Redfin Pickerel Esox americanus
This species was found at 7 bioassessment sites, 0 rapid fish bioassessment sites, 0 fisheries assessment sites, and 0 fisheries presence-only assessment sites. In total, it was collected at 7 distinct sites, or 0.5% of the 1522 total sites monitored by the bioassessment program. It is the 111th most commonly collected species.
The Redfin Pickerel was collected in 19 bioassessment sampling sessions and 0 fisheries assessment sessions. It was present in 0 rapid bioassessment sessions and 0 presence-only sessions.
The biological assessment program has collected a total of 117 individual Redfin Pickerel specimens, ranking it the #96 most collected fish.
Long, slender body, like the Northern Pike and Muskellunge, that is green to olive-brown above with wavy or worm-like bars on the sides and light beneath. The snout looks like a duck bill. Both the cheeks and the opercles on the head are fully covered with scales. The branchiostegal rays number 11 to 13, and there are 4 mandibular pores. There are about 105 scales along the lateral line and 12 soft rays in the dorsal fin. It is a small fish, rarely exceeding 12-inches long and usually from 7- to 10-inches at maturity.
HUC12 watersheds where this species has been found