Iowa DNR

Water Quality Assessments

Impaired Waters List

Lime Creek IA 02-CED-524

mouth (SW 1/4 S4 T86N R10W Benton Co.) to confluence with unnamed tributary in S1 T87N R10W Buchanan Co.

Assessment Cycle
Result Period
2010 - 2012
Class A1 Class B(WW-1) Class HH OIW
Assessment Methodology
Assessment Type
Integrated Report
Category 5p
Legacy ADBCode
IA 02-CED-0270_1
Overall Use Support
Not supporting
Aquatic Life Use Support
Fish Consumption
Not assessed
Primary Contact Recreation
Not supporting
Assessment Comments

Assessment based on results of (1) chemical/physical/bacteria monitoring at three stations in 2010 and 2011 (11100001, 15100011, and 15100010), (2)IDNR/SHL biological monitoring in 2008, 2010 and 2013; (3) results of a fish kill investigation in July 2008; (4) ISU statewide survey of freshwater mussels in 1998-99, and (5) mussel surveys by IDNR staff in 2007, 2009 and 2010.

Basis for Assessment

[Note:  Prior to the 2008 Section 305(b) cycle, this stream segment was designated only for Class B(WW) aquatic life uses, including fish consumption uses.   Due to changes in Iowa’s surface water classification that were approved by U.S.  EPA in February 2008, this segment is also now presumptively designated for Class A1 (primary contact recreation) uses.   This segment remains designated for warmwater aquatic life use (now termed Class B(WW1) uses), and for fish consumption uses (now termed Class HH (human health/fish consumption uses).   This stream segment is designated as an Outstanding Iowa Water in the Iowa Water Quality Standards.]

SUMMARY:  The presumptive Class A1 (primary contact recreation) uses are assessed (monitored) as "not supported" (IR 5p) due to high levels of indicator bacteria (E.  coli).   The source of data for this assessment is the results of water quality monitoring from May 2010 to July 2011 at three monitoring stations:  (1) Site LiCr2 (STORET station 11100001) near Brandon, (2) at 290th Street (STORET station 15100010), and (3) at Finley Avenue (STORET station 15100010).   The Class B(WW1) aquatic life uses are assessed (monitored) as "fully supporting" (IR 2a) based on results of a chemical and biological monitoring conducted from 2008 through 2013.   Recent (2007-10) surveys showed recovery of the freshwater mussel community in this stream segment.   Results of IDNR water quality monitoring in 2010-11 and results of IDNR/SHL biological (biocriteria, fish/macroinvertebrate) monitoring in 2008, 2010 and 2013 both suggest "full support" of these aquatic life uses based on sampling of the fish and benthic macroinvertebrate communities.   Fish consumption uses remain "not assessed" (IR 3a) due to the lack of fish contaminant monitoring in this stream segment.  

EXPLANATION:  The presumptive Class A1 uses are assessed as "not supported" based on results of ambient monitoring for indicator bacteria (E.  coli) at three monitoring stations in 2010 and 2011.   The geometric means of indicator bacteria (E.  coli) in the 22 samples collected at each of these three stations during the recreational seasons of 2010 and 2011 (11 samples per season) were as follows:  at station 11100001, the 2010 geometric mean was 1,426 orgs/100 ml and the 2011 geometric mean was 1,874 orgs/100 ml.   At station 15100010, the 2010 geometric mean was 1,615 orgs/100 ml and the 2011 geometric mean was 1,322 orgs/100 ml.   And, at station 15100011, the 2010 geometric mean was 1,963 orgs/100 ml and the 2011 geometric mean was 1,819 orgs/100 ml.   All geometric means from all three sites are far above the Class A1 criterion of 126 orgs/100 ml.   At all three monitoring stations, 21 of the 22 samples (95%) collected during the 2010-2011 period exceed Iowa’s Class A1 single-sample maximum criterion of 235 orgs/100 ml.   According to U.S.  EPA guidelines for Section 305(b) reporting and IDNR’s assessment/listing methodology, if a recreation season geometric mean exceeds the respective water quality criterion, the contact recreation uses are "not supported" (see pgs 3-33 to 3-35 of U.S.  EPA 1997b).   Thus, because at least one recreation season geometric mean exceeded criteria for Class A1 uses, these uses are assessed as “impaired.”

