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This 305(b) list categorizes waterbodies to reflect: those that meet all the designated uses (category 1), those in which data availability is insufficient to determine whether any or all designated uses are being met (categories 2 and 3), and those waters in which the water quality prevents it from fully meeting its designated use, and is thus considered \"impaired\". New impairments (or category 5 listings) are placed on the \"303(d) Impaired Waters Report\", commonly referred to as the \"impaired waters list.\" This is named after section 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act and means that the stream or lake needs a water quality improvement plan written (also known by a technical name, \"Total Maximum Daily Load,\" or \"TMDL\"). The water quality improvement plan outlines water quality problems, identifies sources of the problem(s), identifies needed reductions in pollutants and offers possible solutions. 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