Ave on the South side of Army Post Road, Des Moines |
2.10 |
Easter Lake Estates Pond (Closed) | Polk |
Located on Easter Lake Drive across from the intersection with SE 26th Ct., Des Moines |
1.50 |
Hillsboro Pond (Closed) | Polk |
Located approximatly 0.1 miles East of Indianola Ave. on the South side of E. Pine Ave., Des Moines |
0.90 |
Purple Martin Lakes | Polk |
Located at the Dead-End of Army Post Road near Walnut Woods State Park, Des Moines |
87.20 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass White Bass White Crappie
Brookhaven North Pond | Polk |
Between 33rd CT. SW and 35th St. SW in Altoona. |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails
Oak Hill Pond | Polk |
Located within Oak Hill Park on Rutherford Drive SW. |
0.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails
Spring Creek North | Polk |
Located to the South of the Spring Creek Sports Complex on 24th St. SE |
10.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing
Rock Creek Pond | Polk |
Located on the corner of NW 36th St and NW Abilene Rd. near Rock Creek Elementary School. |
1.70 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing
Country Cove Park Pond | Polk |
1.50 |
Rick's Reservoir | Polk |
2.60 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Hickory Glen North | Polk |
0.50 |
Community Fishing Location Yellow Perch
Trestle Pointe North | Polk |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing
Wolf Creek West | Polk |
2.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Country Cove East | Polk |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing
Gabus Pond | Polk |
0.90 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Riverview East | Polk |
9.40 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Riverview West | Polk |
14.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Upper Eagle Park Pond | Polk |
Within Eagle Park in city of Bondurant. |
2.40 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Prairie Pointe | Polk |
2.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Hope Commercial | Polk |
4.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Beaverbrooke North | Polk |
0.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Beaverbrooke South | Polk |
0.70 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Main Street Pond | Polk |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Black Bullhead Bluegill Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Heritage Pond (Polk) | Polk |
NE Little Beaver Drive, Grimes |
3.50 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Willow Hills Pond | Polk |
1.80 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Park Side Pond | Polk |
Located on McIntosh Drive NE in Bondurant |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Tuscany South | Polk |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Trails End Pond | Polk |
Within Trails End Wildlife Area near Berwick on NE 54th Ave. |
10.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Sleepy Hollow Pond | Polk |
1.10 |
Ridgedale Heights Park Pond | Polk |
0.70 |
Prairie Landing Pond | Polk |
2.80 |
Green Meadows Pond | Polk |
2.80 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Stubbs Pond | Polk |
4.80 |
Prairie Landing Pond | Polk |
2.50 |
Bondurant Civic Campus Pond | Polk |
NE 80th St., Bondurant |
2.20 |
Community Fishing Location
Loupee Park North | Polk |
1.70 |
Community Fishing Location Trails
Johnston Commons West | Polk |
Located on Northglenn Dr. behind the Johnston Library and Historical Museum, Johnston |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location Playground
Arrowhead Pond | Pottawattamie |
1 1/2 miles southeast of Neola |
14.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Grass Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bass Motor Restrictions
Big Lake (Including Gilbert's Pond) | Pottawattamie |
North 25th street exit off interstate 29. Nash Blvd to Big Lake Road. Northeast Council Bluffs. |
5.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Bluegill Bullhead Common Carp Crappie Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout
Carter Lake | Pottawattamie |
North edge of Carter Lake. |
315.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Lake Manawa | Pottawattamie |
Southwest edge of Council Bluffs |
784.70 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Community Fishing Location Concessions Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Gizzard Shad Grass Carp Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Walleye Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Farm Creek Lake (a.k.a. Young's Pond) | Pottawattamie |
5 miles east of Carson |
16.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Saganaush Pond | Pottawattamie |
On grounds of Western Historic Trails Center in western Council Bluffs, accessed via Richard Downing Ave. |
12.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Riepe Pond | Pottawattamie |
5.00 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Wheeler Grove Pond | Pottawattamie |
2.00 |
Arbor Lake | Poweshiek |
On the Southwest edge of Grinnell |
13.40 |
Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Diamond Lake | Poweshiek |
1 mile West of Montezuma |
98.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Walleye White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Miller | Poweshiek |
On the Southeast edge of Grinnell |
10.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Diamond Lake Pond | Poweshiek |
1 mile west of Montezuma |
7.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Picnic Area Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish
Ever-Tru Pond | Poweshiek |
Located seven miles east and three miles south of Montezuma, in the Millgrove Access Wildlife Area |
10.00 |
Fogle Lake S.W.A. | Ringgold |
½ mile west of Diagonal |
44.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Loch Ayr | Ringgold |
2 miles north of Mt. Ayr |
83.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Liberty Lake | Ringgold |
1/2 mile north of Mt. Ayr |
12.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Fife's Grove Park Pond | Ringgold |
1 mile north of Mount Ayr |
1.00 |
Accessible Facilities Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Perch
Kokesh R.A. Pond | Ringgold |
1.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Camping Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Mt. Ayr Game Area Ponds | Ringgold |
5m SW Mt Ayr |
5.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Carry Down Boat Launch Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Poe Hollow Park Pond | Ringgold |
1.00 |
Ringgold Management Area Ponds | Ringgold |
11m SE Mt Ayr |
15.00 |
Boat Access Gravel Boat Ramp Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Ringgold CCB Ponds | Ringgold |
1 Mile north of Mount Ayr |
3.50 |
Black Hawk Lake | Sac |
east edge of Lake View |
922.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Almer Noyd W.A. Pit | Sac |
6.00 |
Jana R.A. Pit | Sac |
1.00 |
Reiff Park Pond | Sac |
1.00 |
Arrowhead Lake | Sac |
south side of Lake View |
31.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Black Hawk Pits | Sac |
1 1/2 miles south of Lake View |
22.00 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Eden Prairie R.A. Pits | Sac |
3.5 miles northwest of Early |
6.00 |
L Pond | Sac |
20.00 |
Whitehorse Pits | Sac |
Located in Whitehorse Wildlife Management Area |
18.00 |
Cordova Slough | Scott |
Davenport Harbor | Scott |
Located on Pool 16 of the Mississippi River at Davenport, IA. The backwater lake sits along Credit Island. |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bigmouth Buffalo Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Channel Catfish Common Carp Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Shortnose gar Warmouth White Crappie
Enchanted Island | Scott |
Enchanted Island is an island located in Pool 16 of the Mississippi River near Davenport just downstream from Credit Island. |
Channel Catfish Freshwater Drum Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass
Grant Slough | Scott |
Le Claire Canal | Scott |
Steamboat Slough | Scott |
Bluegrass Lake | Scott |
.25 miles west of Davenport (CCB) |
10.00 |
Community Fishing Location Restrooms
Lake of the Hills | Scott |
.25 miles west of Davenport (CCB) |
55.00 |
Accessible Pier Beach Camping Community Fishing Location Concessions Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Motor Restrictions
Lambach Lake | Scott |
.25 miles west of Davenport |
9.00 |
Community Fishing Location Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Railroad Lake | Scott |
.25 miles west of Davenport (CCB) |
25.00 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Buena Vista Public Use Area Ponds | Scott |
2.00 |
Cody Lake | Scott |
5.00 |
Pride Lake | Scott |
7.40 |
Wapsi River Center Pond | Scott |
0.00 |
Crow Creek W.M.A. Lake | Scott |
East edge of Mt. Joy |
17.60 |
Community Fishing Location Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Lost Grove Lake | Scott |
Six miles east of Eldridge |
400.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Redear Sunfish Walleye White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Pool 14, Mississippi River | Scott |
Located between Clinton and Davenport, starts at River Mile 522.5 |
10291.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Concessions Fish Cleaning Station Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Pumpkinseed Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass White Crappie
Pool 15, Mississippi River | Scott |
Between Davenport, Iowa and Rock Island Illinois. Starts at River Mile 482.9 |
3626.90 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Largemouth Bass Sauger Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Bass Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass)
Pool 16, Mississippi River | Scott |
The amenities list are for Buffalo Shores campground in Buffalo, Iowa. Amenities at other locations in Pool 16 vary by location. |
