Iowa DNR

Water Quality Assessments

Impaired Waters List

Lime Creek IA 02-CED-524

mouth (SW 1/4 S4 T86N R10W Benton Co.) to confluence with unnamed tributary in S1 T87N R10W Buchanan Co.

Assessment Cycle
Result Period
1998 - 2000
Assessment Methodology
Assessment Type
Integrated Report
Category 0
Legacy ADBCode
IA 02-CED-0270_1
Overall Use Support
Aquatic Life Use Support
Fish Consumption
Not assessed
Assessment Comments

Assessment is based on (1) 2000 biocriteria data: Fish IBI= 78, BM-IBI= 78 (both - excellent) and (2) results of statewide survey of freshwater mussels in 1998-99.

Basis for Assessment

SUMMARY:  The Class B(WW) aquatic life uses are assessed (evaluated) as "partially supported" based on results of the 1998-99 statewide assessment of freshwater mussels in Iowa streams by Arbuckle et al.  (2000).   Results of IDNR/UHL biocriteria monitoring iin 2000, however, suggests "full support" of these aquatic life uses.   Fish consumption uses remain "not assessed."  EXPLANATION:  Results from the IDNR/UHL biocriteria sampling in 2000 suggest that the Class B(WW) uses are "fully supported."  The 2000 Fish IBI score was 78 (excellent) and the BM-IBI score was 78 (excellent).   The aquatic life use support was assessed as fully supported (=FS), based on a comparison of the F-IBI and BM-IBI scores with biological assessment criteria established specifically for the 2002 Section 305(b) report.  The biological assessment criteria were determined from a statistical analysis of data collected at stream ecoregion reference sites from 1994-2001.   Results from the 1998-99 statewide assessment of freshwater mussels in Iowa streams, however, suggest a potential impairment to the aquatic life uses of this stream segment.   As part of this study, sampling results from 1998 and 1999 (Arbuckle et al.  2000) were compared to results from stream sites surveyed in 1984 and 1985 by Frest (1987).   In general, this comparison showed sharp declines in the numbers of mussel species ("species richness") from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s.   For purposes of Section 305(b) reporting, results of this comparison were used by staff of the Iowa DNR Water Quality Bureau to assess the degree to which the aquatic life uses of the sampled stream segments are supported.   This assessment included the following factors:  (1) the percent change in the number of species of freshwater mussels found in the 1984-85 survey versus the 1998-99 survey and (2) the number of mussel species found in the 1998-99 survey.   Greater than a 50% decline in species richness from the 1984-84 to the 1998-99 period suggests an impairment of the aquatic life uses.   In addition, low species richness in the 1998-99 survey suggests potential impairment.   For purposes of Section 305(b) assessment only, staff of the IDNR Water Quality Bureau used results from Arbuckle et al.  (2000) to define categories of species richness for Iowa's mussel communities:  less than three species indicates low species richness and "nonsupport" or "partial support" of aquatic life use; from four to seven species indicates moderate species richness and potential minor impacts (="fully supported / threatened"); more than seven species indicates high species richness and "full support" of aquatic life uses.   Species richness of freshwater mussels at the one sample site in this segment of Lime Creek was 9 in the 1984-85 period and was 0 in the 1998-99 period for a percent change of -100%.   Based on these results, the Class B(WW) aquatic life uses are assessed (evaluated) as "partially supported."  As presented by Arbuckle et al.  (2000), the potential causes of declines in species richness of Iowa's freshwater mussels include siltation, destabilization of stream substrate, stream flow instability, and high instream levels of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen).   Their study also suggested the importance of stream shading provided by riparian vegetation to mussel species richness.   Additional monitoring is needed to better define the biological status of this stream segment.   Fish consumpiton uses remain "not assessed" due to the lack of fish contaminant monitoring in this stream segment.

Monitoring and Methods
Assessment Key Dates
8/9/2000 Biological Monitoring
9/30/1999 Fixed Monitoring End Date
9/30/1985 Fixed Monitoring Start Date
330 Fish surveys
380 Quan. measurements of instream parms-- channel morphology-- floodplain-- 1-2 seasons-- by prof
120 Surveys of fish and game biologists/other professionals
220 Non-fixed station physical/chemical monitoring (conventional pollutant only)
315 Regional reference site approach
320 Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys
Monitoring Levels
Biological 4
Habitat 4
Physical Chemistry 1
Toxic 0
Pathogen Indicators 0
Other Health Indicators 0
Other Aquatic Life Indicators 0
# of Bio Sites 2
BioIntegrity Fair
Causes and Sources of Impairment
Causes Use Support Cause Magnitude Sources Source Magnitude
Flow alteration Overall Use Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate
Flow alteration Aquatic Life Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate
Nutrients Overall Use Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate
Nutrients Aquatic Life Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate
Other habitat alterations Overall Use Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate
Other habitat alterations Aquatic Life Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate
Siltation Overall Use Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate
Siltation Aquatic Life Support Moderate
  • Source Unknown
  • Moderate