Iowa DNR
Water Quality Monitoring
Surface Waters - Groundwater
Physical - Chemical - Fish Tissue

Ambient Stream Monitoring

Since October 1999, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has maintained a network of stations to monitor ambient water quality in the state. Currently, a total of stream sites are sampled. However, the total number of stations monitored each year has varied. The most stations sampled were a total of 84 stream sites and 1 spring from 2003 to 2006.

Sites in this statewide ambient stream network have been sampled on a monthly basis since October 1999 for a variety of parameters. These data are used for a number of purposes, such as determining status and trends, to determine if Iowa’s rivers support beneficial uses for which they are designated, to calculate nutrient loads, and to support development of new or revised water quality standards.

Program Details

Sampling Results (2013 to 2023) 164,197
# of Sites

Current Ambient Stream Sites

SiteID Site County

Stream Water Quality Summary 2013 to 2023

Summary statistics last calculated 2/5/2024 2:33:09 PM
Analyte Units # Results Min 10th Percentile 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Max Max Sample Date % Non-detection
Alkalinity, total mg/l CaCO3 4,426 55 150 180 220 270 300 460 12/2/2014 0.00
Ammonia-nitrogen mg/l 7,674 Not calculated when non-detections exceed 50% 79.84
Calcium mg/l 4,312 17 53 64 76 89 100 150 12/2/2014 0.00
Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, standard conditions mg/l 7,652 Not calculated when non-detections exceed 50% 81.35
Chloride mg/l 7,674 <0.1 11 15 20 26 36 190 10/12/2022 0.03
Chlorophyll a, free of pheophytin ug/l 7,672 <1 2 4 8 22 60 570 11/8/2023 3.04
Dissolved oxygen (DO) mg/l 7,672 <2.2 7.8 8.7 10.5 12.3 13.5 20.2 1/14/2013 0.01
Escherichia coli MPN/100ml 7,409 <10 10 52 150 500 2000 820000 10/1/2014 5.16
Hardness, carbonate mg/l 7,674 <1 190 240 290 350 400 790 3/2/2015 0.01
Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/l 7,674 <0.1 0.24 0.4 0.65 1 1.6 11 6/6/2019 4.25
Magnesium mg/l 4,312 2.9 15.1 21 25 32 37 68 12/2/2014 0.00
Nitrate + Nitrite mg/l 7,674 <0.1 0.46 2.3 5.1 7.5 10 30 5/8/2013 5.79
Organic Carbon mg/l 4,777 <0.5 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.9 5.1 25 3/6/2018 0.27
Orthophosphate mg/l 7,671 <0.02 <0.02 0.04 0.08 0.14 0.25 5.9 1/14/2013 12.06
pH None 7,589 6.1 7.7 7.9 8.2 8.3 8.5 9.8 10/8/2014 0.00
Potassium mg/l 4,312 <0.88 1.7 2.1 3 4.3 6.1 23 3/6/2018 0.56
Sodium mg/l 4,312 1.8 6.4 8.2 11 15 23 240 10/6/2021 0.00
Sulfate mg/l 7,674 <0.2 16 20 29 48 84 550 10/5/2023 0.14
Temperature, water deg C 7,673 0 0.3 2.4 11.9 20.5 24.2 32.3 7/5/2022 0.00
Total dissolved solids mg/l 7,674 4 260 310 360 430 500 2580 5/3/2021 0.00
Total Phosphorus, mixed forms mg/l 7,674 <0.02 0.06 0.12 0.2 0.34 0.58 9.2 10/6/2015 0.43
Total suspended solids mg/l 7,674 <1 4 10 34 90 240 6820 10/2/2014 0.50
Turbidity NTU 7,669 <0 2.6 5.8 17 42 110 4300 10/1/2014 1.26
Volatile Suspended Solids mg/l 7,673 <1 2 3 7 16 34 460 10/1/2014 0.91
Project Codes in this Program

Code Description

Inactive Ambient Monitoring Sites

Sites may no longer be monitored due to a variety of reasons. They may be temporarily or permanently moved to a new site, or abandoned completely. Reasons for inactivity include construction on nearby roads/bridges, traffic safety concerns, or changes to stream morphology and/or accessibility.

SiteID Site County