Iowa DNR
Iowa DNR
Fish Kill DatabaseDB

Fish Kill Event - Richmond Springs and Fenchel creek

East of Backbone State Park somewhere within the Fenchel Creek watershed which then drains into Richmond Springs cold water trout stream (aka Fenchel Creek) located within Backbone State Park in Delaware County, Sections 3 and 4, R-6-W, T-90-N

Event ID
Date of Kill
Waterbody Type
Cause Origin
Unknown (Anthro Suspected)
2 (101 - 1000 fish killed)
Estimated Fish Killed
Kill Length
4.15 miles
Investigation Expenses
ESD Field Office
FO 1
Fisheries Office
Manchester Trout Hatchery
Created Date
10/4/2019 8:55:08 AM
Last Update
8/7/2020 7:44:39 AM
For more information about this fish kill event, contact the Field Office or Fisheries Office listed above.
Impacted Assessment Segments
Lat/Long uses WGS84 datum

Highlighted river segments indicate those impacted in part or whole by this fish kill event. It is not meant to represent the actual extent of the kill.

Onsite Comments

Dead fish were found on Richmond Spring Creek down to the Coon Hollow access within Backbone State Park. One dead trout was found upstream of the bridge across Fenchel Creek at the 130th Ave gravel road bridge. Two dead fish were found just above the bridge across 140th Ave blacktop road bridge which was determined to be the upstream extent of the fish kill. Live fish were also noted at the 140th Ave. bridge. No dead fish were found at road crossings above that point. Live trout were seen caught by anglers fishing Richmond Springs Creek.

Field Office investigated to determine a source. Dead fish were estimated to be one day old on 9/28/2019. Localized heavy rain may have washed a pollutant into the stream on 9/27. Stream conditions were strong flows for the season. The vast majority of the watershed is row crops with numerous confinements and a few open lots or dairies.

Feed lots in the watershed should be monitored. Noted little manure application in the watershed and none of the applications appeared to be a concern. Manure stockpiles were located a good distance from the streams. No manure control structures appeared to have issues. Noted other potential sources such as residential swimming pools, chemical storage or chemical applications to fields that could have been discharged.

SpeciesNumber KilledMonetary Value
Minnows, Shiners, Chubs, Dace
Central Stoneroller1$0.09
Brown Trout107$1605.00
Rainbow Trout31$465.00