The following projects are currently advertised for bids. Interested bidders may find general information about each project, as well as printable actual Contract Documents in PDF format. The general information is the same project description provided to Newspapers and by direct mail solicitations. The Contract Documents include the Drawings and the entire Project Manual. Drawings can be printed on any regular or large format printers. The Project Manual includes Proposal Forms, Front End Documents, General and Supplementary Covenants, and Technical specifications. All these are also completely printable.
Effective October 2009, the Department will no longer be responsible for providing hard copy notice to bidders or addenda to either contractors or plan rooms. An email listserv has been created to communicate electronically with vendors currently on file with the DNR. As a member of this listserv, you will receive electronic notice to bidder information on a regular basis.
To subscribe to this list, click here.
The Department will be utilizing the vendor Beeline and Blue to provide printed copies of Plans and Specifications and Addenda upon request. The department will no longer provide complimentary copies of Plans and Specifications to contractors or sub-contractors after award of the contract. Please visit or contact (515) 244-1611 for more information.
To access any of these, unless you have already done so, you will need to download and install Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Website.
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Click on the project names below to view the one(s) which interest you.
This project consists of FEMA repairs by removing sediment, fixing parking lots, water control structures, pipes and roadways in various locations in Woodbury, Monona, Harrison and Shelby Counties.
Granular Surfacing, 1" Roadstone (Weedland Access - Site #1)
203 Tons
1 L.S.
Base Hauled and Placed, Macadam Stone Base
65 Tons
Earthwork, Fill Hauled and Placed, Native Soil
1 L.S.
Granular Surfacing, 1" Roadstone
70 Tons
1 L.S.
Revetment, Class E (Site 1: Levee Embankment)
74 Tons
Filtration Material B (Site 1: Levee Embankment)
39 C.Y.
Stop Log Structure Repairs
1 L.S.
Sluice Gate, Remove And Replace (Site 2: Lift Pump Station)
Miscellaneous repair work for dam spillway that includes slab/wall joint & seal, partial depth concrete repair, concrete demolition, structural concrete wall and reinforced concrete slabs.
This project shall be for the installation of all Parks wayfinding signage at Lake Manawa State Park. Sign installation shall include 6x6 and 4x4 treated and stained posts and 2x2 steel telespar post install at locations flagged and detailed by DNR Staff. Contractor to thoroughly review Attachment C for more locations, quantities, and sign examples of all sign types.
Contractor shall remove all non-regulatory signs within the Parks and return signs and posts to DNR Parks Staff
The Iowa DNR shall provide all materials necessary for the install of these signs, the Contractor shall provide all labor and tools necessary to install all of the signs. The DNR shall provide the following, treated wood posts, steel sign posts, all aluminum signs, all attachment hardware, 3M tape, stain, caps, and all other materials necessary for the signs.
Contact: Mark Johnson 515-250-3713
Project includes testing and removing bio solids from the Maquoketa Caves State Park sewage treatment lagoons and repairing the lagoon liners at both the Maquoketa Caves and Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area sewage treatment lagoons.