Fish Iowa - Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs - Lake Darling

About Lake Darling

Surface Area (acres): 303.00
Maximum Depth (feet): 21.6 ft. (2015)
Motoring Restrictions: No Size Limit at No Wake
See below for additional location-specific regulations


County: Washington
Description: Darling
Coordinates: 41.19525381, -91.89657493


Amenities at Lake Darling include:
  • Boat Access
  • Fishing Jetty
  • Accessible Pier
  • Boat Rental
  • Picnic Area
  • Beach
  • Trails
  • Accessible Facilities
  • Playground
  • Restrooms
  • Camping
  • Good/Excellent Shorefishing
  • Hard Surface Boat Ramp

Fishing Report

For more information on the above lakes call the Lake Darling Fisheries Office at (319) 694-2430.
Surface water temperature is staying in the low to mid 40's. First thing in the morning, watch for ice on the boat ramps. The boat docks are not in yet.

Fishing Forecast

The Lake Darling Restoration Project which included the repairing the dam, removing sediment, armoring the shoreline, and new construction of shoreline and boat accesses has been completed. The park, campground, lake and other amenities are now open to the public. Lake Darling reached full crest in spring 2014. The lake filled within about 10 inches of crest by June 18, 2014 before a storm on June 19, 2014 brought heavy rainfall to Lake Darling State Park, completing the lake-filling process. Fingerling (2”) stockings for the newly renovated lake started before the basin reached crest. Bluegills were stocked on April 2, channel catfish on May 30, and largemouth bass on June 20, 2014; black crappie were stocked the same year. Future stocking plans include fingerling redear sunfish in fall 2015. Currently, the largest bluegills in the lake are 7.5- to 8.5-inch; smaller ‘gills from 2.5 inches (2015 year class) to 6.5 inches (2014 year class) are abundant. The largest crappies caught by anglers are 11- to 11.5-inches; there are numerous 4 inch (2015 year class) -8 inch (2014 year class) crappies in the lake. A good number of largemouth bass have reached 12.5 inches, but anglers will observe many 7 inch bass (2014 year class) and the occasional 15 inch bass. Most channel catfish are 10 inches long, but a few larger cats may be found. Anglers have experienced good fishing in 2015, and can expect excellent fishing in 2016-2017. Exceptional fish growth is often observed in new or renovated lakes, such as Lake Darling, due to the presence of abundant resources as compared to fish community size. Anglers may experience good fishing ahead of schedule. A map showing the location of 25 sediment retention/recreational ponds, which anglers can use, is available at the Iowa DNR Southeast Regional Office located within Lake Darling State Park. Initial stocking date is listed on the map so that anglers can target the most mature ponds for bluegill, largemouth bass, and channel catfish.(2015)

Consumption Guidelines

Iowa-Caught Fish Are Safe to Eat, In Almost All Cases

In nearly all cases, Iowa fish are safe to eat. Cleaning and/or preparing the meal causes most of the problems regarding taste or color of fish. Like all living creatures, fish are susceptible to diseases, parasites, and other naturally occurring conditions in the water. If you suspect your fish is affected by any of these conditions, do not eat it. Consider eating smaller and younger fish which usually have lower levels of contaminants than larger ones. Most contaminants accumulate in larger, older fish. For additional information, check out our resources for eating and cooking Iowa caught fish.

To learn more about fish tissue monitoring, visit our Fish Tissue Monitoring page .


  • 9/22/22 - 1,820 Channel Catfish (9.4)
  • 10/5/22 - 21,860 Redear Sunfish (2)
  • 09/28/2020 - 1,827 Channel Catfish (7.6)
  • 09/25/2020 - 26,829 Redear Sunfish (2)
  • 10/02/2018 - 1,822 Channel Catfish (8.2)
  • 9/26/16 - 1,823 Channel Catfish (9.5")
  • 08/31/2015 - 266,241 Redear Sunfish (2")
  • 06/18/2015 - 30,300 Largemouth Bass (2")


