Iowa DNR
Iowa DNR
Water Quality Assessments
Impaired Waters List

Wapsipinicon River IA 01-WPS-6416

from north line of S20 T100N R15W Mitchell Co to Minnesota border(T100N R15W Sec7 NW)

Assessment Cycle
Result Period
2008 - 2010
Class A1 Class B(WW-1)
Assessment Methodology
Assessment Type
Integrated Report
Category 2a
Legacy ADBCode
IA 01-WPS-0031_0
Overall Use Support
Aquatic Life Use Support
Primary Contact Recreation
Not assessed
Assessment Comments

Assessment based on 2010 IDNR/SHL biological monitoring: BMIBI = 65 (good). Natural substrate BMIBI BIC = 70.

Basis for Assessment

Note:  Prior to the 2008 Section 305(b) cycle, this stream segment was classified only for general uses.    Due to changes in Iowa’s surface water classification that were approved by U.S.   EPA in February 2008, this segment is now presumptively designated for Class A1 (primary contact recreation) uses and for Class B(WW1) aquatic life uses.    According to the Iowa Water Quality Standards, all perennial rivers and streams and all intermittent streams with perennial pools that are not specifically listed in the Iowa surface water classification are designated as Class A1 and Class B(WW1) waters.    

The evaluated biological assessment of the presumptive Class B(WW1) aquatic life uses was based on data collected in 2010 as part of the IDNR/SHL headwater stream IBI development project.    A series of biological metrics that reflect stream water quality and habitat integrity were calculated from the biocriteria sampling data.    The biological metrics are based on the numbers and types of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and fish species collected in the stream sampling reach.    The biological metrics were combined to make a fish community index of biotic integrity (FIBI) and a benthic macroinvertebrate index (BMIBI).    The indexes rank the biological integrity of a stream sampling reach on a rising scale from 0 (minimum) to 100 (maximum).    The 2010 FIBI score was unavailable and the BMIBI score was 65 (good).    The aquatic life use support was assessed (evaluated) as Fully Supporting (=FS), based on a comparison of the BMIBI score with biological impairment criteria (BIC) established from a statistical analysis of data collected at stream ecoregion reference sites from 1994-2004.    The natural substrate BMIBI BIC for this ecoregion is 70.    Even though this site passed the BMIBI BIC (using the BMIBI UAV of 8 points), it is uncertain as to whether or not this segment is meeting the aquatic life criteria because it is a small headwater stream and doesn’t fall in the calibrated watershed size.

Monitoring and Methods
Assessment Key Dates
8/18/2010 Biological Monitoring
315 Regional reference site approach
320 Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys
375 Visual observation-- may not quantify some parameters-- single season-- by prof.
Monitoring Levels
Biological 3
Habitat 2
Physical Chemistry 1
Toxic 0
Pathogen Indicators 0
Other Health Indicators 0
Other Aquatic Life Indicators 0
# of Bio Sites 1
BioIntegrity Good