Iowa DNR

Water Quality Assessments

Impaired Waters List

South Pine Creek IA 01-UIA-263

mouth (S26 T99N R7W Winneshiek Co.) to north line of S21 T99N R7W Winneshiek Co.

Assessment Cycle
Result Period
2010 - 2012
Class A1 Class A2 Class B(CW1) Class HH
Assessment Methodology
Assessment Type
Integrated Report
Category 2a
Legacy ADBCode
IA 01-UIA-0250_0
Overall Use Support
Aquatic Life Use Support
Fish Consumption
Not assessed
Primary Contact Recreation
Not assessed
Secondary Contact Recration
Not assessed
Assessment Comments

Assessment based on 2007 and 2010 IDNR/SHL biological sampling data (CBI = 77, 82; CW BIC = 60) and on a 2012 summary of trout reproduction in Iowa streams prepared by the IDNR Fisheries Bureau.

Basis for Assessment

Note:  Prior to the 2008 Section 305(b) cycle, this stream segment was designated only for Class B(CW) aquatic life uses.   Due to changes in Iowa’s surface water classification that were approved by U.S.  EPA in February 2008, this segment is also now presumptively designated for Class A1 (primary contact recreation) and Class A2 (secondary contact recreation) uses.   This segment remains designated for coldwater aquatic life use (now termed Class B(CW1) uses), and for fish consumption uses (now termed Class HH (human health/fish consumption) uses.]  This stream segment is identified as an Outstanding Iowa Water under the antidegradation policy in the Iowa Water Quality Standards.

SUMMARY:  The presumptive Class A1 (primary contact recreation) uses and presumptive Class A2 (secondary contact recreation) uses remain "not assessed" (IR 3a) due to the lack of data for indicator bacteria upon which to base an assessment.   The Class B(CW1) coldwater aquatic life uses are assessed (monitored) as "fully supported" (IR 2a) based on 2007 and 2010 IDNR/SHL benthic macroinvertebrate sampling and on the February 2012 summary of trout reproduction in Iowa streams as prepared by the IDNR Fisheries Bureau.   Fish consumption uses remain "not assessed" (IR 3a).  

EXPLANATION:  Based on an updated summary of trout reproduction in Iowa streams prepared by the DNR Fisheries Bureau in February 2011, the Class B(CW1) uses remain assessed as "fully supported".   According to the updated summary, Pine Creek is in the group of Iowa coldwater streams that supports natural reproduction of trout.   Based on results of surveys by the IDNR Fisheries Bureau, this stream is placed in the category of Iowa trout streams that exhibit recent, but inconsistent reproductive success and that are generally not capable of maintaining a viable population for the resident trout species at this time.    This assessment is consistent with previous assessments of the ability of this stream to support natural reproduction of trout.    

In addition, The assessment of the Class B(CW1) aquatic life uses was based on data collected in 2007 and 2010 as part of the IDNR/SHL coldwater stream sampling project.   A series of biological metrics which reflect coldwater stream water quality and habitat integrity were calculated from the biological sampling data.   The biological metrics are based on the numbers and types of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa that were collected in the stream sampling reach.   The biological metrics were combined to make a coldwater benthic index (CBI).   The index ranks the biological integrity of a coldwater stream sampling reach on a rising scale from 0 (minimum) to 100 (maximum).   The 2007 CBI score was 82 and the 2010 CBI score was 77.  The aquatic life use support was assessed (monitored) as fully supporting (=FS), based on a comparison of the CBI scores with biological impairment criteria (BIC) established for the 2012 Section 305(b) report.  The biological impairment criteria were determined from a statistical analysis of data collected at coldwater stream reference sites from 1994-2011.  The CW BIC is 60 and this segment passed the CW BIC 2/2 times in the previous five years.  

Fish consumption uses remain "not assessed" due to lack of fish tissue monitoring in this stream reach.

Monitoring and Methods
Assessment Key Dates
2/1/2012 Biological Monitoring
8/4/2010 Biological Monitoring
8/14/2007 Biological Monitoring
120 Surveys of fish and game biologists/other professionals
315 Regional reference site approach
320 Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys
Monitoring Levels
Biological 3
Habitat 2
Physical Chemistry 0
Toxic 0
Pathogen Indicators 0
Other Health Indicators 0
Other Aquatic Life Indicators 0
# of Bio Sites 1
BioIntegrity Very Good