  • 2024 - Fish Kills-Natural Causes: Spawning Kill of Bluegills due to stress. 300-350 adult male bluegills 11 crappies counted 5 LMB ~15"
  • 2014 - Fish Cleaning Station-Fish Cleaning Station: Main Boat Ramp
  • 2014 - Fish Cleaning Station-Fish Cleaning Station: Campground Boat Ramp
  • 2014 - Dam-Construction: first rip rap placed on the upper end of the in-lake silt dam.
  • 2014 - Shoreline Activities-Shaping: work begins on the Youth Camp beach and shoreline
  • 2014 - Shoreline Activities-Shaping: work begins ont he last of the shoreline (in the beach area)
  • 2014 - Dam-Construction: The gate is closed and the lake is allowed to fill. Lake reaches full during the night of June 18th and is two inches running over the overflow on the 19th.
  • 2014 - Shoreline Activities-Rip-rap: the last of the shoreline rip rap is placed on this date. It was in the beach area.
  • 2014 - Shoreline Activities-Shaping: the canoe/kayak launch area by the boat rental is completed. Marks the completion of the in lake work of the renovation project.
  • 2014 - Structures-Other: underwater mound
  • 2013 - Shoreline Activities-Shaping: Schmitz construction (JB Holland sub) starts the grubbing of the main boat ramp area and the shoreline
  • 2013 - Shoreline Activities-Shaping: the shaping and regrading of the new campground boat ramp area begins.
  • 2013 - Jetty-Construction: work on the new jetty below the lodge begins.
  • 2013 - Shoreline Activities-Shaping: the sheet piling for the new boat rental area begins
  • 2013 - Jetty-Construction: pilings are driven for the new fishing pier
  • 2013 - Dredging-State-funded: Holland begins their dredging operations ont he upper end of the lake. They take the last out on the 15th of January. 189,000 are removed by Moyna. 40,000 from this arm had washed away from this arm of the lake before they could begin dredging ope
  • 2012 - Shoreline Activities-Other: PCI removes the sea wall at the beach.
  • 2012 - Dam-Construction: The north emergency spillway is seeded down and mulched
  • 2012 - Shoreline Activities-Other: PCI builds up the upper island to an elevation of 660 to raise it above the new lake level.
  • 2012 - Shoreline Activities-Rip-rap: the upper near shoreline is cleaned and sloped in prep for riprap.
  • 2012 - Shoreline Activities-Rip-rap: clearing of the far shore from the main boat ramp is done to rep for rip rap.
  • 2012 - Dam-Construction: additional rip rap is added to the face of the dam and the outlet channel
  • 2012 - Dredging-State-funded: PCI installs the overflow pipe in the prairie marsh dam.
  • 2012 - Dam-Construction: riprapping of the campground arm in-lake silt dam begins.
  • 2012 - Shoreline Activities-Rip-rap: riprapping begins on the upper island.
  • 2012 - Dam-Construction: trash rack added to the lake draining pipe. Finishes the dam reconstruction project phase of the Lake Restoration.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Contractor CJ Moyna from Elkader starts to notch the old concrete spillway to allow water to drain from the lake in prep for tearing out the old open spillway and rebuilding the dam.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Moyna starts digging the new plunge pool for the new outlet.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Moyna starts to notch the dam for the new drop inlet overflow structure.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Iowa Bridge and Culvert starts their work on the drop inlet structure's plunge pool box.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Installation of the 72" drain/overflow pipe begins
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: IBC starts work on the drop inlet's lake side drop inlet tower.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: end of sheet piling in dam is dug up to connect the new core trench to
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: the digging of the dam's new core trench begins.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: removal of the concrete from the old open spillway begins.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: IBC forming up the upper (baffles) section of the drop inlet tower out in the lake.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Moyna starts packing the clay into the new core trench.
  • 2011 - Dredging-State-funded: Pettiecord (PCI sub) starts the grubbing of the brush and trees around the prairie marsh silt storage site.
  • 2011 - Dredging-State-funded: PCI starts building up the prairie marsh dam to create the storage area for the silt to be dredged from the campground arm of the lake.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Iowa Bridge and Culvert removes the forms from the lid of the drop inlet tower. New outlet structure now completed.
  • 2011 - Dredging-State-funded: PCI starts removing silt from the campground arm of the lake. About 88,000 yd3 are removed from this arm ofthe lake by PCI.
  • 2011 - Dredging-State-funded: Petticord (PCI sub) starts grubbing of trees around the Schultz ditch silt storage site.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Pressure test of the drain pipe gate is done, adjustment to the gate are done and the test is passed.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: construction of the in-lake silt dam on the campground arm of the lake begins
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Bennett explosives makes first of two "lifts" of the bedrock in the North Emergency spillway.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Work on the in-lake silt dam in the upper arm of the lake begins.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Moyna starts adding top soil to the dam.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Delong (Moyna sub) seeds down and mulches the dam.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: PCI starts the core trench on the Schultz sitch storage site, This site was later abandoned when the CORP found out our engineers did not have the permits for the lake dredging job and stopped the project until they straightened out the mess and sai
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: rip rap is placed around the plunge pool and the new outlet channel below tthe dam.
  • 2011 - Dam-Construction: Moyna places riprap around the eyebrow berm and face of the dam.
  • 2009 - Watershed-Activities: Removed 109 potential indiana bat trees from the construction sites of the sediment ponds to be built inside the park.
  • 2009 - Other-Other: Archeological survey of Lake Basin and the area below the dam as part of the preliminary work for lake restoration
  • 2009 - Watershed-Activities: Construction of 5 road culvert riser. a drop inlet structure on one creek culvert, and repairs to an existing culvert riser.
  • 2009 - Watershed-Activities: Contractor built 5 new ponds inside the park to control gully erosion and sediment delivery to the lake.
  • 2009 - Watershed-Activities: Layed out one final pond in the lake darling watershed. at least as part of this watershed project.
  • 2009 - Special-Other: Took geologist from geological survey bureau to look at exposed bedrock in lake basin.
  • 2009 - Structures-Culverts: Placed numerous culvert piles in Wilson Lake.

Motoring Restrictions

Motoring Restrictions: No Size Limit at No Wake

Contacts for this Location

Fishing Regulations

  • Black Crappie
    • Season: Continuous
    • Daily Bag Limit: combined black and white crappie, 25 fish
    • Possession Limit: unlimited
    • Length Limit: none
    • Other: No daily limit on private waters
  • Bluegill
    • Season: Continuous
    • Daily Bag Limit: 25 fish
    • Possession Limit: unlimited
    • Length Limit: none
    • Other: No daily limit on private waters
  • Channel Catfish
    • Season: Continuous
    • Daily Bag Limit: combined: channel, blue and flathead catfish, 8 fish
    • Possession Limit: combined: channel, blue and flathead catfish, 30 fish
    • Length Limit: none
    • Other:
  • Largemouth Bass
    • Season: Continuous
    • Daily Bag Limit: combined black bass, 3 fish
    • Possession Limit: combined black bass, 6 fish
    • Length Limit: 15-inch minimum
    • Other:

Aquatic Invasive Species

  • Curlyleaf Pondweed

To learn more about AIS, visit the Iowa DNR's Aquatic Invasive Species page for more information and resources.

Fish Surveys

Tip: Click the arrow in the lower right corner to view the Fish Survey Data tool in full-screen mode.