Fishing Reports
Lake Management - Fishing Report
Fishing Report Search
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Waterbody Type:
- All -
Mississipi Pool
Trout Stream
Farm Pond
Backwater Lakes
4th Pumping Plant (Iowa Slough Lake)
Ackerman Cut
Acorn Valley Pond
Ada Hayden Heritage Park Lake
Afton City Reservoir
Ahart/Rudd N.R.A. Pond
Airport Lake
Albia Lower Reservoir
Albia Upper Reservoir
Alice Wyth Lake
Allen Green Refuge Marsh
Alliant Energy Dam
Alligator Lake
Almer Noyd W.A. Pit
Althaus Pond
Alton Roadside Park Pond
Altoona Library Pond
Amana Lily Pond
Ambroson Pit (east)
Ambroson Pit (middle)
Ambroson Pit (north)
Ambroson Pit (west)
Anderson Area Pond 1
Anderson Area Pond 2
Ankeny Centennial East
Ankeny Centennial West
Ankeny Lake (DMACC)
Annett Nature Center Pond (Lester Pond)
Aplington Pits
Arbor Lake
Armstrong Park Pond
Army Post North
Army Post South
Arner Branch
Arrowhead Lake
Arrowhead Pond
Arrowhead Pond
Art Center
Artesian Lake
Arti and Red's Pond
Ashton Park Pond
Ashton Pits Wildlife Management Area
Atlantic Quarry Pond 1
Atlantic Quarry Pond 2
Atlantic Quarry Pond 3
Atlantic Quarry Pond 4
Avenue of the Saints Pond
Backbone Lake
Bacon Creek Lake
Badger Creek Lake
Badger Creek Pond
Badger Lake
Badger Lake
Baileys Ford
Baker Pond
Bankston Creek
Banner Lake (north)
Banner Lake (south)
Bards Lake
Barge Lake
Barringer Slough
Bartlett Lake
Bass Creek
Basswood Creek
Bauer Park
Bays Branch
Bear Creek
Bear Creek
Bear Creek
Bear Creek (YR Tributary)
Beaver Creek
Beaver Lake
Beaver Slough
Beaverbrooke North
Beaverbrooke South
Bedford Impoundment
Bee Branch Pond
Beebe Pond
Beeds Lake
Bellagio Basin
Bellevue Pond
Bellevue Slough
Belva Deer Campground Pond #1
Belva Deer Campground Pond #2
Belva Deer Campground Pond #3
Belva Deer Park Pond
Bennett Bay Pond
Bennett Lake
Berkshire Pond
Big Bend Wetlands
Big Creek Lake
Big Creek Lake Watershed Pond 1 (NW)
Big Creek Lake Watershed Pond 2 (NE)
Big Goose Pond
Big Hollow Campground Pond
Big Hollow Lake
Big Keller Lake
Big Lake (Including Gilbert's Pond)
Big Lake (Lansing)
Big Marsh
Big Mill Creek
Big Pond
Big Sieber Lake
Big Sioux Recreation Area
Big Sioux River
Big Sioux River
Big Slough
Big Spring Kids Trout Fishing Pond
Big Spring Trout Pond
Big Timber Complex
Big Wall Lake
Big Woods Lake
Bigalk Creek
Binder Lake
Birdland Park Pond
Black Hawk Bottoms
Black Hawk District Farm Ponds
Black Hawk District Streams
Black Hawk Lake
Black Hawk Park Pond 1
Black Hawk Park Pond 2
Black Hawk Pits
Black Lake
Black Oak
Black Pit
Blackbird Bend
Blackhawk Chute
Blair Meadows Preserve Pond
Blake's Lake
Blencoe Lake
Bloody Run Creek
Bloomfield City Park Pond
Blue Bill Slough
Blue Heron Lake (Raccoon River Park)
Blue Lake
Blue Pit
Bluebell Creek
Bluebill Lake
Bluegrass Lake
BlueJay Landing
Bob Hay Memorial Conservation Area Pond
Bob Shetler
Bob White Lake
Bohemian Creek
Bondurant Civic Campus Pond
Bonnie Lake
Bonnifield Lake
Boone District Farm Ponds
Boone District Streams
Boone River
Boone River
Bowman's Slough
Boyer River (above Dunlap)
Boyer River (above Dunlap)
Boyer River (Dunlap to Missouri River)
Boyer River (Dunlap to Missouri River)
Briggs Woods Lake
Brinker Lake
Broadmoor Pond
Brook Creek
Brookhaven North Pond
Brookhaven Pond
Brown's Slough
Browns Lake
Brugeman Park Pond
Brush Creek
Brush Creek
Brushy Creek Lake
Buck Creek
Buck Creek
Buena Vista Public Use Area Ponds
Buffalo Creek
Buffalo Slough
Bulldog Basin
Bunker Chute
Bunting Rose Pond
Burlington Street Dam
Burr Oak Creek
Burr Oak Lake
Burt Lake
Bussey Lake
Butler Lake
Cabin Pond
Cairo Woods Pond
Caldwell Park Pond
Calhoun W.A. Pond
California Bend
Cambridge Pond
Camden Woods East
Camden Woods West
Camp Island
Camp Klaus Pond
Camp Sunnyside Pond
Canoe Creek
Canoe Creek WMA Spring
Cardinal Creek
Cardinal Marsh
Cardinal Pond
Carmack Nature Area Pond
Carney Marsh
Carter Lake
Cases Lake
Casey Lake (aka Hickory Hills Lake)
Casey Springs
Cass County Education Pond
Cassville Iowa Slough
Cedar Bluffs Natural Area Pond
Cedar Bluffs R.A. Ponds
Cedar Falls Impoundment
Cedar Lake
Cedar Lake
Cedar Park Pond
Cedar River (above Nashua)
Cedar River (above Nashua)
Cedar River (Cedar Rapids to Moscow)
Cedar River (Cedar Rapids to Moscow)
Cedar River (La Porte City to Cedar Rapids)
Cedar River (La Porte City to Cedar Rapids)
Cedar River (Moscow to Columbus Junction)
Cedar River (Moscow to Columbus Junction)
Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)
Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)
Cedar River N.R.A. Pond
Cedar Valley Park Quarries
Centennial Park Pond
Center Lake
Center Street Dam
Centerville Lower Reservoir
Centerville Upper Reservoir
Central City Ponds
Central Park Lake
Central Park Pond
Ceres Pond
Chain-O-Lakes Area
Chariton River (above Rathbun Lake)
Chariton River (above Rathbun Lake)
Chariton River (below Rathbun Lake)
Chariton River (below Rathbun Lake)
Charles City Impoundment
Charlie Island
Chatfield Lake
Chautauqua Park Pond
Cherry Glen
Cherry Glen East
Cherry Glen South
Cherry Glen West
Cherry Lake
Cherry Lane East
Cherry Lane West
Chicken Creek Lake
Chihak Creek
Christopher Spring
Christopherson Slough
Cirksena Pond
City Park Pond (Waterloo)
City Pond
Civic Plaza Pond
Clark Creek
Clark Lake (Mike Zack W.A.)