13000.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms American Eel Bighead Carp Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Bowfin Bullhead Bullhead Minnow Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Emerald shiner Flathead Catfish Freshwater Drum Gizzard Shad Grass Carp Green Sunfish Highfin carpsucker Lake Sturgeon Largemouth Bass Longnose Gar Mooneye Northern Pike Orangespotted sunfish Paddlefish Quillback River carpsucker Rock Bass Sauger Shorthead redhorse Shortnose gar Shovelnose sturgeon Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Buffalo Spotfin shiner Walleye Warmouth White Bass White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Perch
The Dog Pond | Scott |
1.60 |
Sheridan Meadows (closed) | Scott |
Located within Sheridan Meadows Park along South 1st St., Eldridge |
6.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Middle Park Lagoon | Scott |
Located at the dead end of Parkway Dr., Bettendorf |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Hopewell Pond | Scott |
Located at the intersection of Middle Road and Hopewell Ave., Bettendorf |
1.90 |
Community Fishing Location
Crow Creek Pond | Scott |
Located behind the baseball complex on Crow Creek Park Road, Bettendorf |
1.70 |
Community Fishing Location
Credit Island Lake | Scott |
Located on Credit Island, Davenport |
24.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Eastern Avenue Park Lagoon | Scott |
Located on Eastern Ave. within Eastern Avenue Park, Davenport |
0.60 |
Community Fishing Location
Prairie Pointe Pond | Scott |
Located within the development at the intersection of E 58th St. and Belle Ave, Davenport |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Vander Veer Lagoon | Scott |
Located at the intersection of West Central Park Ave. and Brady St. (Bus. 61) within Vander Veer Botanical Park, Davenport |
1.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Lake of the Hills Pond #3 | Scott |
West Lake Park |
0.60 |
Lake of the Hills Pond #8 | Scott |
West Lake Park |
0.70 |
Lake of the Hills Pond #9 | Scott |
West Lake Park |
0.90 |
Lake of the Hills Pond #6 | Scott |
1.50 |
Lake of the Hills Pond #4 | Scott |
West Lake Park |
2.90 |
Lake of the Hills Pond #13 | Scott |
West Lake Park |
1.60 |
Manteno Park Pond | Shelby |
8 miles northwest of Defiance |
15.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Prairie Rose Lake | Shelby |
8 miles southeast of Harlan |
196.10 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Elk Horn Creek Pond | Shelby |
2.00 |
Camping Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Little George Pond | Shelby |
South edge of Harlan |
2.00 |
Schimeroski Pond | Shelby |
East edge of Earling |
1.00 |
Spearing Pond | Shelby |
Within Harlan City limits. |
4.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Nishna Bend R.A. Ponds | Shelby |
4 miles south of Harlan |
30.00 |
Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Pioneer Park Pond | Shelby |
Located within Harlan city limits |
0.75 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass
Mills Pond | Shelby |
Watershed pond above Prairie Rose Lake. |
3.00 |
Fairview Area Impoundment | Sioux |
5 miles south, 3 miles west of Inwood |
10.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Alton Roadside Park Pond | Sioux |
.5m N Alton |
5.00 |
Floyd Park Pit | Sioux |
2.00 |
Nassau W.A. Pond | Sioux |
2.00 |
Otter Creek R.A. Pond | Sioux |
4.5m N Boyden on L14 |
6.00 |
Sandy Hollow Park Lake | Sioux |
7.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Sioux Center Pit | Sioux |
5.00 |
Winterfeld Pond (aka Van Zee Pit) | Sioux |
N edge Rock Valley |
18.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Big Sioux Recreation Area | Sioux |
65.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Concessions Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bass Yellow Perch
Vander Weerd Pit | Sioux |
Oak Grove Pond | Sioux |
Located in Oak Grove County Park |
3.00 |
Rock Valley Pit | Sioux |
Located in city park in Rock Valley |
13.00 |
Dunlop Wildlife Area Pond | Sioux |
6.25 |
Woodbridge Pond | Sioux |
4.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Hickory Grove Lake | Story |
3 miles southwest of Colo |
81.50 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Cambridge Pond | Story |
Located on North St/580th Ave. 1/2 mile North of Cambridge. |
2.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Dakins Lake | Story |
2m NE Zearing |
20.00 |
Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Yellow Perch
Lake Laverne | Story |
2.80 |
McFarland Pond | Story |
4m NE Ames |
7.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Moore Memorial Park Pond | Story |
Within Moore Memorial Park in Ames. |
1.00 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Robison Wildlife Acres Pond | Story |
295th Street south of Nevada. |
1.00 |
Ada Hayden Heritage Park Lake | Story |
North side of Ames, west of Grand Avenue/Highway 69. |
137.00 |
Accessible Pier Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Petersons Pit, West | Story |
4 miles northeast of Ames |
22.60 |
Beach Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Quillback River carpsucker Motor Restrictions
Jennett Pond | Story |
2.40 |
SCORE Pond East | Story |
Located within the SCORE Rec Complex on Fawcett Pkwy., Nevada |
