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Adhoc Report
Columns Selected Columns
30 Day Report Date Requested
30 Day Report Not Expected
30 Day Report Received Date
Cause Of Manure Release
Downstream Water User Notifications
Facility ID Number
Location Address
Location City
Location County
Location Directions
Location Field Office
Location Latitude
Location Longitude
Location Range
Location Range Direction
Location Section
Location Section Quarter
Location Site Name
Location Township Name
Location Township#
Location Zip/Postal
Manure Approved MAL
Manure Approved MMP
Manure MAL#
Manure Source
Manure Type
Manure Water Body(ies) Impacted
Material Amount/Qty
Material Mode
Material Name(s)
Material Type
Material-Medium Air
Material-Medium Groundwater
Material-Medium Land
Material-Medium Surface Water
On-scene Co
On-scene DOT
On-scene EMS
On-scene Er Mgt
On-scene Fire
On-scene Hazmat
On-scene Highway Patrol
On-scene Other
On-scene Police
On-Scene Public Health
On-scene Public Works
On-scene Sheriff
Other Notifications
Reported By Anonymous
Reported By Company Address1
Reported By Company Address2
Reported By Company City
Reported By Company Contact Address1
Reported By Company Contact Address2
Reported By Company Contact City
Reported By Company Contact Country
Reported By Company Contact FaxNo
Reported By Company Contact Phone
Reported By Company Contact PhoneExtn
Reported By Company Contact State
Reported By Company Contact ZipCode
Reported By Company Country
Reported By Company FaxNo
Reported By Company Name
Reported By Company Phone
Reported By Company Phone Extn
Reported By Company State
Reported By Company ZipCode
Reported By Contact Name
Reported By Individual Contact Address1
Reported By Individual Contact Address2
Reported By Individual Contact City
Reported By Individual Contact Country
Reported By Individual Contact FaxNo
Reported By Individual Contact Phone
Reported By Individual Contact Phone Extn
Reported By Individual Contact State
Reported By Individual Contact Zip Code
Reported By Individual Name
Reported Evacuation
Reported Fatalities
Reported Fish Kill
Reported Injury
Reported Petroleum
Resources Threatened-Fish
Resources Threatened-Groundwater
Resources Threatened-Livestock
Resources Threatened-None
Resources Threatened-Other
Resources Threatened-People
Resources Threatened-Soil
Resources Threatened-Surface Water
Resources Threatened-Water Supply
Responsible Party Company Address1
Responsible Party Company Address2
Responsible Party Company City
Responsible Party Company Contact Address1
Responsible Party Company Contact Address2
Responsible Party Company Contact City
Responsible Party Company Contact Country
Responsible Party Company Contact FaxNo
Responsible Party Company Contact Phone
Responsible Party Company Contact Phone Extn
Responsible Party Company Contact State
Responsible Party Company Contact ZipCode
Responsible Party Company Country
Responsible Party Company FaxNo
Responsible Party Company Name
Responsible Party Company Phone
Responsible Party Company Phone Extn
Responsible Party Company State
Responsible Party Company ZipCode
Responsible Party Contact Name
Responsible Party Individual Contact Address1
Responsible Party Individual Contact Address2
Responsible Party Individual Contact City
Responsible Party Individual Contact Country
Responsible Party Individual Contact FaxNo
Responsible Party Individual Contact Phone
Responsible Party Individual Contact Phone Extn
Responsible Party Individual Contact State
Responsible Party Individual Contact ZipCode
Responsible Party Individual Name
Responsible Party Unknown
Spill 6 Hr Reporting Violation Letter Sent
Spill Actions/Follow-ups
Spill Closed Date
Spill Continuous Release
Spill Discovered/Occurred Date
Spill Incident Events
Spill Number
Spill Report Taken By
Spill Reported Date
Spill Status
Run Report
  • Data/Report Submittal
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Emergency Response & Homeland Security Unit
6200 Park Ave ste 200
Des Moines, IA 50321
Phone 515-725-8694
Fax 515-725-8201
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