Brook Trout are easily recognized and distinguished from other trout by vivid white lines on the front or leading edge of the lower fins, and the top portion or back is covered with light wormy streaks or mottlings on a darker background called vermiculations. The dorsal fin has ten rays and is also strongly mottled. The vomer is trough-shaped, with the teeth restricted to the front portion. Brook trout feel soft to the touch because of the very small scales that cover the whole body. About 230 scales are along the lateral line, and they are more deeply embedded than other trout in the genus Salmo.
Fish, small crayfish, or even snails, but insects, both terrestrial and aquatic, generally make up the bulk of their diet. In streams with watercress, brookies feed heavily on scuds, which are small amphipods often found in abundance near springs.
Use fine line and approach pools quietly to improve your fishing.
Brook Trout live in cool, clear headwater spring ponds, springs, and spring-fed streams with shallow riffles over gravel and rubble bottoms. Synonymous with the cold waters, Brook Trout are seldom found in water with temperatures higher than 50-60 degrees. Needing the coldest and cleanest of stream conditions, Brook Trout are highly sensitive to pollution, siltation and poor water quality.
Wild Brook Trout are among the most beautiful of all fish at spawning time. Male trout, during this late fall period, develop a deep red-yellow-crimson coloration along the belly. The sides of the fish often have many red and pale yellow spots, with each spot sometimes surrounded by a blue-colored circle.
Brook Trout spawn from late October to November. Females build redds or nests in clean gravel areas, often near the headwaters of spring-fed streams. Females can sense upwelling springs or other gravel areas with groundwater flow and often deposit their eggs in these habitats. At a constant water temperature of 50 degrees, the eggs will hatch in about 45 days. In colder water, the eggs might not hatch until January or February. The tiny fry stay buried in the stream gravel and survive on natural nutrients stored in the yolk sac until the water temperature starts to rise in early spring. At this time, the fry swim up through the open crevices of the gravel bottom and start looking for tiny insect life to eat.
Females mature at about two years of age, with most males becoming mature during the first year of life. Young females spawn between 200 to 500 eggs, but a larger fish may produce 2,500 or more. Brook Trout reach 3- to 6-inches long the first year, 7- to 9-inches the second, and 10- to 13-inches in the third year of life. Brook Trout weighing over one pound are considered a trophy, since life expectancy is seldom more than three years.
Brook Trout live in the confined areas of our small streams, often spending most of its life in a single pool-riffle. Three habitat components are needed for Brook Trout to survive: resting areas in pools, feeding sites near riffles or swiftly flowing water, and escape cover which is normally found along undercut banks, beneath tree limbs or under large rock ledges.
Recent stream sampling information is available from Iowa DNR's biological monitoring and assessment program.
Harlan, J.R., E.B. Speaker, and J. Mayhew. 1987. Iowa fish and fishing. Iowa Conservation Commission, Des Moines, Iowa. 323pp.
Loan-Wilsey, A. K., C. L. Pierce, K. L. Kane, P. D. Brown and R. L. McNeely. 2005. The Iowa Aquatic Gap Analysis Project Final Report. Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Iowa State University, Ames.
Illustration by Maynard Reece, from Iowa Fish and Fishing.
Learn more about this fish at the Trout Profile DNR Homepage
Native to Iowa; originally abundant in most spring-fed streams of northeastern Iowa, although some fishery investigators believe they were restricted to the Upper Iowa River drainage. Confirmation of the original distribution is difficult because early explorers referred only to the fish as "mountain" or "stream" trout, without looking for identifying characteristics. Natural reproduction of Brook Trout is presently limited to only a few streams.
See our most recent distribution data for this species on the Iowa DNR's Bionet application.
