Iowa DNR

Water Quality Assessments

Impaired Waters List

Soldier River IA 06-SOL-1673

mouth (S17 T80N R45W Harrison Co.) to confluence with Jordan Cr. in S16 T82N R43W Monona Co.

Assessment Cycle
Result Period
1988 - 1990
Assessment Type
Integrated Report
Category 0
Legacy ADBCode
IA 06-SOL-0010_1
Overall Use Support
Not supporting
Aquatic Life Use Support
Not supporting
Fish Consumption
Not assessed
Assessment Comments

Assessment is based on results of IDNR ambient monthly monitoring (950032 - 21IOWA/DNR) near Pisgah.

Basis for Assessment

Reach was assessed as NS its Class B(WW) uses due to one sample with violations for chromium (acute) & copper (chronic).   This sample was collected in fall 1989, and TSS for that sample were 2,800 (i.e., an order of magnitude greater than is typical for this stream.   Reach was assessed as NS but source was identified as natural (8600).

Monitoring and Methods
Assessment Key Dates
230 Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants)
Monitoring Levels
Biological 0
Habitat 0
Physical Chemistry 0
Toxic 0
Pathogen Indicators 0
Other Health Indicators 0
Other Aquatic Life Indicators 0
# of Bio Sites 0
BioIntegrity N/A