Long Dick Creek IA 03-SSK-960
mouth (S18 T85N R23W Story Co.) to N. line of S34 T86N R23W Hamilton Co.
Assessment Comments
1997 Biocriteria: Fish IBI=19 (poor), 39 (fair); BM-IBI= 48 (fair), 57 (good).
Basis for Assessment
Used results of the 2 DNR bioassessements conducted in October 1997 2 mile WNW and 3 miles N of Roland to update the assessment of support of the Class B(LR) aquatic life uses developed for the 1994 report (=PS). Used results of the 2 bioassessments to upgrade the assessment of support of the Class B(LR) uses from PS to FST due to (1) presence of a moderately diverse fish community (8 species from 2 families & 14 species from 5 families) for streams in the Des Moines Lobe subecoregion, (2) presence of a majority of the expected fish taxa (6 of 11 and 8 of 11) for streams in this subecoregion, and (3) lack of violations of Class B(LR) WQ criteria in the samples collected during the bioassessments. Pasturing of the riparian zone, stream bank erosion, and channelization remain threats to the continued support of the Class B(LR) aquatic life uses.
Assessment Key Dates
10/2/1997 | Biological Monitoring |
330 | Fish surveys |
380 | Quan. measurements of instream parms-- channel morphology-- floodplain-- 1-2 seasons-- by prof |
220 | Non-fixed station physical/chemical monitoring (conventional pollutant only) |
315 | Regional reference site approach |
320 | Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys |
Monitoring Levels
Biological | 4 |
Habitat | 4 |
Physical Chemistry | 1 |
Toxic | 0 |
Pathogen Indicators | 0 |
Other Health Indicators | 0 |
Other Aquatic Life Indicators | 0 |
# of Bio Sites | 2 |
BioIntegrity | Fair |