0.90 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
SCORE Pond South | Story |
Located within the SCORE Rec Complex on Fawcett Pkwy., Nevada |
1.20 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Indian Ridge Pond (Wilson Pond) | Story |
Located along the Indian Creek Greenbelt Trail West of the 4-H Park on W. 3rd St., Nevada |
1.50 |
Accessible Pier Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Trails Bluegill
Upland Trail Pond | Story |
2.10 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Baker Pond | Story |
1.00 |
Sajar Pond | Story |
6.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Cherry Lake | Tama |
On the Southwest edge of Tama |
34.00 |
Otter Creek Lake | Tama |
6 miles Northeast of Toledo |
74.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Union Grove Lake | Tama |
4 miles South of Gladbrook |
100.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Union Grove W.A. Pond | Tama |
4 miles South of Gladbrook. On Southwest corner of Union Grove State Park |
15.00 |
Accessible Shoreline
Columbia W.A. Pond | Tama |
4 miles Southeast of Tama |
1.00 |
Otter Creek Pond | Tama |
East side of Otter Creek Lake, within county park |
3.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Camping Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Otter Creek Park North Pond | Tama |
5.50 |
Otter Creek Park West Pond | Tama |
2.50 |
Bedford Impoundment | Taylor |
25.00 |
East Lake (Lenox) | Taylor |
1/2 mile north of Lenox |
18.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Lake of Three Fires | Taylor |
3 miles northeast of Bedford |
97.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Sands Timber Lake (Blockton Reservoir) | Taylor |
1 mile northwest of Blockton |
60.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Wilson Park Lake | Taylor |
2 1/2 miles southeast of Lenox |
17.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Windmill Lake | Taylor |
3 1/2 miles east of New Market |
24.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
West Lake (Lenox) | Taylor |
1 mile north of Lenox |
3.00 |
Boat Access Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Afton City Reservoir | Union |
1 mile west of Afton |
19.20 |
Boat Access Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Green Valley Lake | Union |
2 1/2 miles northwest of Creston |
338.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Motor Restrictions
McKinley Lake | Union |
42.80 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Camping Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Yellow Bullhead
Summit Lake | Union |
West edge of Creston |
230.00 |
Boat Access Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Thayer Lake | Union |
1 mile south of Thayer |
11.00 |
Boat Access Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Three Mile Lake | Union |
3 miles northwest of Afton |
880.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Flathead Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Twelve Mile Creek Lake | Union |
4 miles east of Creston |
635.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Boat Access Boat Rental Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Crappie Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Groesbeck W.A. Lake | Union |
4.00 |
Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass
Talmadge Hill Lake/Marsh | Union |
5m E Afton |
4.00 |
Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Cedar Park Pond | Union |
2.5 miles southwest of Creston on 190th St. |
2.50 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Hurley Creek Pond | Union |
15.20 |
Community Fishing Location
Indian Lake | Van Buren |
1 mile southwest of Farmington on the south side of Highway 81 |
54.40 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Camping Fish Cleaning Station Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Lacey Keosauqua State Park Lake | Van Buren |
1 mile southwest of Keosauqua in Lacey-Keosauqua State Park |
20.30 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Lake Miss (Tug Fork West) | Van Buren |
5 miles southwest of Keosauqua on the west side of Iowa Oak Grove Avenue |
40.10 |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Lake Sugema | Van Buren |
3 miles southwest of Keosauqua |
579.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Walleye Motor Restrictions
Piper's Pond (Tug Fork East) | Van Buren |
5 miles southwest of Keosauqua on the north side of 235th Street |
12.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch
Morris Memorial Park Pond | Van Buren |
8 miles east of Birmingham on the east side of Timber Road |
1.00 |
Camping Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Waubonsie Trail Park Pond | Van Buren |
Northwest edge of Cantril on the south side of Highway 2 |
3.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Camping Picnic Area Trails
Arrowhead Pond | Wapello |
3 miles southeast of Ottumwa in the Fox Hills Wildlife Management Area--walk in access only |
10.00 |
Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Ottumwa Lagoon | Wapello |
Inside Ottumwa city limits off Wapello Street |
