Iowa DNR
Water Quality Monitoring
Surface Waters - Groundwater
Physical - Chemical - Fish Tissue

Ambient Lake Monitoring

The Ambient Lake Monitoring program samples lakes in Iowa over the summer recreational season. Each lake is sampled three times between May and September: once in early summer, once in mid-summer, and once in late summer/early fall. Data from this project are used to assess the health of our lakes and target individual lakes for restoration and watershed improvement activities. Monitoring is currently completed through a partnership with the Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory.

Program Details

Sampling Results (2014 to 2023) 73,261
# of Sites

Current Ambient Lake Sites

SiteID Site County

Lake Water Quality Summary 2014 to 2023

Summary statistics last calculated 8/16/2024 8:31:08 AM
Analyte Units # Results Min 10th Percentile 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile 90th Percentile Max Max Sample Date % Non-detection
Ammonia mg/l 3,884 <0 <0 <0.0001 0.003 0.01 0.015 0.433 7/17/2017 38.62
Ammonia-nitrogen mg/l 3,911 <0.0006 <0.0048 0.014 0.026 0.071 0.1866 1.72 7/25/2022 23.65
Calcium carbonate mg/l 3,884 37.54 81 96 123 154 190 485 8/6/2018 0.00
Chlorophyll a ug/l 3,911 <0.4 3.3 7.04 22 48.97492 88 649.8 8/9/2022 7.70
Depth, Secchi disk depth m 3,514 0 0.3 0.45 0.7 1.3 2.5 10 7/21/2015 0.00
Dissolved oxygen (DO) mg/l 3,468 0.8 5.424 7 8.44 10 11.9 26.1 5/16/2016 0.00
Dissolved oxygen saturation % 3,468 9.1 64.35975 82.34 99.31 118.3225 141.93 310.1 9/8/2016 0.00
Escherichia coli MPN/100ml 410 <1 <1 <1 10 10 20 6130 5/27/2020 47.56
Fixed suspended solids mg/l 3,911 <0 <1.2 <2.1 4 8 15 169 6/15/2015 34.52
Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/l 3,768 <0.16 0.57 0.86 1.19 1.71 2.333 8.84 6/13/2023 6.08
Microcystin ug/l 2,480 Not calculated when non-detections exceed 50% 59.80
Nitrate + Nitrite mg/l 3,768 Not calculated when non-detections exceed 50% 52.15
Orthophosphate mg/l 3,910 Not calculated when non-detections exceed 50% 69.00
pH None 3,452 6.7 7.8 8.1 8.33 8.6 8.9 10.1 8/1/2017 0.00
Phycocyanin ug/l 2,693 <1.8 <7 22.3 60.87936 126.4 220.02 11107.53 6/28/2022 10.10
Specific conductance uS/cm 3,492 79.4 210 253.795 330.11 430 537 1230 9/14/2020 0.00
Temperature, water deg C 3,501 10.34 18.61538 21.7 23.9 25.95 27.4 31.7 7/11/2017 0.00
Total dissolved solids mg/l 3,487 51.7 136.288 165.46286 215.3 280 350 800 9/14/2020 0.00
Total Phosphorus, mixed forms mg/l 3,911 <0.004 0.0242 0.043 0.075 0.133 0.219 1.992 9/15/2021 3.17
Total suspended solids mg/l 3,911 <0.8 <3 5.6 11 18 29 413 5/31/2022 10.18
Turbidity NTU 3,327 <0 1.5 4.2 9.1 17.28938 30.2 427 8/23/2017 3.46
Volatile Suspended Solids mg/l 1,200 <0 <2 4.3 5 9.21 14.909 182 5/22/2023 22.50
Project Codes in this Program

Code Description

Additional Summary Calculations

Parameter Value
TSI (ChlA) 66
TSI (Secchi) 59
TSI (TP) 72