bid envelopes

The following small projects are currently letting for bids on the dates indicated. Interested bidders may contact the DNR staff member listed for detailed information about each project. These projects have also been posted on the Certified Targeted Small Business web site. Additional bidders may be solicited directly by the DNR contact based on geographic location, previous work with the State of Iowa or construction specialty. The projects listed are estimated to have construction costs of $100,000.00 or less and are being let utilizing the State of Iowa Competitive Quotation process as defined and governed under Section 561 of the Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 8.

Project Number: 24-02-95-01
Area: Clear Lake Wildlife Unit
Project Name: Langesen WPA 2 - NAWCA
Bid Date: 03/13/2025
Contact: Heath Delzell
Contact Phone: (515) 979-0104
Contact Email:
Project Description: The purpose of this project is to construct three earthen ditch plugs and one concrete water control structure. Contractor to complete final grading, seedbed preparation, and furnish seed and mulch. The DNR will plant the seed and place the mulch.

County: O'BRIEN
Project Number: 21-01-71-01
Area: Williams Wildlife Management Area
Project Name: Williams WMA Wetland Restoration
Bid Date: 03/20/2025
Contact: Jeff Felts
Contact Phone: 515-250-3712
Contact Email:
Project Description: This project is designed to create a wetland pool located on the Williams Wildlife Management Area (WMA), O’Brien County, IA. Work under this project includes earthfill (+-8,000 CY), excavation of a spillway, tile work (investigation, installation, breaks, surface outlets) and installation of an inline water control structure.

Project Number: 25-04-69-01
Area: Viking Lake
Project Name: Viking Lake SOH Remediation
Bid Date: 03/27/2025
Contact: Zach Gunsolley
Contact Phone: 515-250-3713
Contact Email:
Project Description: The Ranger’s house at Viking Lake State Park, 2910 Aldersgate Drive, Villisca, IA 50864 has been moved to another location leaving the foundations, floors and miscellaneous items that need to be demolished and disposed of offsite. The contractor shall provide all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete this work as well as fill foundation void with adjacent soils placed and compacted to match surrounding ground.