59.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Ottumwa Park Pond East | Wapello |
Inside Ottumwa city limits off Wapello Street |
10.40 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Camping Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Eldon Pond | Wapello |
Memorial Park Pond | Wapello |
Within Ottumwa city limits in Memorial Park-east side of North Jefferson Street |
1.00 |
Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails
Ottumwa Park Pond North | Wapello |
Inside Ottumwa city limits off Wapello Street |
3.00 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass) Motor Restrictions
Pioneer Ridge Nature Area Parking Lot pond | Wapello |
6 miles south of Ottumwa on the east side of Highway 63 in the Pioneer Ridge Nature Area. |
1.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Pioneer Ridge Nature Area Pond (Nature Center) | Wapello |
6 miles south of Ottumwa on the east side of Highway 63 in the Pioneer Ridge Nature Area |
2.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
Pioneer Ridge Nature Area South pond | Wapello |
6 miles south of Ottumwa on the east side of Highway 63 in the Pioneer Ridge Nature Area |
1.00 |
Camping Restrooms Trails
Ottumwa Park Pond South (Trout Pond) | Wapello |
Inside Ottumwa city limits off Wapello Street |
9.10 |
Accessible Shoreline Camping Community Fishing Location Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Motor Restrictions
Ottumwa Park Pond West | Wapello |
Inside Ottumwa city limits off Wapello Street |
5.82 |
Camping Community Fishing Location Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Black Lake | Wapello |
On the east side of Hwy 34 south of Vine Street, Ottumwa. Walk in access only. |
11.20 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Community Fishing Location
Indian Hills Waterfall Pond | Wapello |
IHCC campus in Ottumwa |
0.40 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Indian Hills ATC Pond | Wapello |
IHCC campus in Ottumwa |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish
Indian Hills Bridge Pond | Wapello |
IHCC campus in Ottumwa |
1.10 |
Community Fishing Location Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish
Indian Hills Lake Lyle | Wapello |
IHCC campus in Ottumwa |
0.60 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish
Hooper Area Pond | Warren |
6 miles southwest of Indianola |
35.00 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Lake Ahquabi | Warren |
5 miles southwest of Indianola |
118.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Concessions Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Golden Shiner Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Annett Nature Center Pond (Lester Pond) | Warren |
4 miles south of Indianola. |
5.00 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Grant Nature Land Pond | Warren |
5 miles South of Swan off Fenton Street. |
1.00 |
Hickory Hills Park Pond | Warren |
13 miles south of Indianola on Hwy 69. |
1.00 |
Otter Creek Park Pond | Warren |
0.60 |
Banner Lake (north) | Warren |
4 1/2 miles north of Indianola |
16.00 |
Accessible Facilities Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Banner Lake (south) | Warren |
4 1/2 miles north of Indianola |
24.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Community Fishing Location Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Crappie Gizzard Shad Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Warrior Park Pond | Warren |
Orchard Hills Drive in Norwalk |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Elizabeth Holland North | Warren |
Near the corner of Highway 28 and Beardsley St in Norwalk. North pond. |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Elizabeth Holland South | Warren |
Near the corner of Highway 28 and Beardsley St in Norwalk. South pond. |
0.50 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Scotch Ridge | Warren |
Located on the South side of Hwy 5 near Gateway Dr., Carlisle |
3.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Indianola Middle School Pond (Closed) | Warren |
Located behind the football stadium at the middle school on S 15th St., Indianola |
1.00 |
Pickard Pond | Warren |
Located within the Pickard Recreation Area behind the Sports Complex on Hwy 92, Indianola |
1.80 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Norwalk Library Pond | Warren |
Located in front of the Public Library on North Ave. |
0.30 |
Community Fishing Location Good/Excellent Shorefishing Playground Bluegill Largemouth Bass
Serenity Woods Pond | Warren |
4.50 |
Crawford Pond | Washington |
3 m N. Ainsworth |
15.50 |
Lake Darling | Washington |
4 miles west of Brighton |
303.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Beach Boat Access Boat Rental Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Clemons Creek Area Pond | Washington |
2 mi W of Washinton, CCB |
2.00 |
Darling Campground Pond | Washington |
Lake Darling State Park |
1.00 |
Foster Woods Pond | Washington |
1.5 m SW Wellman |
1.40 |
Conservation Park Pond | Washington |
.5 m N Riverside |
1.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Marr Park Lake | Washington |
