Fish Iowa - Fish Species - Silver chub

image of Silver chub


A large, slender minnow with large fins and eyes. A small, horizontal mouth has a barbel at the corner of the jaw. Body color varies from green on the back with purple reflections to bright silvery on the belly. A greenish-colored lateral band runs along the sides from behind the gill covers to the caudal fin. The dorsal fin is inserted in front of the pelvic fin and has 8 rays, as do the anal and pelvic fins. The pectoral fins have 17 rays, and the caudal fin has a distinct, light ventral margin. The complete lateral line has 37 to 40 scales. Hooked pharyngeal teeth are arranged in the formula 1, 4-4, 1, but variations are found.


zooplankton, insect larvae and chironomids

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Silver Chubs spend much of their time in semi-turbid water in strong current over sand and gravel bottoms. Spawning occurs from April through June.  Adults may reach over 8-inches long.

Recent stream sampling information is available from Iowa DNR's biological monitoring and assessment program.

Distribution Map

Iowa water body distribution image of Silver chub

Scattered throughout Iowa streams, but most often found in the Mississippi, Des Moines, Skunk, and Nishnabotna rivers. The only lake record is from Black Hawk Lake.

See our most recent distribution data for this species on the Iowa DNR's Bionet application.

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