Clay Pond
Clear Creek (Lansing)
Clear Creek (New Albin)
Clear Creek Pond
Clear Creek Pond
Clear Lake
Clear Lake District Farm Ponds
Clear Lake District Streams
Clear Lake Marsh
Clemons Creek Area Pond
Clemons Creek W. and R.A. Wetland
Cobb Memorial Park Lake
Cocklin Fish Farm
Cody Chute
Cody Lake
Coffins Creek
Coggon Impoundment
Cold Springs District Farm Ponds
Cold Springs District Streams
Cold Springs Lake
Coldwater Creek
Columbia W.A. Pond
Colyn North Marsh
Colyn South Marsh
Cone Lake
Cone Marsh
Conservation Park Pond
Conway Lake
Cook Slough
Coolegar Slough
Coon Creek
Cooper's Cove Park Pond
Copper Creek
Copper Lake
Coralville Reservoir
Cordova Slough
Corydon Reservoir
Cota Creek
Cottonwood Pits
Country Cove East
Country Cove Park Pond
County Home Park Pond
Cox Pond
Crane Creek
Cranes Pond
Crawford Creek Impoundment
Crawford Pond
Credit Island Lake
Creekside Commons
Creekside Pond
Criss Cove County Park Pond
Crow Creek Pond
Crow Creek W.M.A. Lake
Crystal Lake
Crystal Lake Sediment Pond
Curtis Spring
Dahle Park Pond
Dakins Lake
Dale Maffitt Reservoir
Dalton Pond
Dan Greene Slough
Daniel Davis Timber Pond
Dark Chute
Darling Campground Pond
Darling Youth Camp pond
Davenport Harbor
Dead Lake
Dead Lake
Dean Lake
Decatur Lake
Decorah District Farm Ponds
Decorah District Streams
Deep Creek
Deep Lakes
Deer Creek Lakes S.W.M.A.
Deer Creek Wildlife Unit Pond
Deerwood Park Lake
Denny Pond
Densmore Lake
Deppe Pond (north)
Deppe Pond (south)
Des Moines River (Red Rock to Ottumwa Dam)
Des Moines River (Farmington to Keokuk)
Des Moines River (Farmington to Keokuk)
Des Moines River (Humboldt to Stratford)
Des Moines River (Humboldt to Stratford)
Des Moines River (Hydropower Dam in Ottumwa)
Des Moines River (Ottumwa Dam to Farmington)
Des Moines River (Ottumwa to Farmington)
Des Moines River (Red Rock to Ottumwa)
Des Moines River (Saylorville to Red Rock)
Des Moines River (Saylorville to Red Rock)
Des Moines River (Stratford to Saylorville Lake)
Des Moines River (Stratford to Saylorville Lake)
Des Moines Water Works Recharge Basins
DeSoto Bend at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge
DeSoto Bend Pond
Devil's Creek Lake
Diamond Lake
Diamond Lake
Diamond Lake Pond
Diamondhead Lake
Dickcissell Lake
Dicken's Pit
Discovery Park Pond
Discovery Pond
DMACC West Campus Pond
DMU East Pond
DMU West Pond
Doc Wood Lake
Dog Creek (Lake)
Don Williams Lake
Donald McRae Park Pond
DOT Pond
Douma Area Pond
Dousman Creek
Dovetail Pond
Drakesville Pond
Drury Slough
Dry Mill
Dry Run Creek
Dubuque Harbor
Duck Creek
Ducks Unlimited Marsh
Dudgeon Lake
Dunbar Slough
Dunlap Pond
Dunlop Wildlife Area Pond
Dunning Spring
Dutton Springs Creek
Eagle Lake
East Bergfeld
East Fork Des Moines (Algona to Humboldt)
East Fork Des Moines (Algona to Humboldt)
East Fork Des Moines (Algona to Humboldt)
East Fork Des Moines (state line to Algona)
East Fork Des Moines (state line to Algona)
East Fork Des Moines (state line to Algona)
East Hottes
East Lake (Lenox)
East Lake (Osceola)
East Lake Park Pond
East Nishnabotna
East Nishnabotna River
East Nodaway River
East Nodaway River
East Okoboji Lake
East Park Pond
East Pine Creek
East Twin Lake
Easter Lake
Easter Lake Estates Pond (Closed)
Eastern Avenue Park Lagoon
Echo Ave Pond
Eden Prairie R.A. Pits
Edmundson Park Pond
Eight Mile Pits
Eldon Game Area Ponds (2)
Eldon Pond
Eldred Sherwood Lake
Eldridge Slough
Elizabeth Holland North
Elizabeth Holland South
Elk Creek
Elk Creek Marsh
Elk Horn Creek Pond
Elk Lake
Elk River Slough
Elkader Impoundment
Elks Pond
Ellis Harbor
Ellis Lake
Ellis Park Pond
Elm Lake
Ely Pond
Emma Young Pond
Enchanted Island
English River
English River
Erickson Branch
Esgate Lake
Esmay Slough
Estherville Pond (interim name)
Ever-Tru Pond
Ewalt Pond
Ewing Park Pond
Experimental trout streams
Fairbank Impoundment
Fairfax City Pond
Fairview Area Impoundment
Falcon Ridge
Falcon Spring
Falling Springs
Farm Creek Lake (a.k.a. Young's Pond)
farm pond
Farmers Creek
Fellowship Forest Pond
Ferry Slough
Fife's Grove Park Pond
Fin and Feather Lake
Fish Lake
Fisher Lake
Fishpond Park
Five in One Dam
Five Island Lake
Flat Lake (A)
Flat Lake (B)
Florence Park Pond
Floyd Park Pit
Floyd River
Floyd River
Fogle Lake S.W.A.
