Fish Kill Event - Lake Oelwein (impoundment of Otter Creek)
Fayette County
- Event ID
- 1017
- Date of Kill
- 4/28/2022
- Waterbody Type
- Lake
- Cause Origin
- Natural
- Cause
- Disease/Parasite/Stress
- Mode
- N/A
- Magnitude
- 3 (1001 - 5000 fish killed)
- Estimated Fish Killed
- 1,323
- Valuation
- $188.52
- Investigation Expenses
- $215.53
- County
- Fayette
- ESD Field Office
- FO 1
- Fisheries Office
- Decorah State Hatchery
- LongDD
- -91.91612
- LatDD
- 42.64666
- Created Date
- 9/28/2022 9:50:06 AM
- Last Update
- 1/5/2024 8:12:58 AM
Cause listed as Spring Viremia of Carp (SVC), a viral disease.
Dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity were taken above the dam. With the exception of 2 fish, all were Common Carp ranging in size from 4 to 7 inches. Dead fish were observed in the bays, pocket edges, and brush on waters edges along the entire perimeter of the impoundment in the city park. Some fish carcasses were found on shore whole or partially eaten and skeletal remains were also observed on shore. When one species of a similar size range are the only fish affected by the kill, the cause is typically some sort of biological factor such as a virus or other disease. Spring viremia of Carp (SVC) is a contagious viral disease seen mainly in carp and related species and typically fatal in young fish under the right conditions. For these reasons, the investigator believed kill was likely from a naturally occurring case of SVC and no further action was taken nor agencies involved.