French Creek
Clear Creek (New Albin)
Little Paint
Pine Creek
Spring Branch
North Cedar Creek
Pine Spring Creek
Lansing Wildlife Area Creek
Middle Bear Creek
South Pine Creek
Casey Springs
Falling Springs
Trib to French Creek - French Creek Road
French Creek - West Branch
Dutton Springs Creek
Falcon Spring
6/10/2022 - South Fork Mill Creek: 1000 (size: 3)
5/16/2022 - Arner Branch: 2000 (size: 2.1)
5/16/2022 - Clear Creek (New Albin): 2932 (size: 2.4)
5/16/2022 - Trib to Clear Creek New Albin - Church Rd: 2000 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Erickson Branch: 2012 (size: 2)
5/16/2022 - Ludlow Creek: 853 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Stonebrook Spring: 2000 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Trib to French Creek - French Creek Road: 1000 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Trib to Yellow River - Forest Mills Road: 1000 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Trib To Volga Lake - H Ave: 1449 (size: 2.3)
5/16/2022 - Trib To Volga Lake - Imperial Road: 2000 (size: 2.3)
5/16/2022 - Trib To Volga Lake - Jasper Road: 2000 (size: 2.3)
5/16/2022 - Trib To Volga Lake - 190th Street: 2033 (size: 2.3)
5/16/2022 - Canoe Creek WMA Spring: 1000 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Curtis Spring: 2000 (size: 2)
5/16/2022 - Dunning Spring: 250 (size: 2)
5/16/2022 - Kendallville WMA Spring: 1000 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Trib to Canoe Creek - Locust Road: 800 (size: 2.5)
5/16/2022 - Trib to North Canoe Creek - 345th St: 890 (size: 2.5)
5/13/2022 - Grimes Hollow: 500 (size: 2.1)
5/6/2021 - Erickson Branch: 2569 (size: 2.3)
5/6/2021 - Trib To Volga Lake - Jasper Road: 2569 (size: 2.1)
5/6/2021 - Trib To Volga Lake - H Ave: 2405 (size: 2.3)
5/6/2021 - Trib To Volga Lake - Imperial Road: 2566 (size: 2.3)
5/6/2021 - Trib To Volga Lake - 190th Street: 2569 (size: 2.3)
4/30/2021 - South Fork Mill Creek: 1000 (size: 3)
4/29/2021 - Little Paint Creek: 1015 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Trib to Yellow River - Forest Mills Road: 1973 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Stonebrook Spring: 2001 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Ludlow Creek: 2002 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Clear Creek - New Albin: 2006 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Clear Creek - New Albin: 2007 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Trib to French Creek - French Creek Road: 2007 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Trib to Yellow River - Scott Hollow Road: 2010 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Silver Creek (Andresen): 2265 (size: 2.3)
4/29/2021 - Trib to North Canoe Creek - 345th Street: 2009 (size: 2)
4/29/2021 - Canoe Creek WMA spring: 1007 (size: 2.3)
4/29/2021 - Kendallville WMA spring: 1125 (size: 2.3)
4/29/2021 - Trib to Canoe Creek - Locust Road: 1125 (size: 2.3)
4/29/2021 - Pine Spring Creek: 2016 (size: 2.3)
5/1/2020 - Erickson Branch: 2491 (size: 2.2)
4/30/2020 - Clear Creek: 1105 (size: 2.3)
4/30/2020 - French Creek: 5000 (size: 2.1)
4/30/2020 - Ludlow Creek: 1601 (size: 2)
4/30/2020 - Stonebrook Spring: 1601 (size: 2)
4/30/2020 - Trib to French Creek (French Creek Road): 2000 (size: 2.1)
4/30/2020 - West Branch French Creek: 3000 (size: 2.1)
4/30/2020 - Trib to Yellow River (Scott Hollow Road): 2018 (size: 2.3)
4/30/2020 - Saurs Cave Creek: 1601 (size: 2)
4/30/2020 - Trib to Otter Creek (Hazel Road): 998 (size: 2.3)
4/30/2020 - Silver Creek (Andresen): 1597 (size: 2.3)
4/30/2020 - Mullens Creek (Jirak): 2124 (size: 2.3)