Folsom Lake
Fonda Reservoir
Fontana Mill Lake
Forest Hills Pond
Forney's Lake S.W.M.A. (wetland)
Fort Des Moines Pond
Fossil Park Pond
Foster Pond
Foster Woods Pond
Founders Pond
Fountain Springs
Four Mile
Fox Pond
Fox Run Pond
Fox Township W.A. Pond
Fox Valley Pond
Fraser Pit
Frederika Impoundment
Freedom Pond
French Creek
French Creek - West Branch
Frenchtown Lake
Friday Pond
Ft. Dodge - Lower Dam
Ft. Dodge - Upper Dam
Gabus Pond
Gahn Wildlife Refuge Pond
Galeston Pond
Garlock Slough
Gates Lake
Gateway Park North
Gateway Park South
Gedney Lake
Gendler Park East
Gendler Park West
Geneva Pit
Geode Shelter Pond #2
George Wyth Lake
Georgetown North
Georgetown South
Georgia Hanford Park Ponds
Gibson Area Pond
Gilbertson Pond
Gimmel Lake
Glenwood Lake
Glenwood Pond
Glissman Pond
Glovers Creek
Golden Lake
Goldfinch Pond
Goldfinch Pond
Gomers Lake
Goodale Conservation Area Pond
Goose Lake
Goose Lake
Goose Lake
Goose Lake
Goose Pond
Goose Pond
Gorge Pond
Grade Lake
Grand Avenue Pond
Grand River
Grannis Creek
Grant Nature Land Pond
Grant Slough
Grape Chute
Grass Lake
Grays Lake
Great Western Park Lake
Green Belt Lake
Green Castle Lake
Green Island Lake
Green Meadows Pond
Green Pines W.A. Pond
Green Valley Lake
Greenbay Lake
Greenfield Lake
Greens Lake
Greenway Park Pond
Greenwood Hills Pond
Greenwood/Ashworth Park Pond
Griffin Lake
Griffin Pond #1
Griffin Pond #2
Grimes Hollow
Grimes Plex Pond
Groesbeck W.A. Lake
Grover Pond
Grover's Marsh
Grundy County Lake
Gun Chute
Gunderson Pond
Gustafson Lake
Guttenberg Waterfowl Ponds
Gypsum City OHV Park Lakes
Hacklebarney East
Hacklebarney West
Hadacek R.A. Pond
Hagenson Pond
Hale Pond
Hale Ponds
Hale Slough
Half Moon Lake
Hannen Lake
Harmon Lake
Harold Getty Lake
Harper's Slough
Harrington Slough
Harter Pond
Hawk Valley Pond (east)
Hawk Valley Pond (west)
Hawkeye Park Pond
Hawthorn Lake
Hawthorn Lake Watershed Ponds (5)
Heartland Heights Pond
Hebb Wetland #1
Hebb Wetland #2
Hecker Creek
Hendrickson Marsh
Heritage Pond
Heritage Pond (Polk)
Herman Pond
Heron Bend Fishing Area Pond
Heron Hideaway Pond
Heron Pond
Hershey Slough
Hewett and Ensign Creeks (Ensign Hollow)
Hickory Creek
Hickory Glen North
Hickory Grove Lake
Hickory Hills Park Pond
Hidden Acres
High Lake
Highway 4 R.A. Pond
Hillsboro Pond (Closed)
Hillside East
Hillside West
Hillview R.A. Pond
Hodges and North Wildlife Area Pond
Hog Island
Hogan's Branch
Holiday Lake
Home Lake
Home Pond
Hooper Area Pond
Hope Commercial
Hope Lutheran Church Pond
Hope Martin Pond
Hope Meadows Pond
Hopewell Pond
Horseshoe Lake
Horseshoe Pond
Horton Pond
Hoskin's Wildlife Area Pond
Hubble Slough
Hull W.A. Marsh
Humboldt Impoundment
Humeston Reservoir
Hunter's Run Park Pond
Hurlburt W.A. Pond
Hurley Creek Pond
Huron Chute
Hurstville Marsh
Hurstville Pond
I-29 Access Area borrow pit - DRY
Independence Impoundment
Indian Hills ATC Pond
Indian Hills Bridge Pond
Indian Hills Lake Lyle
Indian Hills Waterfall Pond
Indian Lake
Indian Ridge Pond (Wilson Pond)
Indianola Middle School Pond (Closed)
Industrial Park Pond
Ingham Lake
Institutional Pond (aka Peter Pan Lake)
Interstate Lake (Mitchell Impoundment)
Interstate Park Lake
Iowa City City Park Ponds
Iowa City Waterworks
Iowa Falls Impoundment
Iowa Lake (Emmet Co.)
Iowa Lake (Iowa Co.)
Iowa Lake (Osceola Co.)
