Indian Creek IA 03-SSK-943
mouth (S32 T80N R20W Jasper Co.) to confluence of East Indian and West Indian creeks in S16 T82N R22W Story Co.
Assessment Comments
Not assessed.
Basis for Assessment
SUMMARY: The Class B(LR) aquatic life uses were "not assessed." EXPLANATION: The previous assessment of support of the Class B(LR) uses was based on (1) results from the DNR quarterly monitoring station north of Colfax (station 700102) and (2) results of an October 1992 DNR stream use assessment in Jasper County. The DNR quarterly station was last monitored from October 1993 through September 1995, and data from this monitoring period are now considered too old (greater than five years) for characterizing current water quality conditions. As part of DNR's expanded water quality monitoring program, monthly monitoring at the Colfax station began in October 1999. Results from this monitoring will allow development of an updated assessment of support of beneficial uses for the 2002 report. The results of the October 1992 DNR stream use assessment-upon which the previous assessment of the Class B(LR) uses was primarily based ("partially supported," see above)-are also now considered too old (greater than five years) to be useful for assessing current water quality conditions. Thus, the assessment for the 2000 report was changed from "partially supporting" to "not assessed." Follow-up monitoring is needed to determine the status of aquatic habitat and aquatic communities in this stream reach.