4/30/2020 - Trib to Canoe Creek (Locust Road): 1062 (size: 2.3)
4/30/2020 - Trib to North Canoe Creek (345th Street): 1601 (size: 2)
4/30/2020 - Trib to Upper Yellow River (128th Street): 1997 (size: 2.3)
4/28/2020 - Grimes Hollow: 500 (size: 2.5)
4/22/2019 - McCloud Run: 1149 (size: 9.5)
10/1/2018 - Spring Branch: 32571 (size: 8)
7/25/2018 - McLoud Run: 1061 (size: 5.7)
6/12/2018 - Grimes Hollow: 440 (size: 3)
6/8/2018 - Experimental Trout Streams: 500 (size: 4)
6/5/2018 - Dunning Spring: 500 (size: 5)
6/5/2018 - Experimental Trout Streams: 560 (size: 3)
6/4/2018 - Trib. To Otter Creek (Jensen): 1160 (size: 3)
6/4/2018 - Trib. to Yellow River (Metz): 1160 (size: 4)
6/4/2018 - Silver Creek (Andresen): 1160 (size: 4)
6/4/2018 - Trib. To Upper Yellow River (Conway): 1160 (size: 4)
6/4/2018 - Mullens Creek (Jurik): 1160 (size: 4)
6/21/2017 - McLoud Run*: 997 (size: 3")
6/13/2017 - Exp. Trout Streams: 500 (size: 3")
6/13/2017 - Grimes Hollow: 500 (size: 3")
6/13/2017 - Willow Creek: 611 (size: 3")
5/24/2017 - Exp. Trout Streams**: 700 (size: 3")
5/24/2017 - Pine Spring Creek (S Canoe): 567 (size: 3")
5/24/2017 - Dunning Spring*: 500 (size: 3")
5/24/2017 - South Pine Creek: 431 (size: 3")
5/24/2017 - Trib. To Otter Creek (Jensen): 700 (size: 3")
5/24/2017 - Dutton Springs Creek: 300 (size: 3")
11/2/2016 - Spring Branch : 200 (size: 8")
6/24/2016 - Dunning Spring: 501 (size: 4")
6/21/2016 - McLoud Run: 1000 (size: 4")
6/1/2016 - Bellevue Pond: 50 (size: 2-3/lb)
5/29/2016 - McLoud Run: 1001 (size: 4.5")
4/1/2016 - Wilson Lake: 205 (size: 2-3/lb)
4/1/2016 - Prairie Park Fishery: 202 (size: 2-3/lb)
4/1/2016 - Environmental Discovery Park Pond North: 223 (size: 2-3/lb)
4/1/2016 - Banner Lake (south): 400 (size: 2-3/lb)
3/1/2016 - Terry Trueblood Lake: 584 (size: 2-3/lb)
3/1/2016 - Lake of the Hills: 1000 (size: 2-3/lb)
3/1/2016 - Ottumwa Park Ponds (pond1): 446 (size: 2-3/lb)
2/1/2016 - North Prairie Lake: 400 (size: 2-3/lb)
2/1/2016 - Heritage Pond: 400 (size: 2-3/lb)
2/1/2016 - Sand Lake: 200 (size: 2-3/lb)
2/1/2016 - Ada Hayden Heritage Park Lake: 1060 (size: 2-3/lb)
1/1/2016 - Blue Pit: 1250 (size: 2-3/lb)
1/1/2016 - Scharnberg Pond: 750 (size: 2-3/lb)
1/1/2016 - Lake Petoka: 750 (size: 2-3/lb)
12/28/2015 - Spring Branch : 200 (size: 9")
6/9/2015 - Dunning Spring: 500 (size: 4")
6/13/2014 - Dunning Springs: 500 (size: 4")
6/10/2014 - McLoud Run: 100 (size: 5")
11/20/2013 - McLoud Run: 100 (size: 2-3/lb)
6/12/2013 - McLoud Run: 1000 (size: 5.0")
6/4/2013 - Ozark Springs: 525 (size: 2.0")
6/3/2013 - Willow Creek: 1100 (size: 2.0")
5/24/2013 - Dutton Springs Creek: 500 (size: 4.0")
5/24/2013 - Lansing Wildlife Area Creek: 500 (size: 4.0")
5/23/2013 - Dunning Spring: 500 (size: 4.0")
11/30/2012 - Spring Branch: 200 (size: 9")
11/9/2012 - Sand Lake: 200 (size: 2-3/lb)
10/20/2012 - Sand Lake: 5 (size: 2-5 lb)
5/18/2012 - Ozark Springs: 680 (size: 2.5")
5/18/2012 - Willow Creek: 1286 (size: 2.5")
5/11/2012 - McLoud Run: 1000 (size: 2.5")
5/9/2012 - Dunning Spring: 500 (size: 2.5")
10/28/2011 - Prairie Park (Cedar Bend): 400 (size: 2-3/lb)
10/14/2011 - Petoka: 385 (size: 2-3/lb)
10/14/2011 - Ottumwa Park Ponds: 200 (size: 2-3/lb)
6/1/2011 - Willow Creek: 2120 (size: 2.5")
6/1/2011 - Ozark Springs: 500 (size: 2.5")
5/20/2011 - Dunnings Spring: 501 (size: 3.5")
5/18/2011 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 3.5")
3/26/2011 - Discovery Pond: 100 (size: 2-3/lb)
3/19/2011 - Ottumwa Park Ponds (pond 1&2 only): 200 (size: 2-3/lb)
10/16/2010 - Lake-of-the-Hills: 100 (size: 2-3/lb)
9/10/2010 - Spring Branch: 100 (size: 8")
7/16/2010 - Dunnings Spring: 500 (size: 4.0")