A fish kill occurred on Lime Creek on July 9, 2008.   The kill occurred along 4.2 miles of Lime Creek northeast of Brandon and affected approximately 2,720 fish.   High water occurred during, or after, the kill event because some fish were observed 2-3 feet above the water level present during the day of investigation.   Fish carcasses were easily identifiable to family group, but identification to species was not possible for most Cyprinidae species due to poor physical condition of specimens.   The following species were positively identified: Common Shiner, Creek Chub, Northern Hog sucker, Northern Logperch, Rock Bass, Smallmouth Bass, and Stonecat.   It is likely that high water flows flushed a significant number of dead fish from the investigated area, and decay and predation further reduced counts of small-bodied fishes.   The estimated value of the fish was $3,004.36.   No definite source for the fish kill was found; however, two feedlots and an herbicide over-application were investigated.  According to IDNR’s assessment/listing methodology, the occurrence of a single pollutant-caused fish kill, or a fish kill of unknown origin, on a waterbody or waterbody reach during the most recent assessment period indicates a severe stress to the aquatic community and suggests that the aquatic life uses should be assessed as “impaired.”  If a cause of the kill was not identified during the IDNR investigation, or if the kill was attributed to non-pollutant causes (e.g., winterkill), the assessment type will be considered “evaluated.”  Such assessments, although suitable for Section 305(b) reporting, lack the degree of confidence to support addition to the state Section 303(d) list of impaired waters (IR Category 5).   However, results of chemical monitoring and biological (fish, macroinvertebrate, and freshwater mussel) monitoring conducted since the July 2008 fish kill suggest full recovery of Lime Creek's aquatic communities.   Thus, this fish kill is not considered as a cause of impairment of the aquatic life uses of this stream.

Results of chemical/physical water quality monitoring conducted in 2010 and 2011 do not suggest impairment of the Class B(WW1) aquatic life uses.   Twenty-four samples were collected at each of the three monitoring station (11100001, 15100010, and 15100011) from May 2010 to July 2011.   None of the combined 72 samples collected violated Class B(WW1) criteria for dissolved oxygen, pH, or temperature.   The maximum temperature at station recorded was 27.9C, and the minimum dissolved oxygen concentration was 6.7 mg/l; pH values ranges from 7.2 to 8.4 units.   These results suggest good and stable water quality conditions in this segment of Lime Creek.  

Results from the IDNR/SHL biocriteria sampling in 2008, 2010 and 2013 suggest that the Class B(WW1) uses are "fully supported."  The 2008 FIBI score was 69 (good) and the BMIBI score was 83 (excellent).   The 2010 BMIBI score was 72 (good).   The 2013 FIBI score was 78 (excellent) and the BMIBI score was 61 (good).   The aquatic life use support was assessed as fully supported (=FS), based on a comparison of the BMIBI scores with biological impairment criteria (BIC) established for previous Section 305(b) reports.   The biological impairment criteria were determined from a statistical analysis of data collected at stream ecoregion reference sites from 1994-2008.   The natural substrate BMIBI BIC for this ecoregion is 70.   This segment passed the FIBI BIC 2/2 times and passed the BMIBI BIC 2/3 times in the past six years.   This aquatic life use assessment is considered "monitored" because there were two or more samples collected in multiple years from 2009-2013.  

