If you have a chemical name but cannot find that chemical on the "Statewide Standards for Groundwater and Soil" page or on the list of "Available Chemicals" in the "Cumulative Risk Calculator", you may be able to identify the chemical by the Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number (CASRN).

If you know the chemical's CASRN, try searching the "Statewide Standards for Groundwater and Soil" for the CASRN using the "find" feature on your internet browser.

If you do not know the CASRN, you can search the U.S. EPA's IRIS database, (, by the chemical name under "Search IRIS by Keyword". The IRIS search may give multiple possible chemicals. Choose "QuickView" of what appears to be the most likely chemical and go to the bottom of the resulting page which gives synonyms for that chemical. Repeat this process if necessary until you find a match. The CASRN will be included as a synonym and will also be shown at the top of the IRIS page for the chemical.

Upon identifying the CASRN, try searching the "Statewide Standards for Groundwater and Soil" for the CASRN using the find feature on your internet browser, as previously discussed. If you are still unable to find the chemical, contact the Iowa Department of Public Health (DPH). (See "Contact" under the "Help" toolbar) and request that toxicological data for that chemical be added.