6/7/2010 - Pine Creek: 1220 (size: 2.75")
6/7/2010 - North Cedar: 1300 (size: 2.75")
6/7/2010 - Middle Bear: 1300 (size: 2.75")
6/1/2010 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 4.0")
5/25/2010 - Brook Creek: 500 (size: 2.5")
5/25/2010 - Duttons Cr: 500 (size: 2.5")
5/25/2010 - Little Paint Creek: 1000 (size: 2.5")
5/10/2010 - Willow Creek: 1000 (size: 2.5")
5/10/2010 - Ozark Springs: 500 (size: 2.5")
6/3/2009 - Little Paint Creek: 2000 (size: 3.0")
6/3/2009 - South Pine : 2600 (size: 3.0")
5/29/2009 - Ozark Springs: 500 (size: 4.0")
5/28/2009 - Willow Creek: 1000 (size: 4.0")
5/22/2009 - Pine Creek: 1000 (size: 3.0")
5/22/2009 - North Cedar: 1000 (size: 3.0")
5/22/2009 - Middle Bear: 1000 (size: 3.0")
5/16/2008 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 4.0")
8/3/2007 - Dunnings Spring: 500 (size: 6.0")
6/11/2007 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 4.5")
5/30/2007 - Spring Branch: 2000 (size: 3.7")
6/14/2006 - Pine Creek: 1000 (size: 3.2")
6/14/2006 - North Cedar: 1000 (size: 3.2")
6/14/2006 - Middle Bear: 2000 (size: 3.2")
5/15/2006 - Dunnings Spring: 500 (size: 4.4")
5/15/2006 - Trout River: 1000 (size: 4.4")
6/22/2005 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 4")
5/25/2005 - Dutton Spring Creek: 250 (size: 4")
5/24/2005 - Spring Branch: 2000 (size: 4")
5/12/2005 - Middle Bear: 6000 (size: 4")
5/11/2005 - Dunnings Spring: 500 (size: 4")
5/11/2005 - Trout River: 1000 (size: 4")
6/30/2004 - McCloud Run: 150 (size: 11")
6/29/2004 - McCloud Run: 2000 (size: 4")
6/22/2004 - Casey Springs/Falcon Springs: 150 (size: 4")
6/22/2004 - South Canoe: 200 (size: 4")
6/22/2004 - Twin Springs: 700 (size: 4")
6/17/2004 - Spring Branch: 2000 (size: 4")
5/20/2004 - Willow Creek: 1000 (size: 4")
5/5/2004 - Dunnings Spring: 500 (size: 4")
5/5/2004 - Trout River: 1000 (size: 4")
5/5/2004 - Middle Bear: 6000 (size: 4")
5/27/2003 - Bankston Creek - Upper: 1000 (size: 4.4")
5/27/2003 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 4")
5/23/2003 - Willow Creek: 1000 (size: 4.3")
5/23/2003 - Trout River: 1000 (size: 4")
5/23/2003 - Middle Bear: 5500 (size: 4")
5/16/2003 - Tete des Morts: 2000 (size: 4.4")
5/14/2003 - Little Paint Creek: 475 (size: 3")
5/14/2003 - Ozark Springs: 950 (size: 3")
5/14/2003 - Dunnings Spring: 140 (size: 3")
5/14/2003 - Casey Springs: 200 (size: 3")
5/14/2003 - South Canoe: 300 (size: 3")
5/14/2003 - Twin Springs: 950 (size: 3")
5/13/2003 - Spring Branch: 2000 (size: 4.4")
7/5/2002 - Tete des Morts: 2000 (size: 4.3")
7/2/2002 - McCloud Run: 167 (size: 11.5")
6/27/2002 - Bankston Creek - Upper: 1000 (size: 4.3")
6/27/2002 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 4")
6/5/2002 - Willow Creek: 1000 (size: 3.6")
5/24/2002 - Ozark Springs: 500 (size: 4")
4/18/2002 - Spring Branch: 2000 (size: 2.6")
6/28/2001 - Tete des Morts: 3000 (size: 5.7")
6/20/2001 - Bankston Creek - Upper: 1000 (size: 5")
6/19/2001 - Willow Creek: 1500 (size: 5")
6/18/2001 - McCloud Run: 1000 (size: 4"-6")
6/1/2001 - Little Paint Creek: 620 (size: 4")
5/30/2001 - Ozark Springs: 1500 (size: 4")
5/18/2001 - Spring Branch: 2000 (size: 4")
5/1/2001 - Dutton Spring Creek: 500 (size: 4")
5/1/2001 - Dunnings Spring: 250 (size: 4")
5/1/2001 - Trout River: 250 (size: 4")
5/1/2001 - Trout River: 1000 (size: 4")
5/1/2001 - Twin Springs: 1000 (size: 4")
5/1/2001 - Middle Bear: 6000 (size: 4")
6/26/2000 - Tete des Morts: 3500 (size: 4")
6/22/2000 - McCloud Run: 1200 (size: 5.6")
6/9/2000 - Willow Creek: 1000 (size: 4")
5/25/2000 - Bankston Creek - Upper: 1000 (size: 4")
5/19/2000 - Spring Branch: 2000 (size: 4")