The following projects are currently advertised for bids. Interested bidders may find general information about each project, as well as printable actual Contract Documents in PDF format. The general information is the same project description provided to Newspapers and by direct mail solicitations. The Contract Documents include the Drawings and the entire Project Manual. Drawings can be printed on any regular or large format printers. The Project Manual includes Proposal Forms, Front End Documents, General and Supplementary Covenants, and Technical specifications. All these are also completely printable.
Effective October 2009, the Department will no longer be responsible for providing hard copy notice to bidders or addenda to either contractors or plan rooms. An email listserv has been created to communicate electronically with vendors currently on file with the DNR. As a member of this listserv, you will receive electronic notice to bidder information on a regular basis.
To subscribe to this list, click here.
The Department will be utilizing the vendor Beeline and Blue to provide printed copies of Plans and Specifications and Addenda upon request. The department will no longer provide complimentary copies of Plans and Specifications to contractors or sub-contractors after award of the contract. Please visit or contact (515) 244-1611 for more information.
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Click on the project names below to view the one(s) which interest you.
This project includes replacing water lines, extending water lines, installing 11 community hydrants, construction 27 new 50-amp electric camp sites and 7 full hook-up sites (with water and sewer) and associated miscellaneous work.
1 L.S.
Traffic Control
1 L.S.
Temporary Construction Entrance
1 L.S.
1 L.S.
Clearing and Grubbing
1 L.S.
HMA Apron Removals
80 Each
Filter Sock
1,000 L.F.
Sanitary Sewer Connection to Existing Main
1 Each
Type SW-301 48" Diameter Sanitary Manhole w/Type 'A' Casting
2 Each
6-inch Sanitary Sewer (SDR 23.5)
728 L.F.
4-inch Sanitary Sewer Service PVC (SDR 23.5)
44 L.F.
RV Sanitary Sewer Cleanout Connection
7 Each
Sanitary Sewer Road Crossing
2 Each
1-inch HDPE Pipe
311 L.F.
1.5-inch HDPE Pipe
663 L.F.
2-inch HDPE Pipe
1,151 L.F.
3-inch HDPE Pipe
1,123 L.F.
2-Inch Valve with Curb Stop
4 Each
3-Inch Valve with Curb Stop
4 Each
18 Each
ADA Hydrant
1 Each
5 Each
HDPE Cross
2 Each
22 Each
Remove Booster Pump
1 L.S.
Single Campsite Outlet Post-50 Amp
35 Each
No. 2 AWG Grounding Conductor Cable, Type THW or USE
2,658 L.F.
No. 300 MCM Single Conductor Cable, Type USE
309 L.F.
No. 250 MCM Single Conductor Cable, Type USE
4,467 L.F.
No. 4/0 AWG Single Conductor Cable, Type USE
3,198 L.F.
Roadway Crossing 3.5-Inch Conduit Schedule 80 PVC
100 L.F.
Trench, Single Circuit Secondary
2,293 L.F.
Circuit Breakers
9 Each
Led Light Pole
1 L.S.
Special Backfill/Granular Base
84 Tons
6-inch Non-Reinforced PCC
398 S.Y.
Engineering Fabric
4,449 S.Y.
Macadam Stone
868 Tons
Class A Crushed Stone
346 Tons
4'x4'x5.5" Reinforced PCC Slab and Fire Ring
31 Each
Fire Ring Only, ADA Model
3 Each
Topsoil, Furnish and Place
420 C.Y.
Campsite Posts, Furnish and Install
34 Each
Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching - Hydraulic Seeding
This project consists of decommissioning the existing sanitary lagoon and construct a 3.4-mile sewer force main that connects the park to the City of Hampton.
Clearing and Grubbing
1 L.S.
Excavation, Class 10
1,640 C.Y.
Over-excavation, Unsuitable or Unstable Soils
300 C.Y.
Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, PVC, 8"
1,075 L.F.
Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenchless, PVC, 8"
364 L.F.
Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main with Casing Pipe, Trenchless, PVC, 8"
221 L.F.
Sanitary Sewer Force Main, PVC, 4"
18,070 L.F.
Sanitary Sewer Force Main with Casing Pipe, Trenchless, PVC, 4"
85 L.F.
Combination Air Valve and Pit
7 Each
Drain Valve and Pit
3 Each
Repair Field Tile
4 Each
Manhole, SW-301, 48"
8 Each
Internal Drop Connection, 8"
4 Each
Connection to Existing Manhole
1 Each
Remove Manhole
2 Each
Flowmeter and Manhole, Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main
This project consists of modifying the upper and lower concrete stoplog structures. A fabricated steel walkway and handrail is to be added to the upper structure. Work on the lower structure consists of replacing the existing wood deck with a fabricated steel walkway and handrail, adding sheet piling and riprap to the east side of the structure, replace the interior concrete walls and structure floor, and construct a fabricated fish barrier. Both structures will have minor grading for the walkway approaches.
The purpose of this project is to repair & shape dikes. The project is being bid per hour of machine work for approximately 200 hours of excavator work and 20 hours of dozer work.
Send an email to request plans.
Contact: Jason Kruse (515) 250-3707
Proposal Guarantee: $0
Completion Date: 4/1/2025
Work includes clearing and grubbing an area to be excavated. Area 1 of the West Miller Wetlands to be excavated and spoiled per the plans and specifications documents.
The Lacey-Keosauqua State Park Lodge HVAC cooling and heating system has reached the end of its useful life. This project will replace all of the HVAC Equipment, air handlers, furnaces, AC compressor units including all necessary and related appurtenances with more efficient units.