Fish Kill Event - Deep Creek
Plymouth County
- Event ID
- 1023
- Date of Kill
- 3/15/2022
- Waterbody Type
- River/Stream
- Cause Origin
- Anthropogenic
- Cause
- Animal Waste
- Mode
- Discharge
- Animal Waste Source
- Confinement
- Animal Type
- Cattle (Dairy)
- Approx Head
- Unknown/Unspecified
- Magnitude
- 2 (101 - 1000 fish killed)
- Kill Length
- 3.00 miles
- Investigation Expenses
- $1,233.13
- County
- Plymouth
- ESD Field Office
- FO 3
- Fisheries Office
- Spirit Lake Hatchery
- LongDD
- -95.90303
- LatDD
- 42.89535
- Created Date
- 9/29/2022 10:45:02 AM
- Last Update
- 9/29/2022 10:46:40 AM
Highlighted river segments indicate those impacted in part or whole by this fish kill event. It is not meant to represent the actual extent of the kill.
The fish kill originated from manure entering a tributary of Deep Creek at (42.94174, -95.88054) and flowing downstream approximately 2,486 yards before entering Deep Creek. Dead fish were observed along 5,400 yards of Deep Creek from 110th St (42.89535, -95.90303) to 130th St (42.86624, -95.91919) in Plymouth County.
Manure from a free stall dairy barn was discharged from the barn and entered a tile intake.
A fish kill assessment could not be performed due to frozen and partially frozen stream conditions. Dead fish were observed in areas of open water along 5,400 yards of stream during the investigation. Initially observed hundreds of dead fish where the stream was open, but as the stream opened up over the past few days, many of those fish were either washed away or picked up by scavengers. We also noted a number of dead fish on the bottom of the stream - making counts unfeasible.