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Former Carpenter Stations Bulk Site - #310660341
    123 N FIFTH ST Burlington, IA
FO 6

Incoming Reports Detail
Incoming Report ID: 238823
Program Id:*
Type of Incoming Report:*

Verbally Taken
Staffer Receiving Report: NPDES#:
Reported By: Sampling Required
Date/Time Report Taken:* / Parameters:
Incident Started / Will Start: / Impact Water Of The State:    
Incident Stopped / Will Stop: / Impacted Water Name:
From (location, equipment, stack):
Quantity (# of gallons, % opacity):
Why did the occurrence happen:
What was done to stop the occurence:

Paper Report Received
Submittal Type:      
Date Report Received:  

Downstream Surface Water Supplies  
Last Email Created:

Attached Documents