Welcome to the Deer and Wildlife Depredation application.

Some landowners have asked the Iowa DNR for assistance in finding hunters interested in harvesting antlerless deer. If you would like to have your name, address, and phone number supplied to requesting landowners, please complete the information in the form. The Iowa DNR's Depredation biologist will maintain and provide a list of hunters to requesting landowners.

Hunters will be contacted by the participating landowner.

It is important that you provide your preferred method of hunting and the region in which you are willing to hunt so the landowner can best match hunters to his needs.

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone: () -
Email: (optional)
DNR #:
(Your DNR # can be found on your hunting or fishing license.)

Preferred hunting seasons:
(You must pick at least one)
Youth Season
Disabled Hunter Season
Archery Season
Early Muzzleloader Season
Late Muzzleloader Season
Shotgun Season 1
Shotgun Season 2
November Antlerless Season
January Antlerless Season

Preferred hunting regions:
(You must pick at least one)
NW (1)
NC (2)
NE (3)
WC (4)
C (5)
EC (6)
SW (7)
SC (8)
SE (9)