1 mile west of Ainsworth |
7.00 |
Accessible Facilities Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish
Marr Park Pond | Washington |
1 mile west of Ainsworth. |
1.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Redear Sunfish Motor Restrictions
Schmitter Pond (north) | Washington |
1.80 |
Schmitter Pond (south) | Washington |
1.60 |
Sokum Ridge Pond | Washington |
5 m S Washington |
1.00 |
Foster Pond | Washington |
4.00 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 1 | Washington |
0.42 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 2 | Washington |
0.13 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 3 | Washington |
0.23 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 4 | Washington |
0.37 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 5 | Washington |
0.43 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 6 | Washington |
0.80 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 7 | Washington |
0.61 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 8 | Washington |
1.45 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 9 | Washington |
0.43 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 10 | Washington |
0.21 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 11 | Washington |
1.16 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 12 | Washington |
1.00 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 13 | Washington |
0.81 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 14 | Washington |
0.80 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 15 | Washington |
1.70 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 16 | Washington |
0.60 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 17 | Washington |
0.59 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 18 | Washington |
0.28 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 19 | Washington |
0.97 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 20 | Washington |
0.53 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 21 | Washington |
0.30 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 22 | Washington |
0.42 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 23 | Washington |
0.57 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 24 | Washington |
0.32 |
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 25 | Washington |
0.47 |
Darling Youth Camp pond | Washington |
1.08 |
Willow Pond | Washington |
1.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Vista Park Pond | Washington |
1 mi S of Kalona |
0.60 |
Community Fishing Location
Oak Hill Park Pond | Washington |
1.5 mi S of Kalona |
6.25 |
Community Fishing Location
Bob White Lake | Wayne |
2 miles west of Allerton on the north side of J46 |
96.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Corydon Reservoir | Wayne |
West edge of Corydon-turn south on West Street, go 1/2 mile then turn west on Corydon Lake Park Road |
52.60 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Humeston Reservoir | Wayne |
1 mile north of Humeston on the west side of Hwy 65 in Lakeside Park |
42.20 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Camping Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Lineville Reservoir | Wayne |
1 mile north of Lineville on the east side of Hwy 65 in Moore-Gosch Memorial Park |
15.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Shoreline Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Seymour Reservoir | Wayne |
1/2 mile south of Seymour on the west side of S60--
Closed to vehicle traffic November 1st through April 1st |
20.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass White Crappie Motor Restrictions
Badger Lake | Webster |
4 1/2 miles north of Fort Dodge |
45.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike White Sucker Motor Restrictions
Brushy Creek Lake | Webster |
5 miles east of Lehigh |
690.00 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Beach Boat Access Camping Fish Cleaning Station Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Tiger muskie Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Lake Ole | Webster |
2.00 |
Armstrong Park Pond | Webster |
In Armstrong Park located in the northwest area of Fort Dodge |
1.40 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Picnic Area
Bob Hay Memorial Conservation Area Pond | Webster |
2 miles west of Fort Dodge |
1.00 |
Moorland Pond | Webster |
23.00 |
Community Fishing Location Black Crappie Bluegill Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout
Gypsum City OHV Park Lakes | Webster |
Located within the Gypsum City OHV Park along Quail Avenue, Fort Dodge |
50.30 |
Community Fishing Location
Rosedale Rapids Pond | Webster |
Located along the trail behind Rosedale Rapids Water Park on N 32nd St., Fort Dodge |
0.50 |
Lake Catherine | Winnebago |
6 miles west of Forest City |
15.00 |
Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Dahle Park Pond | Winnebago |
0.33 |
Florence Park Pond | Winnebago |
3.00 |
Lande River Conservation W.A. Pond | Winnebago |
0.82 |
Rice Lake | Winnebago |
1 mile south, 1 mile east of Lake Mills |