Iowa River (above Iowa Falls)
Iowa River (above Iowa Falls)
Iowa River (Columbus Junction to Mississippi R)
Iowa River (Columbus Junction to Mississippi River)
Iowa River (Coralville Lake to River Junction)
Iowa River (Coralville Lake to River Junction)
Iowa River (Iowa Falls to Marshalltown)
Iowa River (Iowa Falls to Marshalltown)
Iowa River (Marshalltown to Coralville Lake)
Iowa River (Marshalltown to Coralville Lake)
Iowa River (River Junction to Columbus Junction)
Iowa River (River Junction to Columbus Junction)
Iowa River Landing Pond
Iranistan Pond
Irish Hollow
Ironwood Pond
Ironwood South Pond
Israel Day Lake
Izaak Walton Lake
Jackson Lake
Jacob Krumm Nature Preserve Lake (west)
Jacob Krumm Nature Preserver Lake (east)
James W.A. Lake
Jana R.A. Pit
Japan Slough
Jasper CCB Nature Center Pond
Jasper County Home Pond
Jasper Pool
Jay Carlson (south)
Jay Carlson Pit (east)
Jay Carlson Pit (west)
Jefferson Co. Park New Pond
Jefferson Co. Pond #1
Jefferson Co. Pond #2
Jefferson Co. Pond #3
Jefferson Co. Pond #4
Jemmerson Slough
Jennett Pond
Jensen Slough
Jepsen Wetland
Jim Hall Habitat Area Wetland
Joe Day Lake
Johnny Walnut Seed Conservation Area Pond
Johnson Island
Johnsons Slough
Johnston Commons East
Johnston Commons West
Johnston High School Pond
Johnston Pit
Joice Slough
Jones Creek
Jones Park Pond
Joy Springs
Joyce Lake
Kains Lake S.W.A.
Kann Pond
Keg Creek Lake
Kendallville WMA Spring
Kent Park Education Center Pond
Kent Park Lake
Kent Park Lake Catch Basin 1 - North
Kent Park Lake Catch Basin 2 - Middle
Kent Park Lake Catch Basin 3 - Campground
Kent Park Lake Fish Pond
Kent Park Lake West Arm Catch Basin A
Kent Park Lake West Arm Catch Basin B
Kent Park Lake West Arm Catch Basin C
Kent Park Youth Camp Pond
Kettlestone Commons East
Kettlestone Commons West
Kettlestone Trail Pond
Kettlestone Village Pond
Killdeer R.A. Lake
Kilpeck Island Chute
Kiwanas Park
Klum Lake
Knoxville Pond
Kokesh R.A. Pond
Kollmorgen Park Pond
Koutny Pond
Kress Wetland
Kuennen's Pit W.A. (north)
Kuennen's Pit W.A. (south)
Kuhn W.A. Quarry
L Pond
LA Ward
Lacey Keosauqua State Park Lake
Lacey Rec Plex Pond
LaHart Area Wetland
Lainsville Slough
Lake Ahquabi
Lake Anita
Lake Belva Deer
Lake Belva Deer Gabion Marsh
Lake Catherine
Lake Considine
Lake Cornelia
Lake Darling
Lake Darling District Farm Ponds
Lake Darling District Streams
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 1
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 10
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 11
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 12
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 13
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 14
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 15
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 16
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 17
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 18
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 19
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 2
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 20
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 21
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 22
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 23
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 24
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 25
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 3
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 4
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 5
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 6
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 7
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 8
Lake Darling Watershed Pond 9
Lake Delhi
Lake Fisher
Lake Geode
Lake Geode Pond #1
Lake Geode Pond #3
Lake Geode Pond #4
Lake Geode Pond #5
Lake Geode Pond #6
Lake Geode Pond #7
Lake Geode Pond #8
Lake George
Lake Hendricks
Lake Hendricks Pond
Lake Icaria
Lake Iowa Pond
Lake Keomah
Lake Laverne
Lake LeShane
Lake Macbride
Lake Macbride District Farm Ponds
Lake Macbride District Streams
Lake Manawa
Lake Meyer
Lake Miami
Lake Miami Watershed Ponds (3)
Lake Miss (Tug Fork West)
Lake Odessa
Lake Oelwein
Lake of the Hills
Lake of the Hills Pond #13
Lake of the Hills Pond #3
Lake of the Hills Pond #4
Lake of the Hills Pond #6
Lake of the Hills Pond #8
Lake of the Hills Pond #9
Lake of Three Fires
Lake Ole
Lake Pahoja
Lake Panorama
Lake Park Pond
Lake Peosta Channel
Lake Petocka
Lake Ponderosa
Lake Smith
Lake Starker
Lake Sugema
Lake View Pond
Lake Virginia
Lake Wapello
Lambach Lake
Lande River Conservation W.A. Pond
Langwood Education Center Pond
Lansing Lake
Lansing Wildlife Area Creek
Larson Lake
Le Claire Canal
Le Mars Municipal Park Pond
Le Mars Walmart Pond
Lead Island Chute
Leaky Pond
Leisure Creek
Lekwa Marsh
LeMars City Pond
Leopold Recreation Area Pond
Liberty Acres
Liberty Centre Pond
Liberty Lake
Lidtke Impoundment
Lily Lake
Limbeck Pond
Lime Creek Pond
Lime Creek Quarry Pond
Linder North Pond
Linder South Pond
Lineville Reservoir
Little Clear Lake
Little Fox Pond
Little George Pond
Little Keller Lake
Little Maquoketa
Little Mill Creek
Little Paint
Little River Watershed Lake
Little Sawmill Lake
Little Sieber Lake
Little Sioux Park Lake
Little Sioux River (Correctionville to Missouri R)
Little Sioux River (Correctionville to Missouri River)
Little Sioux River (Linn Grove to Correctionville)
Little Sioux River (Linn Grove to Correctionville)
Little Sioux River (state line to Linn Grove)
Little Sioux River (state line to Linn Grove)
Little Spirit Lake
Little Swan Lake
Little Turkey River
Little Turkey River (put and grow)
Little Wall Lake
Littlefield Lake
Littleton Impoundment
Lizard Creek Game Area Ponds
Lizard Lake
Loch Ayr
Locker Park Pond
Loess Hills State Forest - Jones Creek
Lost Channel
Lost Creek
Lost Grove Lake
Lost Island Lake
Louisa Interpretive Center Pond
Louisville Bend Marsh W. A.