For previous assessments, results from the 1998-99 statewide assessment of freshwater mussels in Iowa streams were used to identify an impairment of the aquatic life uses of this stream segment.   Thus, the aquatic life uses of this segment were considered Section 303(d)-impaired and placed in Category 5b of Iowa’s Integrated Report.   This impairment was based on comparison of sampling results from 1998 and 1999 (Arbuckle et al.  2000) to results from stream sites surveyed in 1984 and 1985 by Frest (1987).   For purposes of Section 303(d) listing, this assessment was based on the percent change in the number of species of freshwater mussels found in the 1984-85 survey versus the 1998-99 survey.   For stream segments having four or more species reported for the 1984-95 survey, results of this comparison were used by staff of the Iowa DNR to assess the degree to which the aquatic life uses of the sampled stream segments are supported.   Greater than a 50% decline in species richness from the 1984-85 to the 1998-99 period suggests an impairment of the aquatic life uses.   Species richness of freshwater mussels at the one sample site in this segment of Lime Creek was 9 in the 1984-85 period and was 0 in the 1998-99 period for a percent change of minus 100%.  

Recent surveys of Lime Creek’s mussel population by IDNR biologists were conducted in 2007, 2009 and 2010.   Results showed the presence of six of the original (1984-85) nine species in and around the Lime Creek Area (a Buchanan County park).   While mussels mostly haven’t been found at the original mussel site, they have been found within the impaired segment.   Additionally, the location in the Cedar River floodplain of the original mussel site calls into question its selection for mussel sampling in the first place.   The presence of three state-listed mussel species and the fact that the ellipse (one of the most sensitive species of mussel) is the dominant species would argue that Lime Creek has the water quality and habitat variety to sustain a healthy population of mussels.   This is also borne out by the biological, water quality, and habitat sampling conducted at both sites.   Based on this information, the impairment of the Class B(WW1) aquatic life uses based on a decline in the freshwater mussel community was removed from Iowa’s 2012 Section 303(d) list of impaired waters.   More information on recent mussel surveys at Lime Creek is available in the IDNR report “Delisting justification for Lime Creek, Buchanan and Benton Counties, Iowa” prepared by Jen Kurth of the IDNR’s Watershed Improvement Section.

Fish consumption uses remain "not assessed" due to the lack of fish contaminant monitoring in this stream segment.

Monitoring and Methods
Assessment Key Dates
8/26/2013 Biological Monitoring
7/29/2011 Fixed Monitoring End Date
8/3/2010 Biological Monitoring
7/1/2010 Biological Monitoring
5/19/2010 Fixed Monitoring Start Date
7/1/2009 Biological Monitoring
8/21/2008 Biological Monitoring
7/14/2008 Biological Monitoring
7/9/2008 Fishkill
7/1/2007 Biological Monitoring
9/30/1999 Biological Monitoring
9/30/1984 Biological Monitoring
330 Fish surveys
380 Quan. measurements of instream parms-- channel morphology-- floodplain-- 1-2 seasons-- by prof
120 Surveys of fish and game biologists/other professionals
220 Non-fixed station physical/chemical monitoring (conventional pollutant only)
315 Regional reference site approach
320 Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys
140 Incidence of spills and/or fish kills
420 Water column surveys (e.g. fecal coliform)
Monitoring Levels
Biological 4
Habitat 4
Physical Chemistry 3
Toxic 0
Pathogen Indicators 3
Other Health Indicators 0
Other Aquatic Life Indicators 0
# of Bio Sites 3
BioIntegrity Good
Causes and Sources of Impairment
Causes Use Support Cause Magnitude Sources Source Magnitude
Cause Unknown Aquatic Life Support Not Impairing
  • Source Unknown
  • Not Impairing
Nutrients Aquatic Life Support Not Impairing
  • Source Unknown
  • Not Impairing
Siltation Aquatic Life Support Not Impairing
  • Source Unknown
  • Not Impairing
Flow alteration Aquatic Life Support Not Impairing
  • Source Unknown
  • Not Impairing
Other habitat alterations Aquatic Life Support Not Impairing
  • Source Unknown
  • Not Impairing
Pathogens Primary Contact Recreation High
  • Source Unknown
  • High