1000.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Bluegill Largemouth Bass Walleye Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Ambroson Pit (east) | Winnebago |
3 1/2 miles north of Forest City |
10.00 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Ambroson Pit (middle) | Winnebago |
3 1/2 miles north of Forest City |
6.30 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Ambroson Pit (west) | Winnebago |
3 1/2 miles north of Forest City |
11.30 |
Ambroson Pit (north) | Winnebago |
3 1/2 miles north of Forest City |
4.28 |
Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bigmouth Buffalo Black Bullhead Bluegill Fathead Minnow Golden Shiner Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Yellow Bullhead Motor Restrictions
Pammel Park Pond | Winnebago |
2.50 |
Community Fishing Location
Lake Meyer | Winneshiek |
Located 2.5 miles southwest of Calmar on 2546 Lake Meyer Road. Managed by the Winneshiek County Conservation Board. Questions about day use and camping should be directed to WCCB at 563-534-7145. |
33.30 |
Accessible Facilities Accessible Pier Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Bullhead Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Lower Dam Impoundment | Winneshiek |
Located 11 miles east of Decorah on the Upper Iowa River. |
22.00 |
Spillville Impoundment | Winneshiek |
Located just north of Spillville on the Turkey River. |
0.00 |
Upper Dam Impoundment | Winneshiek |
This dam is located approximately 7.1 miles east of Decorah on the Upper Iowa River. |
22.00 |
Hard Surface Boat Ramp Golden Redhorse Smallmouth Bass Walleye White Sucker
Silver Springs Pond | Winneshiek |
South edge of Ossian off of County Road W42. |
2.00 |
Accessible Pier Accessible Shoreline Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Northeast Iowa Community College Calmar Pond | Winneshiek |
Located about 1 mile south of Calmar on the south side of Northeast Iowa Community College Calmar Campus. |
1.70 |
Good/Excellent Shorefishing Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Bacon Creek Lake | Woodbury |
east edge of Sioux City |
34.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Community Fishing Location Fishing Jetty Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Rainbow Trout Motor Restrictions
Browns Lake | Woodbury |
2 miles west of Salix |
580.00 |
Beach Boat Access Camping Concessions Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Walleye Motor Restrictions
Snyder Bend Lake | Woodbury |
1 1/2 miles west of Salix |
375.00 |
Boat Access Camping Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Crappie Bluegill Channel Catfish Common Carp Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Motor Restrictions
Midway Park Lake | Woodbury |
3m NE Moville |
3.00 |
Southwood Conservation Area Pond (east) | Woodbury |
1/2 mile west, 1/2 mile south of Smithland |
14.00 |
Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Trails Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Southwood Conservation Area Pond (west) | Woodbury |
1/2 mile west, 1/2 mile south of Smithland |
14.00 |
Stone State Park Pond | Woodbury |
2.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Little Sioux Park Lake | Woodbury |
2 miles south of Correctionville |
13.00 |
Accessible Shoreline Beach Camping Carry Down Boat Launch Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Kiwanas Park | Woodbury |
Located within Kiwanas Park on 1st St., Sergeant Bluff |
2.00 |
Sertoma Park | Woodbury |
Located on S. Lancelot Ln., Sioux City |
3.00 |
Community Fishing Location
Prairie Park Pond | Woodbury |
Located on S. Lewis Blvd/Old Hwy 75 near the 75 & I-29 interchange, Sioux City |
8.90 |
Community Fishing Location Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Mill Pond | Worth |
5.25 |
Silver Lake (Worth) | Worth |
10 miles west, 3 1/2 miles north of Northwood |
316.00 |
Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Restrooms Bluegill Largemouth Bass Northern Pike Yellow Perch
Kuennen's Pit W.A. (north) | Worth |
2 miles south, ½ mile east of Northwood |
12.00 |
Beach Boat Access Good/Excellent Shorefishing Gravel Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Bluegill Largemouth Bass Motor Restrictions
Kuennen's Pit W.A. (south) | Worth |
2 miles south, ½ mile east of Northwood |
12.00 |
Worth County Lake | Worth |
2m NE Kensett |
5.00 |
Carry Down Boat Launch Good/Excellent Shorefishing Picnic Area Restrooms Bluegill Channel Catfish Largemouth Bass
Lake Cornelia | Wright |
3 1/2 miles north, 2 miles east of Clarion |
243.00 |
Accessible Facilities Beach Boat Access Camping Fishing Jetty Hard Surface Boat Ramp Picnic Area Playground Restrooms Black Bullhead Black Crappie Blue Catfish Bluntnose Minnow Channel Catfish Common Carp Common Shiner Flathead Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Muskellunge Spottail Shiner Walleye White Bass White Crappie Yellow Bass Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Morse Lake | Wright |
3 1/2 miles west of Belmond |
90.00 |
Boat Access Hard Surface Boat Ramp Black Bullhead Common Carp Yellow Perch Motor Restrictions
Fishpond Park | Wright |
0.65 |