Loupee Park North
Loupee Park South
Lowe Park Pond
Lower Brown Lake
Lower Dam Impoundment
Lower Decatur Lake
Lower Eagle Park Pond
Lower Gar Lake
Lower Lake
Lower Pine Lake
Lower Y Lake
Luckenbill Woods Wetlands
Ludlow Creek
Lylah's Marsh County Park
Lyons Chute
Madison Creek
Main Street Pond
Malone Park Pond
Malvern Pond (aka Bohner Pond)
Manchester District Farm Ponds
Manchester District Streams
Manchester Impoundment
Manhattan Robbins Lake Park
Manteno Park Pond
Maquoketa (Hopkinton to Canton)
Maquoketa River (above Monticello)
Maquoketa River (above Monticello)
Maquoketa River (below Monticello)
Maquoketa River (below Monticello)
Maquoketa River (trout portion)
Marathon City Park Pond
Marble Lake
Marble Rock Impoundment
Mare Mard Impoundment
Marina Cove
Mariposa Lake
Markhams Pond
Marr Park Lake
Marr Park Pond
Marshall County Lake
Martelle Lake
Martens Lake
Martens Pond
Martha Creek
Martin Pond
Maus Park Pond
May City Pit
Maynard Impoundment
Maynes Grove Lake
McAleece Park Pond
McAndrews Wildlife Area Pond
McDonald Pit
McDonald Slough
McFarland Pond
McGann's Lake
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 1
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 10
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 2
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 3
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 4
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 5
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 6
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 7
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 8
McGowen Recreation and Wildlife Area Pond 9
McHenry Park Lagoon
McHose Park Pond
McIntosh Wildlife Area
McKinley Lake
McLoud Run
McPaul A Pond
McPaul B Pond
Meade Pond
Meadow Lake
Meadow Lake
Meadow Lake Watershed Pond 1
Meadow Lake Watershed Pond 2
Meadow W.A. Pond
Medicine Creek Wetland
Meiers Access
Meirick's Pond
Memorial Park Pond
Meredith Marsh
Meredith Park Pond
Methodist Lake
Meyers Lake
Middle Bear Creek
Middle Decatur Lake
Middle Eagle Park Pond
Middle Park Lagoon
Middle Raccoon River (above Redfield confluence)
Middle Raccoon River (above Van Meter)
Middle Raccoon River (above Van Meter)
Middle River
Middle River
Middle River
Middle Sabula Lake
Middle Slough
Midway Park Lake
Mile Hill Lake
Mill Creek
Mill Creek (Lake)
Mill Pond
Miller-McGrath Pond
Mills Pond
Miners Creek
Mink Creek
Mink Creek Pond
Minnesota Slough
Minnewashta Lake
Minor Creek
Minser Pond
Mississippi River Pool 10
Mississippi River Pool 11
Mississippi River Pool 12
Mississippi River Pool 13
Mississippi River Pool 14
Mississippi River Pool 15
Mississippi River Pool 16
Mississippi River Pool 17
Mississippi River Pool 18
Mississippi River Pool 19
Mississippi River Pool 9
Missouri River (Council Bluffs to Missouri State Line)
Missouri River (Council Bluffs to state line)
Missouri River (Little Sioux to Council Bluffs)
Missouri River (Little Sioux to Council Bluffs)
Missouri River (Sioux City to Little Sioux)
Missouri River (Sioux City to Little Sioux)
Mohawk Park Lake
Molo Slough
Monastery Creek
Monday Pond
Monticello Dam
Moore Memorial Park Pond
Moorehead Park Pond
Moorland Pond
Moose Lake
Morgan Creek Park Quarry
Mormon Trail Lake
Mormon Trail SE Pond
Mormon Trail SW Pond
Morris Lake
Morris Memorial Park Pond
Morse Lake
Mossy Glen
Mount Vernon Quarry
Mt. Ayr District Farm Ponds
Mt. Ayr District Streams
Mt. Ayr Game Area Ponds
Mud Hen Lake
Mud Lake
Mud Lake Park
Mullen's Pond
Mullens Creek
Mulroney Recreation W.A. Pond
Murphy Lake
Muscatine Slough (Kent-Stein Park)
Muskrat Slough
Myre Slough
Mystic Reservoir
Nabotna Pond
Nashua Impoundment (Cedar Lake)
Nassau W.A. Pond
Negus Recreation Area Pond
Nelson Park Lake
New Albin Big Lake
New Hampton Pond (Garnant)
Newcom/Riggelman N.R.A. Pond
Newton Izaak Walton League Pond
Nine Eagles Lake
Nishna Bend R.A. Ponds
Nodaway Lake
Nodaway W.A. Pond
Noelridge Park Pond
Norelius Pond
Norfolk Creek
North Bear Creek
North Canoe Creek
North Cedar Creek
North Hartman Pond
North Industrial Park Pond
North Prairie Lake
North Raccoon River (above Auburn)
North Raccoon River (above State Highway 175 bridge near Auburn)
North Raccoon River (Auburn to Perry)
North Raccoon River (Perry to Van Meter)
North Raccoon River (Perry to Van Meter)
North Racoon River (Auburn to Perry)
North Ridge Park Pond
North River
North River
North River
North Skunk River (above Lynnville)
North Skunk River (above Lynnville)
North Skunk River (Lynnville to Rose Hill)
North Skunk River (Lynnville to Rose Hill)
North Twin Lake
Northeast Iowa Community College Calmar Pond
Northland Pond
Northwest Recreational Park Pond
Norwalk Library Pond
Norwegian Lake
O'Connell Slough
Oak Grove Pond
Oak Hill Park Pond
Oak Hill Pond
Oakdale Blvd Pond
Oakdale Pond East
Oakdale Pond West
Oakland Mills Impoundment
Oakview Pond
Ocheyedan Pit #1
Ocheyedan Pit #2
Ocheyedan Pit #3
Off Slough
Oil Spring Creek
Old Dry Run Creek
Oldham Lake
Olin R.A. Pond
Orient Lake
Osborne Pond
Otranto Impoundment
Otter Bay
Otter Creek
Otter Creek Lake
Otter Creek Marsh
Otter Creek Park North Pond
Otter Creek Park Pond
Otter Creek Park West Pond
Otter Creek Pond
Otter Creek R.A. Pond
Otter Island
Otter Slough
Ottumwa Lagoon
Ottumwa Park Pond East
Ottumwa Park Pond North
Ottumwa Park Pond South (Trout Pond)
Ottumwa Park Pond Unmanaged
Ottumwa Park Pond West
Oxford Mills
Ozark Springs
P.J. Lake
Paint Creek
Pammel Park Pond
Panther Pond
Papke Pond
Park Place Middle
Park Place North
Park Place South
Park Side Pond
Pattee Park Pond
Patterson Creek
Pawnee Rec. Area Pit (NE)
Pawnee Rec. Area Pit (SW)
Peck Creek
Pella S.G.M.A. Ponds
Penny Springs
Percival Lake
Peters Park
Peters Pit
Petersons Pit, West
Phillipi Lake
Picayune Chute
Pickard Pond
Pickeral Lake
Pierce Creek Pond
Pigpen Slough
Pilot Grove Lake
Pilot Knob Lake
Pin Oak Lake
Pine Creek
Pine Creek (put and grow)
Pine Ridge R.A. Lake
Pine Spring Creek
Pinehurst Pond
Pinky's Glen Pond
Pioneer Park Pond
Pioneer Park Pond
Pioneer Ridge Nature Area Parking Lot pond
Pioneer Ridge Nature Area Pond (Nature Center)
Pioneer Ridge Nature Area South pond
Piper's Pond (Tug Fork East)
Plainfield Lake
Pleasant Creek Lake
Pleasant Creek Pond A
Pleasant Creek Pond C
Pleasant Creek Pond E
Pleasant Creek Pond L
Pleasant Lake
Pleasant Lake
Pleasantville Pond
Plum Creek
Plum Creek
Plum Creek W.A. Pond
Poe Hollow Park Pond
Pointe Vista
Polk Township Lake
Pollmiller Park Lake
Pond Lily Lake
Pony Creek Lake
Pool 10, Mississippi River
Pool 11, Mississippi River
Pool 12, Mississippi River
Pool 13, Mississippi River
Pool 14, Mississippi River
Pool 15, Mississippi River
Pool 16, Mississippi River
Pool 17, Mississippi River
Pool 18, Mississippi River
Pool 19, Mississippi River
Pool 9, Mississippi River
Pope Joy Pond
Pound Pit
Pound Pit middle W
Pound Pit NE
Pound Pit NW
Pound Pit SW
Prairie Bridges Park Ponds
Prairie Creek Pond
Prairie Heritage Pond
Prairie Lake
Prairie Lakes North
Prairie Lakes South
Prairie Landing Pond
Prairie Landing Pond
Prairie Park Fishery
Prairie Park Pond
Prairie Plaza North
Prairie Plaza South
Prairie Pocket
Prairie Pointe
Prairie Pointe Pond
Prairie Pond W.A.
Prairie Ridge North
Prairie Ridge South
Prairie Rose Lake
Prairie Rose Pond
Prairie View Park Pond
Pride Lake
Promenade Pond
Purple Martin Lakes
Q Pond City Park
Quaker Mill County Park
Quarry Springs
Quasqueton City Park
Rabbit Creek
Rabbitt Island Lake
Rabbitt Island Lake
Raccoon River (below Redfield confluence))
Raccoon River (below Van Meter)
Rail Road Pond
Railroad Lake
Railroad Lake (Falls Access S.W.M.A.)
Ralston Creek Pond
Ram Hollow
RAPP Park Lakes
Rathbun District Farm Ponds
Rathbun District Streams
Rathbun Reservoir
RecPlex Pond
Red Haw Lake
Red Haw Watershed Pond 1 (East)
Red Haw Watershed Pond 2 (Middle)
Red Haw Watershed Pond 3 (North)
Red Rock Reservoir
Red Rock Shop Pond
Redbird Farms W.A. Ponds
Reiff Park Pond
Reimer Refuge Pond
Rice Lake
Richmond Springs
Rick's Reservoir
Ridgedale Heights Park Pond
Riepe Pond
Ringgold CCB Ponds
Ringgold Management Area Ponds
Ringneck Haven
Ringneck Ridge Pond
Rittenhouse Lake
Rivers Bend Wildlife Area Lake
Riverview East
Riverview Park Lagoon
Riverview Park Pond
Riverview South Pond
Riverview West
Roberts Creek
Roberts Creek Lake
Robinsons Pond
Robison Wildlife Acres Pond
Rock Creek (Clinton)
Rock Creek (Mitchell)
Rock Creek Lake
Rock Creek Lake Park Pond (east)
Rock Creek Lake Park Pond (north)
Rock Creek Lake Park Pond (west)
Rock Creek Pond
Rock River
Rock River
Rock Valley Pit
Rockfall Pond
Rockwell City City Pond
Rockwell Pond
Rodgers Park Lake
Rodgers Trail Pond
Rodman Park Ponds
Roger Birdsall Memorial Park Lake
Roorda Pond
Rosedale Rapids Pond
Ross Area Pit
Round Bend
Round Lake
Round Prairie Park Entry Pond
Round Prairie Park Quarry Pond
Rudd Lake
Running Slough
Rush Chute
Rush Lake S.W.M.A.
Russell W.A. Ponds (5)
Rutland Impoundment
S.T. Morrison
Saganaush Pond
Saint Paul Slough
Sajar Pond
Sanborn Pond
Sand Creek Access Area Lake
Sand Lake
Sand Pit
Sandbar Slough
Sands Timber Lake (Blockton Reservoir)
Sandy Hollow Park Lake
Saturday Pond
Saurs Cave Creek
Savery Pond
Sawmill Hollow W.A. Pond
Sawmill Lake
Saylorville Reservoir
Scarborough Lake
Schaben Pond
Scharnberg Pond
Schechtman Branch
Schimeroski Pond
Schley Park Pond
Schmerse W.A. Pond
Schmitter Pond (north)
Schmitter Pond (south)
Schneck's Lake
School Pond
School Pond (Closed)
Schrader W.A. Pond
Schram Pond
Schricker Slough
SCORE Pond East
SCORE Pond South
Scotch Ridge
Scott Lake A
Scott Lake B
Scranton Pond
Seminole Valley Park Lakes
Serenity Woods Pond
Sertoma Park
Seymour Reservoir
Shadle Park Pond
Shadow Creek Pond
Shawon Dasse Slough
Sheepshead Bay
Sheffield G.M.A. Pond
Sheldon Community Pond
Shell Rock Recreation Area Pond
Shell Rock River (above Greene)
Shell Rock River (above Greene)
Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)
Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)
Shelter D Pond
Shelter E Pond
Sheridan Meadows (closed)
Shimon Marsh
Shriners Wetland
Siglund Pond
Signature Pond
Silver Creek
Silver Creek
Silver Lake (Delaware)
Silver Lake (Dickinson)
Silver Lake (Palo Alto)
Silver Lake (Worth)
Silver Lake Marsh
Silver Maple County Park Pond
Silver Springs Pond
Singing Bird Lake
Sioux Center Pit
Skull Pond
Skunk River (Coppock to Mississippi River)
Skunk River (Coppock to Mississippi River)
Skunk River (Rose Hill to Coppock)
Skunk River (Rose Hill to Coppock)
Sleepy Hollow Pond
Slip Bluff Lake
Sluggo's Pond
Snag Slough
Snider Lake
Sny Magill Creek
Sny Magill Ponds (3)
Snyder Bend Lake
Snyder Pit
Soccer Complex Pond
Sodus Slough
Sokum Ridge Pond
South Bear Creek
South Canoe Creek
South Cedar Creek
South Cedar Pond
South Fork Lost Creek
South Fork Mill Creek
South Fork Park (Dumont Pond)
South Hartman Pond
South Pine Creek
South Prairie Lake
South Raccoon River
South River
South River
South River
South Sabula Lake
South Skunk River (Cambridge to Pella)
South Skunk River (Cambridge to Pella)
South Skunk River (Pella to Rose Hill)
South Skunk River (Pella to Rose Hill)
South Skunk River (Story City to Cambridge)
South Skunk River (Story City to Cambridge)
South Twin Lake
Southeast Wildwood Park Pond
Southridge Pond
Southside Park Pond
Southwood Conservation Area Pond (east)
Southwood Conservation Area Pond (west)
Spearing Pond
Spencer Area Wetland
Spillville Impoundment
Spirit Lake
Spirit Lake District Farm Ponds
Spirit Lake District Streams
Split Rock Lake
Sports Plex Pond
Sportsman Park Pond
Sportsman's Pond
Sportsmen's Park Pond
Spring Branch
Spring Creek
Spring Creek North
Spring Creek South
Spring Falls
Spring Lake
Spring Lake
Spring Lake
Spring Lake
Spring Lake
Springbrook Lake
Springwood North
Springwood South
St. Ansgar Impoundment
St. Benedict W.A. Pond
St. John's Lake
Stacyville Impoundment
Staff Creek
State Line Marsh
State Line Slough
Steamboat Rock
Steamboat Slough
Stephens Forest Lucas Unit - Hidden Pond
Stephens Forest Lucas Unit - Mine Pond
Stephens Forest Unionville Area Pond
Stephens Forest Whitebreast Unit - North Pond
Stephens Forest Whitebreast Unit - South Pond
Stephens State Forest Reichelt Unit Lak
Stoehr Lake (Wellsburg)
Stolley Pit
Stone Creek
Stone State Park Pond
Stonebrook Spring
Storm Lake (incl Little Storm Lake)
Story Hollow
Stubbs Pond
Sturchler Pit (Newell Pit)
Summit Lake
Sun Valley Lake
Sunday Pond
Sunfish Lake
Sunken Gardens Park Pond
Sunken Grove Lake
Sunken Lake
Sunset Lake
Sutcliff Woodland Pond
Suttle Creek
Swan Lake
Swan Lake
Swan Lake
Swan Slough
Swarms Pond
Sweet Marsh Reservoir
Sweet Marsh Seg. A
Sweet Marsh Seg. C
Swift Slough
Swift Slough
Swiss Lakes Ponds
Swiss Valley Creek
Tabor Pond
Tai Dam
Tallgrass Pond
Talmadge Hill Lake/Marsh
Taylor Lake
Taylor Park Pond
Teal Pond
Ted Johnson Pond
Teeple Creek
Ten Mile Creek
Terra Lake
Terry Trueblood Lake
Tete des Morts River
Thayer Lake
The Dog Pond
The Tubes
Theisen Pond
Thomas Mitchell Lake
Thomas Pit
Three Lakes Estates East (Closed)
Three Lakes Estates South (Closed)
Three Lakes Estates West (Closed)
Three Mile Lake
Three Rivers Pond
Three Waters W.A. Lake
Thunder Woman Park Pond
Tigges Pond Dedham
Tigges Pond Willey
Timber Creek Pond
Tjossem Pond
Toft Pit
Torkelson Pit W.A. (north)
Torkelson Pit W.A. (southeast)
Torkelson Pit W.A. (southwest)
Tower Pond
Town Dam
Town Lake
Townsend Park Pond
Trails End Pond
Trestle Pointe North
Trestle Pointe Park Pond
Triangle Park Pond
Trib to Canoe Creek - Locust Road
Trib to Clear Creek New Albin - Church Road
Trib to French Creek - French Creek Road
Trib to Hickory Creek - Johnson Branch
Trib to Hickory Creek - Martins Branch
Trib to North Canoe Creek- 345th Street
Trib to Otter Creek - 220th St
Trib to Otter Creek - Hazel Road
Trib to Turkey River - Iris Rd
Trib to Upper Iowa River - Ferris Mill Rd
Trib to Upper Iowa River - Quarry Hill Road
Trib to Volga Lake - 190th Street
Trib to Volga Lake - H Ave
Trib to Volga Lake - Imperial Road
Trib to Volga Lake - Jasper Road
Trib to Volga River - Emblem Road
Trib to Yellow River - 128th Street
Trib to Yellow River - Forest Mills Road
Trib to Yellow River- Scott Hollow Road
tributaries to Tete des Morts River
Triumph Park East
Triumph Park West
Trout River
Trout Run (Allamakee)
Trout Run (Winneshiek)
Troy Mills Marsh
Trumbull Lake
Tuckers Pond
Tuesday Pond
Turkey Chute
Turkey Ridge
Turkey River
Turkey River (above Clermont)
Turkey River (above Clermont)
Turkey River (below Clermont)
Turkey River (below Clermont)
Turkey Run Wildlife Area Pond
Turner Creek
Turtle Creek
Turtle Creek - East Branch
Tuscany Pond
Tuscany South
Tuttle Lake
Twelve Mile Creek Lake
Twelve Oaks
Twelve-Mile Lake
Twin Bridges
Twin Lakes
Twin Ponds
Twin Ponds
Twin Ponds North
Twin Springs
Tyler Lake
Tyson Bend
Union Grove Lake
Union Grove W.A. Pond
Union Slough (Darling Pool)
Union Slough (Gabrielson Pool)
Union Slough (Lowe Pool)
Union Slough (Pierce Pool)
Union Slough (Ruddy Pool)
Union Slough (Smith Pool)
Upland Trail Pond
Upper Blencoe Bend
Upper Brown Lake
Upper Dam Impoundment
Upper Decatur Bend
Upper Eagle Park Pond
Upper Gar Lake
Upper Iowa River
Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)
Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)
Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)
Upper Iowa River (below Decorah)
Upper Lake
Upper Pine Lake
Upper Sabula Lake
Upper Swiss Valley Creek
Upper Y Lake
Utterback Pond
Valley View Pond
Vander Veer Lagoon
Vander Weerd Pit
Ventura Marsh
Vernon Springs Impoundment
Viking Lake
Viking Road North
Viking SE Rearing Pond 2
Viking West Drainable Rearing Pond 1
Village Creek
Village Creek
Virgin Lake
Virginia Grove R.A. Pond
Vista Park Pond
Volga Lake
Volga River
Volga River
Wachendorf Lake
Wakpicada Natural Area Pit 1
Wakpicada Natural Area Pit 2
Walden Pond
Waldo's Rock Pond
Walker-Johnston Pond
Walnut Creek Marsh
Walnut Ridge Pond
Walton Reservoir
Wanatee Pond
Wapsi River (Oxford Junction to Mississippi River)
Wapsi River (state line to Tripoli)
Wapsi River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)
Wapsi River (Troy Mills to Oxford Junction)
Wapsi River Center Pond
Wapsi River Trout Section
Wapsipinicon River (Oxford Junct to Mississippi R)
Wapsipinicon River (state line to Tripoli)
Wapsipinicon River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)
Wapsipinicon River (Troy Mills to Oxford Junction)
Warrior Park Pond
Waterloo Creek
Waubonsie Access Lake
Waubonsie Trail Park Pond
Waucoma Impoundment
Waukee Public Safety Pond
Waukee Towne Center Pond
Waukon Junction Marsh
Waukon Pond
Waverly Impoundment
Wedgewood Pond
Wednesday Pond
Weed Park Lagoon
Welch Lake
Werner Memorial Woods Pond
West Bergfeld
West Canoe Creek
West Fork Cedar River
West Fork Cedar River
West Fork Des Moines (Emmetsburg to Humboldt)
West Fork Des Moines (Emmetsburg to Humboldt)
West Fork Des Moines (Emmetsburg to Humboldt)
West Fork Des Moines (state line to Emmetsburg)
West Fork Des Moines (state line to Emmetsburg)
West Fork Grand River
West Hartman Pond
West Hottes
West Lake (Closed)
West Lake (Lenox)
West Lake (Osceola)
West Lake Corning
West Nishnabotna
West Nishnabotna River
West Nodaway River (above Villisca)
West Nodaway River (above Villisca)
West Nodaway River (Villisca to Missouri State Line)
West Nodaway River (Villisca to state line)
West Okoboji Lake
West Pond
West Slough
West Swan Lake S.W.M.A.
West Twin Lake
Western Pond
Westport Park Pond
Wexford Creek
Wheeler Grove Pond
Whispering Meadows
White Oak
White Oak Conservation Area Lake
White Pine Hollow
Whitehorse Pits
Whitham Woods Pond
Whiting Woods Pond
Whittemore Pit
Wiese Slough
Wilcox W.A. Pond
Wilders Pond
Wilkinson Pioneer Park Pond
Williams Creek
Williamsburg Pond (West End Pond)
Williamson Pond
Willow Creek
Willow Creek
Willow Hills Pond
Willow Lake
Willow Lake Watershed Pond 1
Willow Lake Watershed Pond 2
Willow Lake Watershed Pond 3
Willow Pond
Willow Slough
Wilson Grove North
Wilson Grove South
Wilson Lake
Wilson Park Lake
Wilson Pond #1
Wilson Pond #2
Windcrest Pond
Windmill Lake
Windsor Ridge Park Pond
Winegar Lake
Winnebago Bend Lake
Winnebago River
Winnebago River
Winterfeld Pond (aka Van Zee Pit)
Witmer Park Pond
Wolf Creek West
Wood Duck Lake
Wood Duck Slough
Woodbridge Pond
Worth County Lake
Wyalusing Slough
Wyoming Slough
Wyoming Slough
Yeager Lake
Yellow Banks Park Pond
Yellow River
Yellow River
Yellow River
Yellow River Pond
Yellow Smoke Park Lake
Yenruogis Pond
Zillman's Hickory Hills New Pond
Zillman's Hickory Hills Old Pond
Zoll Lake
Fish Species:
Bigmouth Buffalo
Brown Bullhead
Green Sunfish
Shortnose gar
White Bass
Black Buffalo
Brown Trout
Largemouth Bass
Shovelnose sturgeon
White Crappie
Black Bullhead
Channel Catfish
Longnose Gar
Rainbow Trout
Silver Redhorse
White Sucker
Black Crappie
Common Carp
Redear Sunfish
Smallmouth Bass
Wiper (Hybrid Striped Bass)
Blue Catfish
Flathead Catfish
River carpsucker
Smallmouth Buffalo
Yellow Bass
Blue Sucker
Freshwater Drum
Northern hog sucker
Rock Bass
Spotted bass
Yellow Bullhead
Golden Redhorse
Northern Pike
Yellow Perch
Orangespotted sunfish
Brook Trout
Greater Redhorse
Shorthead redhorse
No Report